
Lin Family Library, Absorb the Information?

It could be said that Tian Long had no knowledge of anything in the world except the basic cultural and everyday stuff. He had no information about the past historical events, famous figures, battles and wars, the previous eras and epochs, he didn't know anything at all.

That's why he wanted to enter the Lin Family's Library, which he was sure of that contained all kinds of secrets and information about all kinds of things.

After all, they are one of the Four Supreme Families within the Endless Forces Continent. Although their background and foundation might not be as good as the peak powers in the Divine Continent, they are still a powerful and influential family after all.


Tian Long went to the Lin Family Main Hall where Lin Zhou was sitting along with his other family members.

Lin Zhou, seeing Tian Long waved at him with a smile on his face. "Ah, what brings our young noble Tian in our hall?"

Tian Long cupped his fist as a sign of respect and replied with a calm smile. "Grandpa Lin, if it's possible, I would like to enter the Lin Family Library and scour through the books."

Lin Zhou was a bit surprised as he stared at Tian Long. He wondered what this kid wanted to know for him to enter the family library. Had he no idea why Tian Long wanted to read some books in their library since he was from the Divine Continent after all. Their resources there are on a whole different level compared to the other continents so he really wondered why Tian Long would need to use his family's library.

Tian Long caught the expression on Lin Zhou's face and he knew exactly what he was thinking, therefore, he calmly lied with a straight face and said. "As you know, although I indeed came from the Transcendent Divine Continent, I had been in a place that was isolated from the whole world and my family was very very strict about everything and only made me focus on my cultivation and combat prowess. Finally, I was able to leave that place and finally ended up on this continent. I don't have much knowledge about the outside world so I was hoping that I could read through the books in the Lin Family Library so I could at least get some information about this world."

Lin Zhou, being the amiable person he was, didn't doubt Tian Long's words at all and after hearing his words, he began to sympathize with Tian Long for being locked up in such a place without any freedom. That kind of life must've been dull and colorless. Therefore, he straight up agreed and passed a token to Tian Long, which would allow him to enter the Library without any obstruction and interference from the Lin family members.

"Many thanks, Grandpa Lin." bowed Tian Long as he cupped his fists.

Lin Zhou stroked his beard and laughed. "A small matter, no trouble at all."

Tian Long then left the main hall and started to walk around, looking for the library.

It didn't take him long before he found it since there was a huge, ancient looking building with a large sign that says "Lin Family Library". The writing exuded a strange, cool aura which gave those near the area a calming feeling.

There was a middle-aged man in a silver armor guarding the entrance wearing a solemn and serious expression on his face. Seeing Tian Long, he blocked him with his spear, barring him from entering. Seeing this, Tian Long smiled and took out the token he received from Lin Zhou.

Seeing that token, the guard had a change in his expression as he looked at Tian Long respectfully. He knew the meaning of holding that token, and he knew that for this masked young man to have this token then he must've personally received it from their ancestor. (1)

"There are a total of 7 floors within the building and with that token, you are able to enter up to the 6th floor of the library."

Lifting his spear, he bowed to Tian Long respectfully and stepped aside, letting Tian Long enter the library.

Tian Long felt a bit surprised at the guard's change of attitude. He nodded his head towards the guard and stepped forward, walking inside the building.

The guard looked at Tian Long's back respectfully until finally, he disappeared within the library. After a few seconds, the middle-aged man's solemn and serious expression returned as he stood there, emitting the same towering pressure.


As Tian Long appeared on the first floor, a large number of shelves holding plenty of books, scrolls, beast parchments, and etc greeted his sights.

There were a lot of people reading and chatting in the library, Tian Long presumed that most of them were Lin Family members while the others were probably guests from other influences and powers.

"Wow, just the first floor and there are this much books already!" he said with delight.

There were shelves that contained all kinds of information.

For example, there was a section about the races of other creatures, the types of demonic, spirit and sacred beasts. There was also a section about all kinds of herbs, plants, and pills throughout the Boundless Heaven World.

While Tian Long was reading and skimming through the books and scrolls, he suddenly had an idea.

He asked in his thoughts. 'System, are you able to absorb all the knowledge within these books so I don't have to read through them all?'

Since he was in a public area with people around, who knows what they might think if he started talking to the system, they might think that he had gone crazy, talking to himself.

He then heard the system's reply in his mind. [ Ding! It is indeed possible for the system to absorb all the knowledge and information inside this library. It is also possible for the system to then transfer the absorbed information to the host. ]

Tian Long was surprised and ecstatic when he heard the system's words.

With this kind of function, he didn't need to read all of that stuff one by one which could take days in total. However, he knew that things wouldn't be that simple and he was sure that he would need to do or endure something for the system to transfer the information to him.

'System, start absorbing all the information inside the library.'

[ Ding! Command accepted! Scouring through the books inside the Lin Family Library... Ding! Absorption of all the information is now starting... ]

An invisible and omnipresent aura suddenly spread everywhere and rushed into the deeper parts and the upper floors of the library,

No one inside the library felt or noticed anything different as they continued on their own business.

So instead of making 'Notes' in the middle of the story, I'll just write numbers at the end of the paragraph and clarify it in the author's thought.


1.) Yes, he's wearing the Mask of Endless Voices he got back at Chapter 3.


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