
Reborn as a Fallen in DXD

This is a story a young man in his 20's, who died because of GOD mistake. But for his surprise GOD gave him a second chance to be reborn again in his most favourite anime High School DXD with 4 wishes. This is my first fan-friction novel please enjoy. ----- NOTE : This novel is purely based on imagination and i do not own any characters or the main story of HIGH SCHOOL DXD. And i don't own the cover as well I just got it from Google, if you don't want that then just tell i will remove it ok. Please don't sue me i beg you. Thanks and, ENJOY. Please support: https://discord.gg/k5rAzk6xdP

Vladimir_Alexander · アニメ·コミックス
18 Chs

Chapter 5 You are mine

Some where in the underworld a boy with golden hair and clear blue eyes was flying over a forest with his 6 pair of black angel wings while seeing a girl with cat ears chased by few devil's. He was Asahi seeing Kuroka.

I saw Kuroka running through the forest with tears in her eyes, i knew she had just abandon her little sister after killing her master.

i silently watched untill Kuroka was cornered.

With a snap of my fingers the entire forest for covered with a barrier, Kuroka stood in place and the devil's who cornered her suddenly went on there knee's with great struggle they saw a barrier.

I slowly went in front of her, when the devil's saw my wings they were shaking from fear but they could not even move an inch as a pressure that was not visible to the naked eye pushed them down.

The leader the devil's forcefully asked "Who are..."

Before he could finish i just waved my hand and blades made of light sliced then to thousand pieces. Kuroka was even more scared as she saw Asahi kill them all with a wave of his hand.

I went closer to her and wiped the tears of her checks, with a warm smile i said to her "Nice to meet you Kuroka".

Hearing him call her name like he knew her for a long time she was confused.

I saw her confusion and smiled "You don't know me but i know everything about you".

Kuroka was even more confused and asked me "You know everything about me?"

"Yes i do" saying that i told her everything about her, how she was born, how she was turned to a devil and how she killed her master to save her little sister shirone.

After hear all this Kuroka calm down and asked me " So why did you save me"

I held her shin and went closer to her face "Because you are mine"

Kuroka blushed at my sentence but soon her face became sad "Why are you doing all this for me, i am a nobody you must know better about me"

I saw her sad face and sighed, i knew what she was saying so i just kissed her on the lips.

Kuroka widened her eyes from the sudden kiss, after we parted our lips she had a blushed face.

I gave her a warm smile "You are not a nobody because you are mine and mine alone. My future queen"

After saying that i held my hand over her heart area and 2 black chess pieces came out of her, with a little force i crushed the chess pieces to powder. Kuroka widened her eyes when she saw this but i smiled at her.

"Now your free and to make you mine forever" I held my hands near my heart and a golden ball of energy came out.

"This will give you my mark and you will not die till I die, we will be together forever" with that i pushed the golden ball in to her heart.

Kuroka closed her eyes to absorb and stabilize my power after some time 6 pairs of black angel wings came out of her back her skin became even fairer ,her hair grow longer and her cat ears turned from black to golden colour. She was looking very beautiful after some time she opened her eyes which were golden in colour.

I gave her a warm smile "You are mine now, together forever right".

Kuroka returned a warm smile at me "Yes, together forever".

We stayed in the barrier for a few hour's cuddle and telling her about her powers.

Kuroka lifter her head from my chest and asked "Want about my little sister"

I can see her sad eyes and rubbed her head "Don't worry she is fine, Some time later she will be taken to the 'Gremory' house where Rias - Sirzech's little sister will take her in as member of her peerage and will let you meet her when the time is right ok"

Kuroka saw me with curiosity and asked "How do you know all this?"

I just smiled at her and lied with a cool tone "I can see any person's past, present or future if i want to"

For his surprise Kuroka really believed him and hugged him with a cute smile on her face. I just sighed and hugged her back and played with hair.
