
Chapter 1

talking: peter piper picked a pack of bullets now there touching you, (authors note)

My name is Anthony and this is my story

(Anthony pov)

I am currently running down the street trying to get to my basketball match in time. I take all the shortcuts I could find, running through alleyways and across streets. I keep running but suddenly feel a chill but I brush it off and keep running till I get there with 5 minutes to spare. We played and won 42 - 23 and I scored 32 points for my team. I have always been good at basketball, I'm not even in my senior year of high school but I have 25 colleges trying to get me to join them when I graduate.

When the game ended I suddenly passed out and woke up in a dark place. "hello!" I scram hearing no response I started to try and find a way out but before I could move I appeared in a completely white room. There was a old man who gave off a dignified aura.

Old man:Hello I am who you humans call god and I am so sorry.

Anthony: if you actually are god then why are you sorry. (this makes no sense)

god: Well...ummmm while I was sleeping I pushed your soul out your body and you kinda actually died.

Anthony: °_°.... what?

god: Too make it up to you I'll reincarnate you into any world including fictional ones with 10 wishes. There is no limit to what you can ask for.

A smile quickly replaced my shocked face.

Anthony:Gimme a minute

god: you have all the time in the world

20 minutes later

Anthony:ok I want to born in Harry potter with the richest family possible as for my wishes I want :

1. I want eidetic memory

2. I want the highest talent for magic

3. I want the perfect wand that is connected to me so only I can use it

4. I want the Emrys, Pendragon, Slytherin,

Ravenclaw, Gryffindor and Hufflepuff bloodlines, can I save the rest for when I need

god: sure but you will only receive your

memories when your three.....bye now.

when he said that everything went black and I passed out. He woke up in unfamiliar room suddenly a huge headache hit him.

