
Reborn in Magical World with Cheat

James who is a office worker seems to have isekai into a new world where there is magic.

Existence001 · ファンタジー
15 Chs

Chapter 3: The Azure Guardian

As John cautiously made his way through the heart of the forest, weaving through towering trees and dense undergrowth, he couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched. His senses heightened, his instincts sharpened, and he came to a sudden halt, frozen in his tracks.

Before him stood a creature of legend, a magnificent dragon with scales as blue as the clearest sky. Its presence commanded respect, its immense form coiled with a graceful power that spoke of ages past. John's breath caught in his throat as he took in the awe-inspiring sight before him.

The dragon regarded him with ancient, wise eyes that seemed to hold the secrets of the universe. Its voice echoed within John's mind, deep and resonant, as it spoke, "Ah, John, the reincarnated soul. I have been waiting for you."

John's heart raced, a mixture of fear and fascination coursing through his veins. The dragon knew of his reincarnation, of his inexplicable journey to this fantastical realm. Questions bubbled up within him, demanding answers.

The dragon continued, its voice reverberating with a sense of solemnity, "Your presence here is not by mere chance, but a result of the gods' intervention. They erred in their judgment, and you became entangled in their divine machinations. Your previous life was cut short, and now, you stand on the precipice of a new destiny."

John's mind spun with the weight of the dragon's words. His own death, a mere glitch in the workings of higher powers? It was difficult to comprehend. Yet, there was an undeniable truth in the dragon's words, an intangible familiarity that tugged at the edges of his consciousness.

The dragon unfolded its wings, their span casting a grand shadow upon the forest floor. "John, you have the opportunity to embrace a world far beyond the limits of your previous existence. Stay with me, and I shall guide you through the realms of magic, revealing the wonders and perils that lie within."

A mix of trepidation and curiosity warred within John's being. The mundane life he had known was a distant memory, replaced by a yearning for something greater, something extraordinary. The dragon's offer held the promise of knowledge, of understanding the intricate workings of this world of wonders.

With a steadying breath, John stepped forward, his eyes meeting the dragon's gaze. "I accept your offer," he said, his voice resolute. "I am ready to explore this world of magic and discover the truths that lie hidden within."

A spark of approval flickered in the dragon's eyes as it extended a scaled claw towards John. With a mixture of reverence and determination, he reached out, clasping the dragon's claw in a firm grip. It was a bond forged in that moment, an unspoken pact to venture forth together.

And so, John's journey took an unexpected turn, his path intertwining with that of the ancient dragon. The azure guardian would become his guide, unveiling the intricacies of the world he now inhabited, exposing him to the marvels and dangers that lay ahead.