
Reborn in the Narutoverse

2 Chapters a Weekday, 2,000 Words Minimum! Aron Smith had died a worthy death; diagnosed with a brain tumor that could take his life at any given moment, when a freak incident occurred, he inadvertently saved a future savior of man kind. Due to the mass of Karmic Points he'd earned he was allowed to choose he's reincarnation. “Due to the massive amounts of Karmic points you’ve amassed you can choose to be reincarnated to Earth, sent to a Heaven realm to live out the rest of eternity in peace. Or you can be reincarnated into a Dream Realm world with you memories intact.” “I want to be born into the Naruto Universe.” Copyright disclaimer: I do NOT own Naruto nor any character or works featured in the fan-fiction. All rights belong to its rightful Masashi Kishimoto, Shonen Jump, and Funimation Studios. No copyright infringement intended.

Daoist_Over_God · アニメ·コミックス
157 Chs

Annihilation Part One

The two gods entered Earth's atmosphere and were immediately captured by a beam of light. A single, supermassive, defense-array appeared around the equator and began to strangle the two gods known as, Momoshiki and Kinshiki.

Kibo suddenly appeared in front of them and showed them the power of peak Minute God, although his true strength had reached a middle-stage Mid-God, Kibo repressed his strength to show his current level.

He smiled and said, "Does your Branch Family Patriarch not understand? Does he think that the feeble forces he sent were enough to kill me? This world, no our universe doesn't welcome your kind, and this planet is under my protection."

Kibo swiped his hand and destroyed Momoshiki's Dantian, he then sent his energy inside his body, crippling his meridians, destroying his Spiritual Roots, and shattering his body. After robbing him of his eye, he kicked Momoshiki over to Kinshiki, who was released from the array's effect.

Momoshiki couldn't even speak properly because his mind was boiling in rage, he had been wasted by an unknown god, and seeing as there was no punishment lightning anywhere in sight, he knew that this was a local God.

"A god from a lowborn universe dares to raise a hand to the Otsutsuki line," Momoshiki said as he coughed up a mouthful of blood.

Kibo sneered and quicky appeared before the two gods, using his Godly Essence, Kibo restricted Kinshiki's movements and grabbed Momoshiki by the throat, he then said, "You know what, I was just going to ruin you and send you back to your shitty branch family like this, but I forgot to wreck your soul." Kibo used his Soul Scour Technique and started rummaging through his soul.

As he read through Momoshiki's experiences, Kibo frowned and shouted, "Dustgusting Pig!"

Kibo fractured Momoshiki's soul and turned him into a vegetable, he then stared daggers at Kinshiki.

What Kibo witnessed was far crueler than anything he had ever seen before, these gods weren't locus, they were less than insects, the Otsutsuki Clan destroyed numerous worlds and performed countless acts of meaningless cruelty, even after possing the body that Momoshiki was wearing, he defiled, murdered, and ate his own family.

"Have mercy Senior, I am just following orders!" Kinshiki begged for his life.

Kibo growled, "Fucking piece of shit, you dare come here thinking of treasure?" The reason the Patriarch didn't come himself, is because, he thought that whomever, or whatever killed Kaguya must have perished already, however, the troupe of gods he sent out never returned.

Since they didn't have Jade slips for such low ranking Sect Members, he didn't know that they died, the Patriarch actually thought that they had found some kind of ancient treasure or magical training location, so he sent out Momoshiki, and Kinshiki to see what happened.

Kibo threw Momoshiki's body back to Kinshiki, "Go, tell your Patriarch to come, and bring every last Otsutsuki with you, all of them!" Kibo transformed into a Super Human God, his red hair, tail, and fur appeared as his figure slimmed down, at this stage, his power was on par with a Middle Stage True God.

Kinshiki shuddered, "Just who have the Otsutsuki Clan offended." He thought that Kibo had been restraining himself deeply, not knowing that Kibo was just enhancing his base power.

"You have 1 minute to return, if you don't the seal I placed on your soul will explode, I don't think I have to explain what would happen to you after." Kibo pointed to Momoshiki as he heard Kinshiki gulp and ask, "What seal?"

Kibo pulled out Kinshiki's eye and planted a seal inside his soul, "That one."

Kinshiki screamed in pain as he opened a portal and retreated to their base world in this universe, as the portal appeared, it revealed a vast, mega world that was filled with incredibly potent Immortal Energy, vast blue and white skies, and unpolluted oceans.

Kibo frowned and watched as Kinshiki carried Momoshiki to a large castle-like structure, as the portal closed, Kibo shook his head and tried to forget the images that he saw.

When Kinshiki finally reached the Patriarch's chamber, he burst into his chamber to see the patriarch fumbling around the bed with a few mortals, feeling frustrated from being interrupted, he turned around and shouted, "Momo..." but he paused after seeing his condition, "What happened?"

Kinshiki quickly explained his situation, however, when he finished, his head exploded and both his soul and body turned to ash.

Patriarch Goshinki stood up and shouted, "He dares to kill in my presence!? A mere Middle-Grade True God dares to disrespect me!?" The power of a Peak True God flowed out and sent shivers down every last Otsutsuki on the planet.

He huffed and growled, "There must be something about that planet, could it be, is Pangu's heart there?" Thinking of the object that their Grand Patriarch desired, he smiled, "With this, he might spare my life, good, let's see how strong this little weakling is!"

Opening up a rift in space, he appeared over the earth, Kibo had already sounded the alarm, so when the Patriarch appeared, there were thousands of Immortals and a handful of Gods waiting for him.

Jian Chen stood by Kibo and was chatting leisurely with him; as if the presence of a true god meant nothing to them.

"Brother Kibo, your power before was really something, you've been holding back during our spars." Jian Chen slapped Kibo's back joyously.

"It's nothing much, brother Chen, I have to transform to reach that level of power, while you have the power of an Initial True God, you've also managed to form your soul sword, I'm impressed," Kibo returned the compliment.

Jain Chen grinned, "That's only because you helped me, your soul cultivation method really inspired me to complete my own, besides, your God Tier Cultivation Technique requires much more energy than mine, if you had spent more time training, you would have achieved this same level of power."

"Still, I must Congratulate you, brother, your Soul Sword is as sharp as your real sword." Kibo nodded to the Chaotic Twin Blades on his back.

"Your's is no worse and you know it." The two started to laugh, Kibo then smiled and said, "The army you've raised is pretty good, all of your kin seemed to have reached gods, your general and a few talented soldiers have managed to complete their tribulations as well."

Behind Jian Chen, there were three gods and an entire army of sword Immortals lined up in order, each of them chatting with whispers.

"Who is that kid?" An elderly Sword Immortal said pointing at Kibo.

"That's Kibo Hoshi, the first God of Earth, he underwent his Godly Tribulation at 48, he's 61 now, and Jian Chen's Oath Brother as well. Don't you know anything!?" A younger Sword Immortal shook his head.

"That's Lord Kibo, he looks so young, it took me three hundred years in Master Jian Chen's White Chamber to advance to the peak of Immortal." Another Sword Immortal called out.

The three Gods stared at Kibo and his wives, "Wow, their beauty is no less than Jian Chen's wives, and their powers are so strong too!"

Every companion that had obtained Godhood stood next to them intimating Genshiki, the 5 God Kage's stood next to one another, Hashirama and his clan, Madara and the entire Uchiha Clan, The entire Hyuga Clan, The Nine-Tailed Squadron, the Akatsuki, All of the last generations teams, and an army of Peak Immortals.

Patriarch Genshiki fumed, "Are you two mocking me!?" he called out knowing that they were the strongest ones.

They stared at him with a funny expression and nodded their heads before they both said, "Yes!"

Kibo smiled and looked around as if he were searching for something, "I thought I told you to bring everyone."

Genshiki was seconds away from blowing up, he knew that Kibo's current power was achieved through a transformation of some sorts, but even still, the fact that he could have so much power as a Minute God made him quake with fear. "I have to kill this brat, he's too dangerous." Genshiki thought as he waved his hand.

Thousands of portals opened up and thousands of restricted Gods came flying out, two particular beings stepped out that were flowing with power, "Father, why did you summon us?" A young pretty boy with pale skin stepped out of the portal and asked.

"Yes, I was in the middle of eating a neat world I found, why did you call, old man!"A second man, who looked a bit like the first, only slightly older, appeared and snarled.

The younger one was at least a Peak Minor God, and the other was at the Peak of Mid-God.

"Sons of mine, Konoshiki, Darushiki, help me dispose of this trash," Genshiki shouted as he pointed at the army in front of them.

Kibo stared at the remaining three stolen Universe-Origins, these three were the ones that killed the four sacred beasts.

The two sons of Genshiki looked at the army and were surprised, as were the rest of the Otsutsuki, they stared at their equipment and noticed that they were wearing spatial rings, their eyes glowed with greed as the older one, Darushiki said, "Look at that, they all have Immortal Items, there are even a handful of Chaos Relics, and if my eyes don't deceive me, then they have a few God Tier Chaos Relics on them!"

Konoshiki grinned, "What, these ants have spatial rings, even our family in heaven only has a handful of these."

Kibo shook his head, "You guys really are the lowest Clan in heaven, only your Grand Patriarch deserves some praise. I scoured Momoshiki's soul, so I know there are a few million of you worms crawling around our universe." Kibo smiled and raised his hand and said, "I want all of you here to die like the scum you are."

A few years back, he knew in order to rid the threat of the Otsutsuki in this world he would have to pull them out from the roots, so in preparation of this day, he made a specific wish, when he faced the patriarch of the Otsutsuki, that when he snapped his fingers, all of the restricted gods would be teleported to his location.

As he snapped his fingers, countless Otsutsuki restricted Gods appeared, Kibo raised his hand and said, "All of you can die now!"

Transforming to his most powerful form, his fur, hair, and eyes turned platinum, he equipped his armor, and unsheathed his sword,

Then every one summoned their partners from their Star Chambers and Inner-worlds.

The Otsutsuki Clan were shocked to see so many Gods Beasts and Demi-Gods appear out of thin air, all of them radiated a powerful force, especially the one's closet to Kibo.

Jian Chen had asked Kibo to make him ten copies of his sword, it was only when the Yin-Yang Swords returned to God Tier Items, that they were truly alive and the star Chambers could be used on them.

When this happened Kibo offered up his services and did as he asked. When he used the Star Chamber, it created a Chaos World perfect for Nourishing them, no life was ever born there beside Chaotic Energy, but ores made of Chaotic Metals did begin to pop up.

Jian Chen summoned 22 flying God Swords, all thought they were still in the god fetus stage, since they were made of Extreme Chaotic Energy, their powers far outclassed their stage.

Kibo chuckled and said, "You want our things!? Come and get them!"

Before Otsutsuki could react to Kibo's massive influx of energy, he opened his domain and shouted, "I don't care if you have the power of a Half Step High God, I refuse to believe that your Domain built from Minor World Laws has any power!"

Kibo felt a huge source of energy ripple out of Genshiki, his third eye turned into a whirlpool as his entire God Domain stretched out into stars.

Kibo grunted, "You call this a Domain!" His Shintengan glowed as Kibo'd Domain stretched out and slammed into Genshiki's.

"Absolution Domain!" Kibo shouted as his power continued to grow like crazy, his Domain made allowed him to temporarily grow continuously the longer he fought in it, inside, he could create anything element he wished to attack with, he could control the air you breathe, the gravity and time around their bodies.