
Chapter 19:"Kindness is a luxury I cannot afford with my enemies"

The streets of Valyria were ablaze with dragonfire as the dragon knights of House Laennalys clashed fiercely with those of House Narnareon in the sky. The city descended into chaos, a maelstrom of fire and fury. The other dragon lords wisely chose not to intervene in this brutal struggle. For them, Vahaemorys's triumph meant a weakened rival.

When Vahaemorys returned to the castle, victorious but with a slap from his mother to greet him. It seemed she wasn't entirely pleased with his actions. Undeterred, Vahaemorys ordered his mother to be imprisoned with Vaeloria, fearing she might try to restrain him. He took his seat in the courtyard, ready to attend to the remaining matters at hand with Drakaroth, Typharon, and Vaeloria standing by his side.

Soon, Narnareon knights arrived, escorting the captured knights of House Laennalys, numbering over fifty in total.

In the courtyard, a line of captured knights stood, each bearing the wounds of their recent battle, many inflicted by their own dragons due to Vahaemorys's identity as the Dragon King. The Dragon Knight Commander of House Laennalys was the first to be brought before Vahaemorys, with the rest of the captured knights standing behind him. He glared at Vahaemorys with pure hatred, seething at the humiliation he had endured, especially at the hands of a mere child.

Vahaemorys met the commander's gaze but remained silent for a few tense moments. Then, he calmly uttered, "Your master is gone, and he has sold all of you to me." The commander, still bound, retorted with defiance, "Over my dead body. You're nothing but a brat. You won't get anything from me, and I will remain loyal to House Laennalys until my dying breath." He spat in front of Vahaemorys, a final act of defiance.

Vahaemorys, however, responded with a sinister smile and ordered, "Behead him." Two knights stepped forward to escort the commander a few paces, while a third knight prepared to carry out the execution. But just before the sword could fall, Vahaemorys halted the executioner with a slight gesture. He then turned to the knight next to him and said, "Bring them."

The commander's expression shifted from defiance to horror as Vahaemorys's knight brought forward the commander's only daughter and his son, whom he had hidden even from his lord. It was an unexpected discovery that had shattered the commander's mind. With a trembling voice, he pleaded, "Young Lord, show mercy to them. I have sinned, but they are innocent. I am willing to become your slave."

Vahaemorys glanced at the desperate father, and with a cruel smile, he said, "Lick clean the spit you've so willingly offered." The commander hesitated but eventually obeyed, casting one last glance at his crying children. After this humiliating act, Vahaemorys allowed him to step back. The commander's confusion grew as two of Vahaemorys's knights held his hands. Vahaemorys gave a signal, and suddenly, a sword pierced through the hearts of the commander's children. They gasped and cried out in pain, their lives fading away.

Vahaemorys callously remarked, "Kindness is a luxury I cannot afford with my enemies. How can I allow a disease to potentially infect me in the future?" The commander screamed in agony as he watched his children die. Finally, Vahaemorys ordered, "Pierce a sword through his heart and let him have his last moments." One of the knights complied, and the commander's life came to a brutal and horrifying end.

The remaining knights of House Laennalys watched the horrifying scene unfold before them, their faces twisted with horror and disbelief. In their eyes, Vahaemorys had transformed into a malevolent figure, a little devil who reveled in cruelty. They had been blind to the sins they had committed in the name of their duty, burning innocent lives without differentiating by age. But now, facing a similar horror, they saw Vahaemorys as a true embodiment of evil.

Vahaemorys, however, found satisfaction in their expressions of terror. Though he had lost an experienced commander, he had gained more pawns who feared him. Once more, he asserted, "Your master is gone, and he has sold all of you to me. You are no longer bound to Laennalys. You belong to me."

One of the captured knights immediately expressed his willingness to serve Vahaemorys. In response, Vahaemorys remarked with a touch of sarcasm, "How sensitive of you. You and your family may continue to live."

However, another knight voiced his concerns, saying, "My lord, my dragon has abandoned me, and I am no longer a dragon knight." Vahaemorys chuckled in response, revealing a dark truth, "He didn't abandon you. I ordered him to kill you, but instead, he only injured you." The knights were left baffled by this revelation.

One knight couldn't contain his curiosity and asked, "My lord, please enlighten us." Vahaemorys then declared with authority, "I am the Dragon King. All dragons in this world are my subjects." When the knights heard these words, they could hardly believe their ears, and a single question filled their minds: "Has the prophecy come true?"

Vahaemorys proceeded to issue a command, saying, "Unbind them." His knights quickly obeyed, setting the captured knights of House Laennalys free.

Vahaemorys commanded, "Swear your loyalty to me." The captured knights complied, reciting their oaths of allegiance. In response, a strange energy infiltrated their bodies, and a phoenix mark manifested on their shoulders. Vahaemorys reassured them, "No need to worry. I am not ignorant enough to believe empty words. I have cast a curse mark on you. Should you ever entertain thoughts of betrayal, you and your descendants, no matter how distant, will suffer a painful death."

The knights looked at Vahaemorys with a mixture of fear and disbelief. He continued with a smile, "I have bestowed upon you a gift: immortality. You will protect me until the end." They didn't entirely comprehend Vahaemorys's words, but they unquestionably believed in the curse he had described.

Next, Vahaemorys ordered the Lady of House Laennalys and her daughter to be brought forward. The knights escorted them, both bound and helpless. The Lady pleaded for her daughter's life, but Vahaemorys remained indifferent to her pleas. He ignored her desperate pleas.

Vahaemorys approached the Lady and, with his eyes glowing briefly, returned them to normal. No one else present noticed this subtle change. Vahaemorys returned to his seat and addressed the trembling daughter of Jaehaerion, saying, "I have heard rumors about a Lady of House Laennalys who takes pleasure in disfiguring and burning those she finds attractive. Is this true, young Lady of Laennalys?"

The daughter could only muster a faint denial, whispering, "It's not true."

Vahaemorys smiled and said, "Since you are not willing to admit it, allow me to demonstrate the same terror to you." A knight then brought forth a liquid known for its ability to melt even steel and doused the girl's face with it. She screamed in agony with all her might until her life was extinguished.

The former knights of House Laennalys kept their heads bowed, refusing to witness the gruesome scene before them.

The behavior of Lady Laennalys bewildered the onlookers, as she gazed at Vahaemorys without displaying any discernible emotions. Vahaemorys gave his instructions to the knights, saying, "Detain them for the time being and handle the aftermath." He then departed, accompanied by Drakaroth, Typharon, and Vaeloria, and made his way back to his chambers.
