
Reborn as a Half-Demon?

Warrior_Adam · ファンタジー
6 Chs

Class chosen

I stand there kind of stunned looking at the three classes before taking a deep breath and clicking on tablet to view the classes. The tablet seems to process a bit before repulling up the options by themselves. Looking up at Nadia and Strauss who were talking between each other.

A} Elemental Forger: A smithing class that focuses on using elemental magick into ones works and using elemental materials. Requires user two have at least two elements and decent luck. A three way hybrid class of hammer weilding warrior, enchanting mage and smith crafting. This class will focus around ones strength and ability two utilize multiple elements. As well having a decent luck allowing for a higher chance of rare materials to be gained. Choosing this tree will have the user to start as a battle-smith type. Will gain bonuses to elemental affinities and elemental enchantments with progression, hammer focused combat styles and usage of armor-types.

B} Shadow Rogue: A thiefbased class which is complimented with shadow magick. Requires user to have decent luck, agi, and shadow affinity. Combining the magical skills of shadow mages and the natural cunning and utility of the thief line of classes. This class allows for focusing into either assassinations, infiltration, and scouting. Will gain bonuses and buffs to using ones shadows for sneaking and messing with visuals.

C} Apostle: A rare class only avaiable to god touched. Little is known about it except the fact they can either be very flexible or extremely static in one type of usage. !!?!?!???!?!?! apostles are able to construct new items and are known for being able to utilize a mix of elemental enchantning and forging techniques like forgers but are not limited to one set of skills. Every two levels has a chance to give a choice of skills and allow for new utility based of what the apostle does.

"Is something the matter my little daemon? Seems your having a tough choice.", Nadia says sounding semi-concerned and walks over to look over the tablet before frowning. She gives a good look to Strauss before sighing deeply. "Strauss looks like I will take your offer to be a special class teacher get me at least 4-6 other students. Ember I know your gonna pick Apostle, after all it makes sense with your training you've done. Plus how are you gonna resist this kind of mystery?."

I nod already figuring she would have been able to figure out which class I would go with. I take a breath as I click the tablet and then an option appears infront of my face.


Class Apostle offered to Ember.


I take a deep breath and say out loud, "Accept. Here goes nothing." All of a sudden a light encompasses me as base level knowledge for the class starts filling my head. All of a sudden a sharp pain enteres my head and four voices all at once speak "Awakening commence. Good luck." Then all I feel is my body slumping against the table as Strauss yells ouot, "Hold on now what class causes this reaction!?!"


Name: Ember Azriel d' Avalon

Age: 5 years old

Race: Half-Demon, God touched

Titles: First Prince, Reborn* hidden title

Destiny: ?????!??!?

Class: Novice Apostle

Elemental affinities: Fire, Light, Shadow, Nanotech*hidden


Hp: 125



Str: 2








Low-tier mana control. Elemental bolt. Elemental reinforcement. Bladesmith.

Elemental bolt: Allows the user to create a bolt of one or more of their elemental affinities. Can be used to attack from afar. Costs 10 mp for base elemental and costs 5 additional mp for each element added to the bolt.

Elemental Reinforcement: Allows the user to add a base elemental coating to their weapon. User is limited to two elements at one time on a weapon. Costs 15 mana initially and an additional 10 for a second element. Drains 10 mana (15 mana for two elements) per second of usage.

Bladesmith: Allows the user to be able to craft low tier blades like daggers and shortswords with magic or use smithing techniques. User is able to activate a heat resistance for 50 mana that allows the user to comfortably withstand heat for 15 minutes.

I woke up to seeing a distressed Strauss pacing in what looked like an office before stopping noticing I was awake. "Its about bloody time you woke up! Your bloody mother hounded me to make sure you were fine from your class awakening while she went with two of my contractors to build her class building. Aghh what kind of blind luck do you have. You got the base blessing of the Thistle, Braton, and Persephi. Normal apostles only start with one blessing and have to train other skills.", Strauss spews out obviously concerned.

I couldn't help look at him confused before laughing, "I'm sorry? How was I supposed to know that it was the least detailed of the classes but it just felt right. Any ways my mother is designing her own class building? I thought she was just a special assistant?"

Strauss shakes his head with some dissapointment, "Makes sense she hasn't talked much about it. Your mother has the Mentor destiny, which gives her a bit of an added bonus to teaching people so I have been beggin her to teach for me. Guess I should thank ye for that. She asked me to look for any folks that would fit well with you and well I managed to find one whose destiny I am basically 98 percent certain is intertwined with yours. She's a beastkin and should be here by tomorrow. We have some base facilities ready for you to start learning so be glad you can start. Just be careful lad." Strauss gives a small pat onto my shoulder seeming almost concerned about something.

With that all said and done Strauss has one of his employees escort me homes, with a set of books on forging and general knowledge for apostles to help make my life a little easier I suppose. Why did I have a bad feeling about this?