
Clash Of Dragons!

In the heart of a dense, foreboding swamp, the air vibrated with the tension of an unfolding battle. Suddenly, the silence shattered under the weight of a deafening explosion as a magic storm bullet, accelerated by unseen forces, struck the unsuspecting black dragon, Kasavia, squarely in the back. This fearsome dragon, known for its indestructible scales, could not dodge in time.

Kasavia, with an air of superiority laced with a hint of intrigue, turned her gaze upon Weima. "A hybrid wielding the rare gift of soul control," she mused, her tone dripping with condescension. "A pity you've not yet reached your full potential. Give it another decade or two, deepen your mastery over this power, and perhaps you could pose a real challenge. As you stand now, however, your demise is certain."

The threat Weima posed was palpable, prompting Kasavia to launch herself into action with a sudden and powerful beat of her wings, propelling her toward Weima with lethal intent.
