
Being Reborn, and Timeskips.

"Huh why's it so dark."


"Who the hell hit my ass."



you can hear two babies crying.

"Huh where am I?"

I feel myself being placed in someone's arms.

From now on your names are Kazuma and Kise. A gentle female voice says.

Hmmm seems I was reborn, I say looking up at the women who seems to be my mother.

She's a very beautiful women with golden eyes and long silky golden hair standing next to her is a handsome man with blonde hair golden eyes, a sharp jaw and sharp eyes with long eyelashes, I had to do a double take when I saw him, he kinda looks feminine and manly at the same time, and standing next to him are two beautiful girls with blonde hair and golden eyes, they seem to be about 6 and 4 years old.

Mama mama, is this our new brothers. The six year old says.

Mama mama new dollies. The four year old says.

"Hell no I'm not a dolly."

No Ayame this is your new family, you have to look after them nicely your their older sister. My new father says.

Yukio will be a good older sister pwomise. Yukio the older looking one says.

Ayame will too! says our younger sister.

Thats good, mommy knows you two are going to be good older sisters. Our mom says.

Aiko look at our babies eye colour, he's eye colour its blue like sparkling pool water. My dad says.

Yes Jun, he's eyes are so beautiful, even he's hair is ash blonde. My mom says.

And look at Kise he takes after he's mom with her good looks, with he's blonde hair and golden eyes.

A nurse walks in and she has blue hair.

"Weird did she dye her hair"

The doctor walks in as well and he has pink hair.

" Wow ok this must be an anime world, my family is way too good looking"

Mr and Mrs Ryota everything seems to be fine the babies are very healthy, you can go home in a two days we just wanna make sure nothing bad happens.

Thank you doctor. My mom says.

"Wait Kise Ryota I'm about 60% sure I'm in kuroko bo basketball"

I can't help but laugh at that i love Kuroko this is a dream come true.

Look mommy Kazu is smiling. Yukio says.

That breaks me out of my stupor.

Yes Yuki, ahh my little Kazuma is so handsome. Mom says, smiling gently at me.

After two days we make our way home and I gotta say its not a house, its basically a castle its so huge.

We go inside and what greets us is like 10 maids and an old guy, the old guy steps forward, kinda looks like Sebas from overlord.

Welcome home master and mistress and young masters and mistresses.

Thank you Tian I'm glad to be home. Says our mother.

Alright Miku, Riku take the young masters to their Room, you'll be their personal maids from now on. Says our father

Two blue haired beautiful women step forward.

Yes Sir. Says Riku and she takes me.

Miku steps forward and takes Kise.

I'm brought to my room, its massive there's toys everywhere and a two bedded crib.

Wow this is awesome, well I don't mind the pampering, but as soon as im 5 im going to start training, I'll need to find a street ball park soon, I don't want Kise to get into basketball yet, in our first year of middle school, we'll join Teikos team together, for now I'll only play street ball, maybe ask dad to hire a ex pro to train me, eh we'll see.

Time skip...

I'm 5 years old now, since I was two I would train my body, by running around our yard, my parents are always busy so I hardly see them, its basically Riku and Miku that raised me and Kise, I love my parents though when they are around they spoil us rotten and are very affectionate.

I was quiet strong for my age, my body was weird it seemed to be so much better than a normal humans, its like my body didn't have a limit,and no matter how hard I trained, i didn't stop getting better, also I seem to have perfect recall, anything I look at once I never forget, but that isn't even my golden finger as they say, I actually stopped time for about 2 seconds, well not stop time its more like my brain goes into a overdrive and everything moves extremely slow, also thanks to that my reflexes are extremely quick, like if someone throws something at me if I actually try the ball seems to move in slow motion, but in overdrive my reflexes work to the max time actually stops, and when It does stop I can't really move freely but I can move atleast a small step like 3 cm forwards or backwards or sideways, it also gives me time to think, so it'll be really helpful with basketball, if I need to maybe change my hand position when someone's about to block me or dodge a steal, eventually I think I'll have more freedom to move, to others it looks like I did something extremely quickly or even dissapeared , im embarrassed to admit but I found out how to do this when I threw a tantrum because Yukio was trying to dress me up like a doll, I wouldn't have it so when I started crying, time suddenly froze, and I avoided her hands by moving slightly to the left, so she missed putting on the dress, but afterwards I passed out I overused overdrive and my small brain couldn't handle it, I'll have to use it when I'm a bit older I'll need to practice to control it perfectly.

Anyway my sisters Yukio and Ayame seems to be abit obsessed with me and Kise but more so me, but its Yukio, she never leaves my side, gives me baths, dresses me, she doesn't like Riku touching me or any of the other maids, she only doesn't mind Ayame hopefully she doesn't become a yandere, eh I'm sure its fine, im actually a pretty good looking kid, Ash blonde hair long hair that reaches the top of my back its a bit wavy and silky smooth, Aqua blue colored eyes, and a slightly feminine but extremely cute face, there's no doubt ill be even more handsome than Kise, I look like Kaoru Saionji (https://images.app.goo.gl/9dLwFTeApUS5NvSy5) but with ash blonde hair and aqua blue eyes.

My sister's are always taking photos of me, I mean why can't they bother Kise some more, they're always fighting over who can cuddle me when we sleep.

Anyway im now 8 years old, so I made Riku take me out to play in the local park nearby she agreed, hmm seems my parents are ok with it Riku doesn't do things with out my moms say so, luckily my sisters are still busy with school, mom and dad don't allow us to go to normal schools till we reach middle school then we have to go to a prestigious school, ie teiko well I don't mind this arrangement, it allows me to go out and play basketball after I finish my schooling, and since I'm super smart, I finish my lessons around 1pm in the afternoon, in fact I don't even need them, but I'm not going to overly expose myself, right now I already finished primary level of schooling, the tutors started teaching me advanced level subjects, like the basics of middle school subjects, they said they're prepping me to enter middle school, oh yea actually since Kise is my moms favorite he was actually allowed to go to a normal school, but because I'm the heir, I needed a more difficult education, im not even then heir my sister Yuki is. I actually think its more my sisters interfering that they won't let me go to school, probably wanna keep me too themselves, older sisters so annoying and the thing is, for some reason I can't go against them especially Yukio, she holds so much power over me, I think I'm low-key scared of her, if I don't do as she says well it never ends well for me, she's very scary when she wants to be, I can't believe I an adult, or atleast I think I was, am scared of a little girl.

Anyway me and Riku leave with the car.

I've actually had a chance to practice basketball,I made Riku buy me one when I said I was bored after lessons, what she doesn't know is when they all slept I would be practicing my basketball skills and my overdrive, to be honest my skill level I can beat your average street baller with ease and probably the star of a mid level Middle school and probably even a normal first year highschool kid, that's with out overdrive, I suppose with overdrive I'll probably still lose to a Nijimura level talent, to be honest the only reason I got so good is because of watching nba games and using my perfect recall to imprint all the stars moves into my mind, I even watched old videos of Michael Jordan, I can easily copy he's move for some reason, my talent in basketball is probably GOM level, no probably more every, I found everything really easy to learn, dribbling, im basically Kyrie Irving the ball stays glued to my hands, my shooting form is perfect, even in my small body shooting with a normal form is easy, and for a kid i can jump extremely high, atleast 30 inches high.

Actually Riku lets find a basketball court, I'd like to test out my skills.

I understand young master right away.

We drove around and eventually we got to a court, hmm seems everyone is playing casually.

Suddenly I spot a blue headed kid playing with adults and standing close to the court is a pink headed girl.

"Perfect seems I get to meet Aomine and Satsuki"

Ok Riku, I'll play here stay in the car i don't want you to embarrass me.

Riku understands young master.

Its just I don't want them to think I'm a spoiled rich kid. I say hoping to sooth Riku if I did hurt her feelings.

Riku understands young master worry not.

Ok time to play some basketball.