
Reborn in Magical World with Cheat

James who is a office worker seems to have isekai into a new world where there is magic.

Existence001 · ファンタジー
15 Chs

Chapter 8: The Hidden Guardian

Azrael, the majestic dragon, lowered his massive form, his eyes filled with a mixture of fondness and understanding. "John, as you venture forth into the wider world of Elysia, I must take steps to conceal my presence," he explained, his voice resonating with a deep rumble.

John furrowed his brow, concern etching his features. "Why must you hide, Azrael?" he asked, a note of worry lacing his voice.

The dragon extended a clawed hand, placing it gently upon John's shoulder. "My dear friend, the sight of a dragon of my magnitude can instill fear and chaos among the beings of this realm. To ensure your journey is not hindered and that you are free to forge your path, I will suppress my power and become invisible to all but you."

John's gaze met Azrael's, gratitude and understanding shining in his eyes. "Thank you, Azrael," he said, his voice filled with genuine appreciation. "Your sacrifice, once again, showcases your unwavering commitment to guide and protect me."

A warm smile tugged at the corners of Azrael's scaled lips. "It is my duty, John. I have sworn to assist you on your journey and see you through to the end. By hiding my presence, I can observe and provide guidance when needed, without causing alarm or unnecessary attention."

As the dragon spoke, a wave of understanding washed over John. Azrael's concealment would allow him to navigate the kingdoms of Elysia without arousing unnecessary fear or panic among its inhabitants. It was a gift of protection and freedom that John deeply appreciated.

But Azrael's aid didn't end there. With a shimmer of ethereal light, the dragon passed on a language unknown to John—an ancient tongue spoken by the denizens of Elysia. The language of the realm itself.

As the knowledge flowed into his mind, John marveled at the complexities of the language. It resonated with a musical quality, each word and phrase carrying a deeper meaning. The language would serve as a key, unlocking doors to understanding, forging alliances, and communicating with the diverse inhabitants of Elysia.

"And now, John," Azrael said, his voice tinged with a hint of melancholy, "I must undergo a transformation. I will become smaller, visible only to you. This will allow me to accompany you on your journey, offering guidance and counsel while remaining unseen by others."

John watched in awe as Azrael's colossal form began to shrink, his scales shimmering with a dazzling light. Gradually, the dragon transformed into a miniature version of his former self—a pocket-sized companion only John could perceive.

Azrael hovered in the air before him, his eyes gleaming with a newfound mischief. "Fear not, my friend," the dragon said, his voice laced with amusement. "Though my size may have changed, my wisdom and guidance remain intact. Together, we shall navigate the trials and tribulations of Elysia, hidden yet ever-present."

A mixture of relief and excitement coursed through John's veins. Azrael's transformation allowed him to maintain the invaluable presence of the dragon without arousing undue attention. It was a reassurance that he would never truly be alone in this unfamiliar realm.

With newfound determination, John took a step forward, his hand reaching out to gently cradle Azrael. "Thank you, my trusted companion," he said, a heartfelt gratitude underlying his words. "Together, we shall overcome any obstacle."

Azrael settled into John's palm, a symbol of their unbreakable bond and shared destiny. The dragon's presence was a source of strength and wisdom, a silent reminder that John was never truly alone.

And so, with Azrael by his side, hidden from the world, John embarked on the next leg of his journey. Elysia awaited, its kingdoms and magic calling out to him. He would traverse the lands, forging alliances, unraveling mysteries.