
Reborn Mechanic Lords

Finding yourself reincarnated to Terminator World is hard. Found out that you get reincarnated into a Fanfic Universe is harder. Between capturing the loyalty of sexy robots, gaining followers, waging war with other worlds, and ensuring your world influence do not fall. There is no rest for the wicked. Inspired and my own take version of a Chinese Fanfic, Mechanic of Infinite Legends by Sir Mirror. Considering he/she delete the fanfic, this is my take of his version. The premise and system won't always be following the canon storyline. Because, the one getting reincarnated is not the same person.

Kur0s · 映画
60 Chs

Chapter 21

Leon and the team stop and take some rest in an abandoned warehouse. Both the FBI team are freaked out and silent as they see Cameron exposed exoskeleton as she tries to fix herself.

"What the hell was that, and what the hell are that?" Hayden asked to Leon as he also point to Cameron.

"Gentleman, that was a Terminator Robot from the future, sent to kill me. And this is also a Terminator, reprogrammed to protect me" answer Leon.

So for the next hours Leon tells both of them the story of Skynet, robots send to kill his mother in 1984, about T-1000 trying to kill him a few days ago and T-800 protecting him, about the Dragon Group, about the Cyberdyne, and about getting his mother out of Folsom Prison.

"What the hell is that story. You've got to be lying" ask Hayden.

"No, it all makes sense now. Beside the from the future theory, the ability to mimic any person would fill out why a dead cop that should have been dead for hours was recorded walking and ordering others chasing you. Why the Cyberdyne act strange. Its all fit"

"Thanks for believing me this time"

"I think I understand why you try to bring out your mother from the Prison now" said Ellison.

"So who is that Bald Terminator? Isn't it T-1000, or did Skynet sent a new model" ask Sarah to Cameron

As she tried to fix her joint, Cameron answered "Model unknown, definitely not T-1000, T-1000 basic form is human. It can't split to many individuals, it is either T-X or T-XA"

"Definitely T-XA" answered Leon, "I have information about T-X models and abilities. T-X models are definitely female, it has basic endoskeleton, what cover this Super Terminator is liquid metal skin, so that bald man definitely T-XA"

"Super Terminator?" ask Sarah

"T-X in other words are the Terminator of Terminators. Its purpose not only kill human targets, but also to kill Terminators who betray Skynet"

"How could you know this information"

"I talked with Shi Mingdong about this in passing. Never think we would deal with it this soon. According to future information, T-X and T-XA are experimental units which its technology and material goes beyond the mass production model. What is more important is T-X could control other Machines"

"Including other Terminator?" ask Cameron

"Including you"

"Control other Machines...…. like you?"

"Nope not like me, similar perhaps as T-X use a nano injector to implant a virus into the system. But my ability is different, it's probably a mix of telepathy, electromaster, and telekinetic restricted to mechanical things. This is gonna be our Trump card against Skynet"

"You will succeed"

"Nah, we will succeed. You would go marry, find a good man, and give me a sister or brother mom. Tsunade could cure you"

Sarah complexion than become serius "Right now our important issue is these T-XA and those strange mysterious people. John are you saying these people came from Main God Space?" ask Sarah.

"Had you told her?" ask Leon.

"Yeah" said Tsunade.

"Very likely. It is a great chance that these people have some mission from that System in this world"

"So why are they fighting each other?"

Cameron intercede, "Isn't it normal that there are those who betrays each other?" she continued "In fact Skynet did have some Rebellion"

"Like the T-800 and you?" say Leon.

"No, the Cyborg Resistance Army exists. They have their own will and they are not caused by Humans"

"Huh, so even Cyborgs of Skynet awaken their own self awareness. An irony for Skynet isn't it"

"I don't really have clear information. But there are report on Cyborg Resistance did fight Skynet"

As Leon pondered the situation, he remembered the thing that was given by the girl in the Fox characters coat is that cloth sack. As he brought it out, he frowned, why there is a game inventory interface in front of him. A 4 x4 grid inventory that is quite a norm for a lot of MMORPG gamers. In one part of it are showing a tool box with a x10 on it.

As he mentally clicks the tool box icon, a case suddenly appears on his hand, as he open it,

He was surprised watching a tool inside. As he tries to analyze the items, it said "Robotic Repair Kit", Source <Fallout 4>.

He makes a surprised face. Damn it was a good gift. Not to mention the cloth bag, these things are good enough cheat tools to fix Cameron. As he walks, he heard a system report

"Role obtained, World Plot knowledge has passed 50 point" hmm it seems his L status was upgraded.

As he walks to Cameron with the "Robotic Repair Kit" he point it at her. She tilted her head in confusion, and doubt. As the repair kit first emitted a red ray scanning Cameron from head to toe, after that it emitted a green ray that focused on Cameron's damaged part, soon those damaged parts started to fix itself. As the green ray goes pale, all part of her, even her bionic skin was restored without blemish.

She was looking at her hand and feet, "It has completely repaired", then she blinked her eye on the repair kit "Is it nano robot? When I was sent Skynet wasn't able to make this things, but you already make it?"

She looks at Leon with a cute face full of question marks. So Leon just pat her head.

"So where do we go from here?" ask Ellison.

"We finish this work. If we aren't entangled with you guys, we could have evaded T-XA in the first place" said Sarah, she than face Leon "We can't stay hidden, the enemy ability and power is keep increasing. The only one having the combat power to deal with them are you, Tsunade and Cameron"

"What? that girl?" ask Hayden pointing at Tsunade.

Tsunade just gave a smile and demonstrated her strength by punching a steel plate. The plate was pierced by her punch.

"Don't worry mom, we deal with it"