1 001: After the conquer

After all the hard work, the war had finally ended, and we were the ones that had conquered the enemy. We had killed its king and the queen, and we had caught their adoptive child alive.

When we asked His majesty what to do with him, he told us to keep him in the monsters' training basement with a white rabbit, as a grin drew in his face. It was pretty easy to tell that he had a plan, and it was certainly a cruel one. For the time being, we left him in an empty room in the basement with a white rabbit, just as he told us, and closed him there.

Although His majesty hadn't told me anything, knowing how cruel he was, he would probably leave him without any food until he killed the rabbit. If I had to guess about the overall objective for keeping the kid... He probably wanted to train him into an assassin, and one of the monstrous ones. After that... who knows... the time being, I would keep guarding his majesty, after all, that was my duty. That should have been my only worry so I stopped thinking about that stuff.
