
Chapter 1: Death & Rebirth

The city lights were shining brightly as my mid length, straight black hair swayed slightly in the cold wind, my grey eyes staring warmly at the scene in front of me.

[???] "you coming Kai?"

I couldn't help but smile as my friends call out from in front of me. How long has it been since I've done something like this? Going into the city and actually getting to enjoy myself a bit, hang out with friends I hadn't seen in ages. We'd just gone to see a movie and now we're headed to a nearby night club.

[Kai] "yeah, wait up!"

I ran a little and managed to catch up to them. A total of 4 other people. A short, long black haired, pale skinned girl, 20 years old, 7 months younger than me was Amy. Next to her, with his hand intertwining with hers was someone I'd only met recently but seemed like a good guy. He is about a year older than her with short brown hair, relatively tall, and a good build, his name's Caedan. Next to him was the girl that called out earlier, dyed auburn red hair that seemed to gently caress her shoulders as it seamlessly rested there, calm yet piercing blue eyes that contrasted the fiery colour of her hair. She is a little taller than Amy and is one month older than her. Her name is Sara, the girl I fell in love with the moment I first met her. Directing my gaze in the direction of the guy standing next to her, my mind was filled with disdainful thoughts. He's tall, well built, handsome, well mannered, kind, easy to talk to and his well groomed blonde hair and blue eyes gave him the perfect aryan look. He is the epitome of an ikemen. The guy has no flaws! If this were a novel he'd be the hero, the protagonist. Comparing him to me was like comparing a stone to a mountain. My black hair, grey eyes, pale, sun deprived skin that made me look ever so slightly ghostly or vampiric, I'm weak, admittedly lazy and half my life has been spent with doctors or in the hospital while the other half is spent lying in bed or sitting on the couch with a bucket in my hands feeling sorry for myself. In a story where that guy, Arthur, obviously named after the king, was a hero, I'd be the background character that dies without my face being seen. Simply put, I don't like that guy, I admit it, I'm jealous. He isn't just the perfect example of a human being, he's from a rich family too. How unfair could this be?!

[Amy] "you okay Kai? You look pale..."

[Kai] "no paler than you."

[Amy] "hey!"

[Kai] "*chuckles* sorry, I'm ok."

[Amy] "stop making fun of me.."

[Arthur] "*whispering to Sara* remind me why he's here again? He doesn't exactly have the best personality."

[Kai] *thoughts* "nice"

[Sara] "*whispering back* I'm not exactly fond of him either but he's supposed to be dead next week so I'm baring with it and you can do the same."

Eh? What... what's with that? Not fond? Baring with it? And the nonchalant way she brushed off my death... I couldn't help but let out a small "tch".

[Kai] "I need some fresh air."

[Amy] "what?"

I started walking away from the group of people.

[Sara] "where are you going?"

[Kai] "somewhere clear of your bullshit."

[Sara] "what? You're our friend! Don't be mean!"

[Kai] "Fuck off! I won't be around much longer anyway right? So what's the point in pretending."

I walked off down the street, turning towards an alley and walking through with a solemn, upset and angry look on my face.

[Arthur] "I guess he heard us.."

[Amy] "should we go after him?"

[Caedan] "I think he probably needs some space right now. Let's just head to the club."

[Amy] "I..."

[Sara] "*sigh* I'm gonna go look for him."

[Arthur] "then I'm coming with you."

[Sara] "you don't have to."

[Arthur] "you're my girlfriend. I'm not just gonna let you walk into a dark alley with that guy by yourself."

[Sara] "*blushing* th-thanks."

- 3rd person

Kai walked through the dark, trash filled alley with an angry look on his face and a pained feeling in his heart. Two of the people back there he had grown to care for more than family. They were people he would willingly throw himself in front of a speeding truck for, however, it was now obvious to him that they didn't even remotely feel the same way. In Kai's head, they thought of him as nothing more than a sickly hinderance. This thought caused Kai to throw his fist to the side, hitting the hard, brick wall of the building next to him.

[Kai] "ouch! Shit! Fuck!"

[???] "what'd that wall ever do ta you kid?"

[Kai] "what?"

An older man with long white hair and a grizzly beard was sitting camouflaged with the garbage.

[Homeless man] "at least you're having a better night than that chick."

[Kai] "huh?"

Kai looked over in the direction the homeless man was talking about and he could make out the figure of 4 men harassing a single female. Kai, almost completely out of instinct began heading over to where they were but stopped himself when he realised, this is real life. Not a novel or a game.

[Homeless man] "you got a death wish kid? That shit happens around here, just ignore it or you're a goner."

As the homeless man spoke, one thought raced through Kai's mind.

[Kai] "I'm already dead anyway..."

One week. That's how long Kai had left to live, so, it didn't really matter to him anymore if it ended a little prematurely.

[Homeless man] "suit yourself kid. I ain't helping."

Kai ignored the homeless man and walked towards the group, picking up an iron pipe on his way, ready to relieve himself of his pent up stress and anger. As he approached, one of the men tapped the others on the shoulder and pointed the youth out to them.

[Man] "Oi! The fuck you want!?"

[Kai] "I came to ask if you'd let that girl go. She doesn't exactly look like she's enjoying herself.

[Man 2] "Fuck off prick! You want to die!?"

[Kai] "no one wants that. *smiles coldly* but everyone dies eventually."

[Man] "that pipe..."

[Man 3] "this crazy bastard wants to try something."

The men let go of the half naked girl who immediately sprinted off in the other direction.

[Man] "Ahhh shit. Look what you've done now. You're gonna have ta give us some compensation for that."

[Kai] "be my pleasure. How's a one-way express trip to the afterlife sound?"

Without saying another word, Kai raced forward, pipe in hand as the four men each drew small knives from their jacket pockets. As Kai's pipe collided with the head of one of the men, collapsing his skull, the mans knife was caught in Kai's side, causing blood to leak from the wound. At the same time the three others became enraged at their friend or

co-conspirator being killed, slashing and stabbing at the 21 year old, pipe wielding maniac in front of them. Kai's body became riddled with wounds as he swung the pipe to the right, connecting with another of the men's heads, instantly killing him.

[Man] "how the fuck!?"

[Kai] "Oxymorphone Hydrochloride."

[Man 3] "wha-?!"

[Kai] "*Swings pipe* painkillers dumbass!"

Kai's swing brought down yet another man, hitting him in the shoulder and breaking it, causing the man to bend over allowing Kai to knee him in the face.

[Kai] "very strong painkillers."

[Man] "you're fucking crazy..!"

[Kai] "*tilts head slightly* what's your point?"

The two men hadn't realised, but an auburn haired girl and a tall blonde man had just appeared at the scene.

[Sara] "Kai?"

The two looked towards the voice with the man holding a knife getting a bright idea as an evil smirk crossed his face. He began running towards the pair. Kai, noticing this, chased after him immediately and, thanks to the painkillers, adrenaline and a naturally high pain tolerance, he was able to catch up to the man, tackling him to the ground and knocking his head on the stone pavement, killing him. This didn't come without a consequence however, as the mans knife was now firmly planted in the centre of Kai's chest. The wounds were starting to effect him as Kai began to breath heavily and blood escaped from everywhere on his body.

[Man 3] "fuckers..."

The man who had his shoulder broken earlier had his knife in his other hand and charged towards the 3, aiming for Sara. Arthur jumped in front of her but it was without reason as Kai used the last of his strength to push himself from the ground, spin around, and use the force of the spin to completely decimate the mans face with the steel pipe and send him flying back a few feet in the process before Kai finally collapsed, barely breathing.

[Sara] "k-Kai..."

[Arthur] "Sara, go call for an ambulance! I'll stay here in case there are more of those guys!"

[Sara] "eh!? R-right!"

Sara ran out of the alley in a panic.

[Kai] "*thoughts* don't...go..."

[Arthur] "*Sigh* do you have any idea what you've done asshole?"

[Kai] "*thoughts* what...?"

[Arthur] "if everything had gone well, you'd get injured or die back there and I'd be the hero who'd protect her. Galliantly rescuing her from the knife wielding maniac!"

[Kai] "*Thoughts* the fuck...?"

[Arthur] "do you have any idea how long it's gonna take for that bitch to forget about you now!? You saved her life and died in the process, how's anyone supposed to outdo that you piece of shit! *kicks Kai in the side*"

[Kai] "*Thoughts* serves you right... asshole."

[Arthur] "you better hope I don't see you in the next life or I'll fucking kill you myself!"

[Kai] "get... fucked."

Arthurs' face twisted in anger at Kais' dying words. He walked over to the body of the last man, bent over and picked up the small knife before turning to face Kai.

[Arthur] "you know what. Forget about the next world. I'll just finish you off now."

With those last words, Arthur stabbed the knife into Kai's neck, causing him to choke on blood and Kai's world faded to black.




[???] "poor child destined to die. I've been watching from afar, from within and without, you've not had the most fortunate life."

[Kai] "no shit."

[???] "would you like another chance?"

[Kai] "what?"

[???] "a new world with power greater than anything you can imagine. Will you take it?"

At the strange disembodied voice that sounded neither male nor females proposition, a recent memory flashed through Kai's head.

[Arthur] "you better hope I don't see you in the next life or I'll fucking kill you myself!"

A spine chilling grin reared its ugly head on Kai's face.

[Kai] "I'll take it."

During that short time, something in Kai's mind had broken, snapped, he decided that he would do whatever was necessary to survive in whatever new world he found himself in, and would even pray for the moment he could put his hands around Arthur's neck in the next life.

[???] "my name... would be much to difficult for you to understand, so simply refer to me as the rest of your people do. As God. become my entertainment and bring peace or destruction to the world."

[Kai] "Sorry, I don't believe in God."

The voice seems to chuckle for a moment as the whole world seemed to shake.

[???] "Then just call me Entity. Is that better?"

[Kai] "I suppose."

[Entity] "Then, back to the business at hand. What have you decided?"

[Kai] "I get to choose?"

[Entity] "would you listen if you didn't?"

[Kai] "haha, nope, I'll do whatever the hell I want."

[Entity] "the next world shall become a rather interesting place then."

As the disembodied, androgynous voice now known as Entity said it's last words, the black area turned white and Kai felt a strange, warm yet cold, peaceful yet chaotic feeling enter his body. Finally, he opened his eyes.
