
REBORN: Im Just a Maid

[WARNING: MATURE CONTENT. REVERSE HAREMISH] One day in the middle of a blizzard, a knock was heard on the door of a very secluded castle like mansion. A tall regal añd very handsome man opened the door. He had a pair gold rimmed glasses and his eyes was were of a dark silver shade. "Mr Azrael, pleasure to meet you." She slowly raised her head as if she had all the time in the world.. ........... *Extract 1* "Wha-what are you doing.. ngh." "S-stop, this is not appropriate L-lefu... we're in..in.. public. " A small cute voice was heard. Indecent sounds kept coming out of her mouth as Lefu pinned her on the wall. Lefu lifted their head from the girls' flushed neck with arched brows and a smirk . "What do you mean Achlys..? Isn't this.... what you wanted? Besides, I haven't even started..." With this said Lefu shut up Achlys with an intense kiss almost chuckling when they thought of how their little miss had forgotten she could read minds. Or maybe it their fault for not informing the members of the house . Oh well. *Extract 2* "What do you think your doing? I do not approve of this kind of behavior from a maid" Lefu just smiled in silence as they continued to stare in Adrean's eyes not breaking his intense gaze. "What do you mean by that Mr... Adrean.? I was just cleaning your study." Lefu said his name rolling of her tongue smoothly. A suspicious flush crept its way up the mers face. He subconsciously avoided the gaze of the maid who made his heart stir in more ways than one. Their hand slowly went to the bookshelf behind him. It was positioned at the side of his head. Lefu got closer to him and he closed his eyes expecting something he himself did not know. A few minutes later he opened his eyes to find Lefu seriously dusting the book in her arms with a straight expression. "Y-You." He poined his dainty finger at her and spoke in a accusatory tone. *End of Extracts* This book will be like 70% smut and 30% plot. It is also my first book. This BOOK HAS NO INCEST(for the time being), not all of them are siblings. There is no set release of ch/wk so it will be irregular. COZ IM STILL IN SCHOOL KHHHJGFJHGV. I HAVE NO IDEA WHERE THIS IS GOING TO BE HONEST BECAUSE THIS WAS STARTED ON A WHIM. IT MIGHT GO UP TO A FEW HUNDRED CHAPS OR LESS. (⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠)(⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠)(⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠) Anyways, our MC's past will be revealed slowly so be patient. MC's name is Kiera before her identity is revealed. WARNING OUR PROTAGONIST IS TRANS ( fut@ish). NO HATE,,,(⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠)(⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠) JUST TRY THE BOOK(⁠づ⁠。⁠◕⁠‿⁠‿⁠◕⁠。⁠)⁠づ

Anastasia_Ruwan · ファンタジー
12 Chs

5: Changed feelings.

#*Its a information dump until where I've broken the chapter..*#

One could only imagine how hungry an Undead Vampire was. Luckily their family was tremendously rich so an unlimited supply of blood bags was there- not Undead blood.

Then there's Achlys ; Our little elf. For Achlys, compared to Adrean and Damien, her situation was better. Elves needed a lot of life force to live and vegetation, the second best thing with life force was the option she chose. Living , breathing humans we're the better choice but what to do when getting a hand on them took terrific effort. Humans , those delectable humans, were far too advanced in technology in a way that they had found a way to suppress them - monsters.

Even so , there was always a supply of them in the black market but they were sold at a sky high price. Achlys could say that she was extremely luck to be able to suck the life force of a human four times in a year. In every quarter of a year, Mrs and Mr Hyson - the ones who took care of them, would supply her a healthy human and she would slowly suck the vitality out of him or she.

Next is Adrean; our adorable munchkin. Simply put, he's a merman. Creatures who are deadly in sea but they don't lose out at all on land. See, the thing is mers were said to be so mythical and powerful for even though their natural habitat was and still is water, land was not the slightest bit of hindrance to them. How dangerous right? Even though they were not sirens who sang to hypnotize, their bodies, eyes and everything - was built to seduce. Unfortunately, the only thing keeping the land creatures assured of the mers not attacking them was their low population rate .

It was a very rare occurrence for more than 50 mers to be born in a year because the mers reproductive ability was very low. Even those that were born were born due to one thing : A mer's cycle. This is a period of time where a mer's, whether male or female , reproductive activity would be at its highest. Basically a mating period. The time though, varied.

You could have your cycle once in a year for a month straight and in the next you would have it for a week. One huge benefit was that all mers could get pregnant. Kind of like how the male Sea horse carries the babies after impregnating the female Sea horse.

Another thing to note is that Mers , especially mermen, had an extreme craving for flesh , blood --anything with meat and blood on it. Adrean, like Achlys, would receive a human after every quarter of the year. His favorite foods are blood ,pork , chicken, phoenix meat and of course human flesh .

Naturally as a Mer, he craves attention. They are born glamorously so our dear will always want attention from anyone, anything as long as he's in the lime light. That's why he reacts very intensively when he hears that Father - Mr Hyson - has sent a maid for them. In his mind it translates to father has noticed me , I have his attention.

Well , moving to Yaranyl : our over thinker. This case is complicated. You could say that she's an Undead Vampire but she has her heart, only that it's not beating. Yaranyl is a necromancer, and when she was a child the darkness once overwhelmed her and she had been consumed by her power but she had no idea what had happened next. She just woke up and found herself living and being taken care of by Mr and Mrs Hyson.

Her body has merged with the power of necromancy so simply she a normal vampire who will resurrect each time she is killed. At least that's what she thinks. Moreover , each time she wakes up again she's slightly stronger so expect a little too much calmness from her because of the number of times she has died and ways she has used to kill herself vary. Many of which are excruciating deaths which grant her more power.

And with time ,the pain seemed to turn into something else - something she couldn't quite point out.

Main diet, blood obviously and contrary to her groupie , she detests human flesh. Having the meat of a being with life force when shes basically a zombie vampire is horror to her. Her body constitution needs Death energy and life force would weaken her. That was one thing she hated about herself. Being surrounded by people who survive on the thing that kills her made her fearful in the beginning but she got used to them knowing that they wouldn't hurt her.

Only death energy could make her satisfied fully and blood was just a substitute because Death energy only gathered where mass deaths occured. Another alternative she takes is dead souls, but the rarity of such was so high that a mer being born was normal compared to finding a dead soul . Not to be surprised when you see her complexion so pale for her diet is that extreme.

So to satisfy her cravings, she takes lots-tons -gallons of blood per year. Luckily ,she has Undead besties who can give her the sought after blood once in a while, which helps her sometimes.


The smell coming from the food was too good, Yaranyl took a deep whiff. Secretly - of course. It smelled faintly of blood and - Holy mother! -Death energy! But that was impossible! The was no mass deaths in the recent months, more so for their area.

Yaranyl subtly sniffed the food of her comrades. Surprisingly, only her food had the scent. It was as if the maid had cooked different sets for them.

Her eyes widened slowly as she put the food in her mouth. Immediately they closed shut , Was this heaven ?

Yaranyl's feelings towards Keira changed ever so slightly. It was a good decision to keep this maid if she would be cooking such good food everyday.

Her eyelids were lowered as she devoured the food silently.

Sorry for delay, exams every week.

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Anastasia_Ruwancreators' thoughts