
My principal Objectives.

So as of right now, I have three objectives: First and foremost comes becoming stronger, strength is literally the solution to most of my problems, and as the saying goes "If strength isn't working it just means you aren't using enough". Sadly cultivation a gradual process that needs to be tread carefully, but the good thing is that I am on a pretty good start.

I am not a [Beginer] rank anymore having reached the [Pratitioner] in this last fight, subsequently, I was also able to reach the [Second Step] of [Ki] control enabling me to use the [Soul-Crushing Strike] on Subordinate. And since I've reached both the [Pratitioner] rank and the [second Step] of [Ki] control I can finally start treating both my body and [Ki] at the same time and start to prepare for the Synchrony necessary for me to reach the [Third Step].

Another good thing reaching the [Secon Step] brought was of course the possibility of using [Inner Power Techniques] or in a more informal manner [Martial Skills]. This usually would be when a teacher of a determined school would start teaching some [Inner Power Techniques] for his students. I kind of skipped this due to me being able to copy those techniques with my [Sharingan], so the only thing I need to do is familiarize myself with the techniques, be sure that my body is capable/prepared to use them which I think won't be much of a problem seeing my big muscles, and of course Experience.

What I mean by experience is not what normal people would say about it, I can technically copy someone's technique, but I don't have the experience in using then. The correct timing and place of using such a technique are of course important, for example, I can copy someone's sword technique and know masterfully how to swing a sword, but I will never have the battlefield experience of the master who trained in the sword.

Yep, when I say "experience" I am referring to battle experience, I may have fought some normal people but my only experience fighting a cultivator was this last fight against Subordinate and the terrorist. Which is already a pretty good score for someone so new to this cultivation world, but I still pale in comparison with the other old monsters, Liking it or not the old monster of the world of cultivation probably has been in innumerable battles in their whole life.

Thankfully my battle experience deficiency is something easy to cure, I just have to fight and survive. That is all. It's something that sounds extremely simple, and it is, but it also contains danger, we are talking about a battle again people who could split skulls with a slap.

My second but not less important objective is, of course, my mother's cure. That prospect is looking better and better with time, with the new info first I thought it would only make my life more difficult and add more drama to an already drama-filled life. Thankfully I already have a possible solution and if I play my cards right I can safely cure my mother.

The shitty thing is that this fall under my least favorable subjects, social interactions, I may not have a problem with it but I am no charismatic or social genius, thankfully I have my [Sharingan] and the databank of profiling I made, it is not infallible, but it still gotta help me a lot on this endeavor.

Being the negotiator would be essential, I first need a correct type of hospital that at least is aware of the cultivation world. After that a little bit of help from the Medicine Clan on making the correct medicine with the raw material I provide, and if they were able to revive Lee Shi-Ho they most definitely can help me. And before any of that, I first need to obtain the raw material which is at the same time the easiest and most difficult part.

But none of these are free, those people aren't charities after all, and even if my situation is quite sad, there are millions of other people passing through the same thing, or maybe even worse. Liking it or not, they would need something in return for helping me. Thankfully I recently acquired innumerable [Inner Power Techniques] that I am quite sure can fetch me some pretty high prices, and I don't care in the least about selling most of them bar the [Origin Techniques]. With this, I have at least a plan of action and objective concerning my mother's situation.

My third objective is of course vengeance. Did you really think I have forgotten? I may have to forgive those bastards for the time being, due to me being young and weak, but I never forgot about it. It's impossible for me to forget the whole reason I awakened the [Sharingan] after all.

But vengeance is still a little bit far away, sadly I am not strong enough yet and it would be stupid of me to be screaming that I will kill them knowing I am this weak right now. But becoming stronger is just a matter of time and training right now.

Now that I think about it... Wasn't that terrorist group part of the Houn Dogs? and that phrase "Goomoonryong is God". This could mean that the hound dogs at least have some connection to S.U.C. which means that they are at least somewhat linked to Kaiser and the [Black Forest Defense Group]. Shit, it appears that I would need to fight S.U.C. too in the future.

"Are you there Jin?"(Zen).

"Sorry... I was thinking about..."(Jin).

"Don't worry, we just wanted to tell you goodbye. We need to go after all."(Zen).

"Yeah. liking it or not I am technically a fugitive right now. So it's better if I don't waste any more time."(Recruit).

"And your wound man, it got hurt like hell-"(Jin).

"Don't worry, with [Ki] I can easily endure it for some days, and if I don't exert myself on these days I can safely recover. Talking about wounds your hand-"(Recruit)

"Don't worry, I got this one covered. I just would like to say Bye and thank both of you for all the help. I don't know what would happen if I continued clueless."(Jin).

"No problem, we can be considered comrades after such a fight. And don't forget to call me when you have things ready. I may be Chinese but I still have a lot of things I can do here in Korea, principally with my civilian persona."(Zen).

"Sure man, Thanks again."(Jin).

"Heh, Bye and take care of yourself giant man."(Zen).

"Bye Jin. Remember to be careful of the Boss too."(Recruit).

"Bye comrades and lets fate decide our next meeting."(Jin).

The three of us exited the construction site and proceeded in different directions. Three completely strange people who somehow were connected by fate, who fought and triumphed together. And after such a night I couldn't help but just think that this is just the begining.

WARNING: I will take some liberties with the content, IT WON'T BE CANONICALLY ACCURATE. So please don't state the obvious, it's just a waste of time.

DISCLAIMER: I only own my own original creations, the rest is owned by their respective owners.

~~Thanks for reading~~

ClearSkySagecreators' thoughts