
Spearmanship Mastery!

"A necromancer," Finn concluded with a calculated coldness, "will serve as a strong bargaining chip. The church will no doubt leap at the chance to burnish their reputation with another heretic's pyre."

Mage Caven's expression was a mix of concern and skepticism as he voiced a caution, "Yet, we mustn't overlook the possibility of a formidable necromancer lurking behind this young one..."

Finn, however, was dismissive, a slight shake of his head conveying his doubt. "Caven, I find that hard to swallow. Truth be told, I'm skeptical of such a claim."

"But consider this," Caven countered, an edge of cunning in his tone, "the graver the boy's alleged crimes, the more leverage we gain. In this game, truth and falsehood blend to serve our end."

The elf laid a reassuring hand on his comrade's shoulder, offering a smile, "Ease your worries. All we do, we do for the greater good and the future of all."
