
Reborn Harry Potter

作者: BlackSander
連載中 · 5K ビュー
  • 1 章
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What is Reborn Harry Potter

WebNovel で公開されている、BlackSander の作者が書いた Reborn Harry Potter の小説を読んでください。...




Life itself is mesmerizing. It holds the power to bloom or to wither. They say every breath counts. Every heartbeat is important. Every second is precious. To put it simply into words, our lives are significant. Valuable they say. Because as time passes, our lives,moments,memories and feelings get drifted along the clock. It ticks, it ticks and it ticks. Showing the definite truth that nothing stays the same,though admittedly scary, it is certain. Nothing can be rewind. Not the time. Not the moments. Not the remnants of happiness, anger, guilt, sorrow and pure ecstasy neither pure misery. Life can never go on and on and on. And unlike the ticking clock, life eventually stops. At this point, when the end of all comes, why life is valuable when we can't enjoy it forever. Where the pleasure of breathing and feeling the air enter your nose and giving out a heavy sigh and feeling the light air brushing on your hair just stops. We can't enjoy it again. Life stops. Death comes. What happens after? Do we get to feel the air again? Do we get to feel our heartbeat go from a normal throb to palpitation? Do we get to experience life just like before but only now,dead ,cold and life less? The irony.I can't even define what life is. Is it breathing? It it being physically visible? Is it having emotions? Life is an enigma. An unknown known state. Do we get to value life just like how we see it when we were alive versus when we were dead? Is the difference even that evident? Does life exist when we are dead? Does life have a long lasting value when in the very beginning, we can never measure something that can never be quantified. The morning rays hit my skin. The smell of rotten metal lingered into my nose. It was foreign but at the same time unlikely pleasant, to see,to smell, to feel the flesh brushing my bare skin and the blood cascading down my forehead,my nose my hands. Feeling its softness and its tender and cold touch. It relaxes my soul like no any other. Its beautiful brown hair,down to her cute nose and soft lips,down to her still beating heart . It was majestic to see life in its truest form. In the most alive state I could ever imagine. A beating flesh of life seemingly staring at me face to face and then, the beat of what's in front of me gradually stops. Tsskk. It hasn't even been a minute. Oh well! I'll just get another one to play with. It's a moral I can say. As my character evolved and so are my beliefs and values in life. Funny how LIFE works, yesterday I was questioning the value of life but today,the next thing I knew, I was ending lives to see its value.

DOCkguine · SF
5 Chs

DnD - Marde: The Origin Of The Otherworlder

A devoted book-reader, tumbles from his reality into the realm of Dungeons and Dragons through an untimely death. Lost and bewildered, he spends 16 years living in this fantastical universe, reincarnated as a halfling from a noble family. Determined to return home, he harnesses the forces of magic, embarking on a courageous quest to find a way back to the home he once knew. Thus began the story of Belthos, the wizard from another world. Additional tags I couldn't find: AU, Gore, Slow-paced . . . . . . . This will probably get dropped like anything else I’ve ever written… The story is mostly written by me feeding ChatGPT prompts that I write about during my solo D&D adventure and doing a little editing on the side to make it somewhat coherent. I am not some pro D&D player or story writer, and should be considered a noob who only barely knows the basics. This is my first and probably only game I’ll probably ever attempt, so don’t expect much. This piece is more of an experiment, than anything else. Some parts of official D&D Lore may be incorporated later into the story (So long as I found it interesting enough, or I don’t drop it by then), but 80% of it is mostly AU. Most content/encounters is me just using random generators, like Azgaar's Fantasy Map Generator or Donjon. All of my knowledge comes from watching hour long YouTube videos and other online resources, nothing more, nothing less. Also going to warn you now, that ChatGPT likes using really fancy words for some reason, so you might need a dictionary/Thesaurus (Google is my friend). You also might find a few moments that feel like you are reading MTL. Anyway, good luck if you try reading this mess. Expect 1 to 2 chapters per week, though it is subject to change.

BadRighting · 書籍·文学
4 Chs


  • 総合レビュー
  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定


