
Chapter 10

*A few days later*

It's been a few days since my encounter with the orcs, although I was victorious, it became apparent to me that I lack a coordination with my magic. I couldn't mix in my physical and magic attack well, causing me to waste mind and stamina on a battle that could have been way easier. I also failed to survey my surroundings before rushing into battle which could have cost me my life.

I aimed to be the captain of a familia, and if I don't train my observation and judgement skill, it wouldn't be long before I lead my familia to their death.

*3 months later*

I have trained like a mad man for the past three months to try and fix my flaws.

Maybe I might have gotten a bit arrogant because of the knowledge I possessed, but I realized these past 3 months that if I do not take the world seriously, it would cost me badly.

'As soon as I increase my proficiency with these I will go to Orario, enough fooling around, there are 10 to 13 year old adventures stronger than me. Maybe even younger if one looks around Orario hard enough. I need to get stronger faster as I only have 2 months before the journey to Orario begin'. I thought to myself as I increased the intensity of my training.

*2 months later*

"Happy birthday to you" said my mother as today was my birthday. I had done all I could and saved up as much money possible from the arenas. I also saved all the magic stones I got in the arena and hunting in the wild.

"So what day do you plan to set off" asked grandpa John.

"I plan to leave in two days, I still haven't finished gathering supplies yet". I replied in an excited tone.

" I plan to go on my own" I said bringing the room to silence.

"Why on earth would you say that" my mother Chise screamed at me angrily.

"Because I have been sheltered from the world, and I need to experience it and it's hardships if I want to survive in Orario" I replied, trying to calm my raging mother down.

"As expected of my grandson, you do know it would be a 2 month walk to Orario if you go alone" said my grandma Anita as she stroked my head.

"Yes I know and as long as I don't meet and experienced adventurers, I can manage to escape" I replied with confidence.

Feeling my conviction, the rest of the family kept quite and continued the birthday party.

" Thank you all" I muttered softly as I expected denial from them in my decision.

*2 days later*

I have gathered everything and saying goodbye to my family and Clair my only friend in the town. Leaving my family was sad but it was something that had to be done.

I put on my cloak to hide my features gave hugs to everyone before turning around to leave.

" Make sure to send us letters and updated on whatever happens " said grandpa Marcus.

"I will and don't forget to keep training" I said to my family, especially my siblings as they were mischievous little ones.

*7 days later*

A boy could be seen travelling under the blazing sun as it was summer. He had a large backpack with supplies and a short sword on his waist. He walked on the side of the road even as it was empty. The carefree expression on his face couldn't be seen as he was covered in a long dark coat.

Bringing out a map from inside his cloak pockets and looked through it trying to pick the route he would travel.

'The mountain or sea route which is faster' though Draco while looking at the map.

Looking ahead the road seemed to get worse as he continued on the path.


The sound of horse could be heard speeding on the road. They seemed to speed up as they spotted him walking on the road.

'Who are these people, why are they in a hurry' I thought while feeling threatened as the people mounted on the horses seemed to armed. I quickly summoned my grimoire and cast an earth rune, just to be safe.

As the horses approached me.


I could see an arrow coming towards me, noticing it wasn't aimed at any vital points. It seemed as if they wanted me alive and the only reason I could think of was slave traders, as bandits would get my valuables even if I died.

'Could this be the slave traders from my younger years, did they track me down since I was alone. Was I just being paranoid' I couldn't help but think of the worst as I reflexively dodged the arrow.

Seeing as they had almost reached me, they drew their weapon that seemed to be coated with something as the blades did not have the usual shine it should have. I quickly cast earth wall, with the momentum they were moving at some horses crashed into the wall.

Dispelling the wall, I could see both horses and men with broken bones and blood all over the floor. It seems that some of them had jumped off their horses before the crash. Looking enraged, they charged at me.

I felt sick knowing that I just killed several people as this was my first humanoid kill. But the thought of being enslaved seemed to anger me immensely.

'I was a dragon kind of, how could I let myself be enslaved' I thought to myself as I cast a wide range 'quick sand' followed by 'earth spikes'. The earth responded as mind left me. The ground quaked as the sand drowned them, followed my skewering them with earth spikes. Their screams reverberated, as they lost all signs of life.

I felt nauseous at the sight of dismembered body parts filling the road, as the content of my bowels escaped me.

After a while I felt a bit better and decided to used earth mold to quickly bury them as the strain on my mind to sustain the earth rune increases with time. I buried them all and decided to take the mountain route two days away on foot. I wanted to search for valuables on them, but the thought of looking through random body part made me noxious.

On my journey to Orario, I encountered a lot of bandits. I killed them all in hopes that I was making it safer for the surrounding villages, or maybe to boost my ego of being seen as a good person. I also looted their hideouts and sold valuables for Valis. In total I had close to 10 million Valis. This amount of money would make it easier for me to settle down in Orario.

*A few weeks later*

"Wow, it looks very impressive from here" I muttered out as I was in awe. The sight of the Babel tower, a trademark in Orario was fascinating, as it made me feel I was truly here.

A few hours of walking, I arrived close to the city walls, I still contemplated on if I should cast my illusion spell to hide my identity before crossing the gates, and I decided to do so.

'I need a real bath when I get inside those walls' I thought to myself as I looked at my body.

Now before the massive gates, the entry lines were long as everyone wanted to gain access to the city, the security was tight as the city had many enemies.

I waited for a few hours and finally it was my turn.

"Are you a registered adventurer, merchant, new citizen or none of the above" asked a what I assumed was a dwarf lady or maybe a pallum as I couldn't tell which.

"New citizen" I replied.

" Ok head to that tent" she said, pointing a large tent the size of a small house.

Looking at where she was pointing, I said "thank you" to which she nodded as I walked there to join the line again.

Soon time passed and it was my turn one again. I couldn't help but sigh, because if I had known, I could have joined this line instead of wasting my time. Walking in the tent I saw a half elf sitting down in a chair with a table in front of her. How I know she's a half elf you ask? Well they have short pointy ears compared to the elves.

She eyed me with suspicion as I still had my cloak on. Feeling that using an illusion could land me in trouble or deny me access, I decided to dispel it.

"Forgive my manners" I said as I removed my cloak after dispelling the illusion.

Revealing my handsome face, heterochromatic eyes with reptilian slits, dark skin, long curved horns and long white hair. Wasn't hard so see my tail with black scales and scales visible from the parts of my body uncovered by cloak.

She seemed visibly shocked, but quickly regain her composure, probably because she had seen a lot of races come and go from the city.

"Name" she asked.

" Draco black" I replied.

" Race, hometown and age " she asked.

"I am a dragon kin and I have lived with my family in Blaze town, south of here and I am currently 14 years of age" I replied happily as I didn't expect a normal interview.

"Parents name and are you from a familia" she asked while glancing at a device on her table with a shocked expression. ' Maybe it's about my age or race' I thought as I looked her in the face.

"Chise and Mark black, though I was adopted" I added as I replied her.

"Do you have combat experience and what is your reason for coming to Orario" she asked.

" I have experience in killing goblins and kobolds in the arena in my hometown, as we have several retired adventurers it wasn't hard. I came here to be an adventurer" I replied as I noticed her shocked expression.

I was asked a few more questions, which I answered truthfully. Thought I did not answer some that were too personal.

Looking at the device on the table not reacting she looked relived.

"Are there anymore questions" I asked as she handed me a piece of paper with a stamp and I paid the entrance fees.

"No you may leave, and a piece of advice. Your race looks to be rare so be careful around you as this city is not as it seems" she said. Listening to her warnings i put on my cloak once again. I then picked up my papers and went towards the gate guards.

" Papers" said a man with a gruff voice.

"Here" I said and handed it to him.

" Everything ok, pass. Go to the guild if you desire to be an adventurer, you can also buy information there and be careful there are a lot of fraudsters" he said while pointing to his right.

I passed through the gates and went toward the information brokers. "Finally my first step to greatness" I couldn't help but mutter.
