

A.I7: "Okay Host I've got the information."

Rose: "Tell me."

"So, basically the up-coming assessment will be the teamwork assessment. It will be assessed in survival competition that requires the teams to reach the marked locations. There is limited time for the teams to arrive at marked locations which is 72 hours.

The team would be eliminated and gets zero point if exceeded the time limit. Even though the team gets zero point, the members in the team will be given bonus points according to their individual performance.

The maximum bonus points are 20 points. The first team arrive at marked location are given 100 points, second team 85 points, third team 70 points and the rest are 50 points."

Rose: "Marked locations? So, there are few of marked locations?"

A.I7: "Yes. There are five marked locations; A, B, C, D and E."

Rose: "And how much members in one team?"

A.I7: "Each team has ten members. Hence, there are 50 teams in total."

Ten members? That's a lot of people. Rose was felt agonized with number of persons in a team. If a team consist less than 5 people, it is easier to coperate. But with ten people, it is much easier to cause complication.

Rose: "Do you know who will be my teammates?"

A.I7: "No, Host. The name list has no yet been decided. There are probability the name list will announce on the assessment day."

Well sh*t. This assessment was really challenging. Without knowing teammate's strength, weakness or personality, cooperation within team may successful or not.

Rose only wish she not in the same team with Stevan and his 'friends'. That was only gives headache and troubles to her. She must do a preparation to counterattack them if they goes to her to get their revenge. She always felt an unease feeling when Stevan just remained glaring at her without doing anything to her.

I have bad feeling what will happen during the assessment.

Rose: "Can't you do some hacking or whatsover, A.I7?"

A.I7: "Denied, Host. I only can guide Host and give information. Any interference will cost punishment by system."

Rose: "..."

Well, when sh*t happen, I just can pick up the sh*t.

Right now, my priority is pass the assessment and avoid the enemy a.k.a Steven and the gang.