

With a flourish of his staff, Calvin unleashed a torrent of unseen magical energy that radiated outward in a vast circle, enveloping the surrounding forest. Every tree, blade of grass, and patch of moss quivered under the spell's influence, transformed into extensions of the mage's senses.

Within this dominion, nothing could elude his detection—not the creatures of flesh and blood that roamed the land, nor the restless spirits that haunted the skies.

Yet, as the seconds ticked by, Calvin's initial confidence waned. No sign of the intruder emerged, leaving an uncomfortable silence in the wake of his powerful spell.

Resigned, Calvin lowered his staff, his expression souring. It was clear: the perpetrator had slipped through his grasp. The one silver lining to this cloud was the apparent absence of any casualties among the mercenaries.

"Captain Calvin!"
