
Rebirth Of The Supreme One

[Give the first 5 chapters a shot, at the very least, before you decide to put it down!] OP Skills: You bet, Harem: 100% OP MC: Definitely, OP Subordinates: Dark and Deadly ------------------------- "Dragons, Succubus, Demons, Angels, undeads, ain't get nothing on me" "I am the Supreme One" ------------------------- Rasoul and Clay are beings from completely different worlds. They lived a different life, made different choices, and loved different people. They did not know of each other's existence, but when the universe is plunged into chaos, their separate lives intertwined and together they will rise to the pinnacle of strength in other to save the universe. With diverse monstrous subordinates and a rude system aiding him, they will travel across the universe and battle dangerous races while having fun at the same time. ------------------------------------ 2 chapters/day 50 power stones for 1 bonus chapter. 100 power stones for 2 bonus chapters. 150 power stones for 4 bonus chapters. ------------------------------------ Each new episode surpasses the one before, so keep on reading. ------------------------------------ Word Count: 1700+ Chapters: 1500+

Pen_Drop · ファンタジー
248 Chs

Rasoul vs. the Great Beast

A few months ago, when the monstrous tide unexpectedly struck Archany City, numerous lives were lost as the onslaught occurred out of the blue. The situation took a terrifying turn when Ten Great Beasts joined the chaos. Nothing proved effective despite the military employing various weapons to fend them off. Panic spread like wildfire, plunging the city into utter chaos. People frantically sought to escape with their families, hoping the military could hold off the beasts for a little longer. However, reinforcements from the capital were a day away, and it seemed like all would be lost by then.

Just when despair seemed inevitable, an old monk emerged. In a mere five minutes, he effortlessly vanquished all ten beasts. Then, like magic, he vanished without uttering a single word. The news of his heroic deeds swiftly permeated throughout the kingdom, garnering praise from the populace. However, curiosity lingered about his origin. Monks typically hailed from no specific part of the Human Empire, making his presence a significant anomaly. Unbeknownst to many, the old monk followed instructions from a mighty seer, guidance imparted to him eighteen years prior. Rasoul's father, the seer, directed the monk to undertake specific tasks at a designated moment to ensure Rasoul's destiny unfolded in Orange Field City.

With his knack for glimpsing into the destinies of others, he made sure that Rasoul would find himself in Orange Field City at this exact moment. His foresight reached only up to this juncture, leaving the unfolding events from now on in Rasoul's hands. His destiny kicked off here, and whether he would rise to become the Supreme One relied entirely on his actions.

Rasoul moved with care, contemplating strategies for the upcoming battle.

"Hey, System, how long can I go all out with the God of War Rage?"

[15 minutes, but be careful. After that, you'll face significant weakness for 24 hours due to the strain on your body.]

"Well, that's just peachy," Rasoul muttered.

"Activate my clones and ensure each has different elemental abilities. This fight can't be won through sheer force; I must create opportunities that will pave the way for lethal strikes."

[10,000,000 Fire points and 2000 Dark Beast Cores.]

'Take it.'

"[Try not to die, Host.]"

"That'll do," Rasoul responded.

Upon Rasoul's command, three clones materialized, each wielding 75% of Rasoul's total strength. His intention was for them to sow chaos while he executed sneak attacks.

*[Clone: Active]

>> The Host can create three copies of himself, each possessing 75% of the host's power.

>> All information gathered by the clones is transmitted to the host's mind upon merging or demise.

>> The host will experience the death of his clones.*

[Note: The Host is advised to enhance his soul strength to increase the attack power of the clones.]

Being a mischievous and cheeky character, Rasoul took the most straightforward approach when he found himself 20 meters away from the beast.

"Hey there, big guy. How about we skip the fighting and have a little chat? I can tell you're not the violent type, and I'd hate to ruin that picture-perfect image you've got going on."

As if the beast understood Rasoul's attempt at mockery, it charged forward, unleashing hellfire onto the battleground.

"Violence it is, then. Don't blame me when I shatter that horn of yours."

Rasoul glanced at his clones and gave the signal.

"Alright, boys, it's showtime..." Rasoul immediately commanded his clones into action.

They sprang into motion, sprinting towards the charging beast. The first clone, armed with the lightning element, released a burst of purple lightning that sliced through the flames. The second clone followed suit with an icy onslaught, creating a clear path for the third clone to erect a 4-meter tall wall, momentarily blinding the monster. Rasoul quickly grasped their strategy.

Rasoul followed behind, observing their teamwork. He was amazed to discover that even without his direct control, the clones showed a mind and battle strategy reminiscent of well-trained warriors.

Seeing their intent, Rasoul dashed toward the erected wall; it began bending diagonally. Rasoul then ran up the wall, launching himself like a Viking.

In a dazzling moment, he emitted a blinding light and hurled a lightning spear infused with ice. The electrifying sphere descended upon the beast, forcefully pushing it back 10 meters.

It was Rasoul's first use of his light element, and it proved remarkably effective. The beast, born of hellfire and darkness, struggled against the opposing force of light.

Seizing the opportunity created by the light, Rasoul unleashed a barrage of attacks on the beast. He wasted no time in sowing chaos.

"Thunder Blitz!"

"Frost Cascade!"

"Aqua Waltz"

"Glacial Spear!"

"Soul Lancer!"

On their way to Orange Field City, Rasoul bought some low-tier abilities from the system to help cultivate his elements to the peak. Originally meant for use during his cultivation periods, he felt compelled to use them in the current battle.

Cornered, the beast could only raise its defences and endure the onslaught. Great beasts were intelligent; they knew when to attack and when to defend.


Meanwhile, away from the intense battlefield, the princess and her people watched the fight with astonishment etched on their faces. This dominance was unexpected, and murmurs began to circulate.

"This may sound weird, but who are these people with white hair? I don't think young humans are supposed to have white hair like that," remarked one soldier.

"Does it matter? They saved us, and should they manage to take down the Great Beast too, the whole city will be saved," another soldier said.

"But isn't it strange for a young person to have white hair? Look at the other two over there; they're obviously not from around here," the first soldier pointed at Sabrat and Lara.

"You're right; it's a bit odd. But, beyond the white hair, don't you think they're a bit too good-looking for adventurers?" another soldier joined in.

"It's true; people like them should be of royal status, or maybe they are from one of the great families..." A young soldier with cuts all over his arm interjected. His comment, however, might have earned him a perplexed look from Rasoul, as comparing him to the great families would be an insult to his pride.

"They aren't ordinary, especially the one fighting the Great Beast. He is even cornering the beast..." a lady soldier said as she continued to observe the battle.

"This battle won't be an easy one," spoke an old soldier, clearly well past his prime, yet here he was on the battlefield.

"What do you mean, Old Stu?" another soldier inquired.

"It's been three minutes, and the beast hasn't launched another attack. All it's been doing is running around, defending against his strikes. A weak opponent wouldn't do that; they'd try to counter and maybe retreat. This beast is smart, clearly testing that young man," Old Stu replied, a curious expression on his face.

"Then we should get ready to help him. If he falls, we're all done for. We can at least distract the beast to give him an opening for more powerful strikes," Princess Vina suggested. But before they could agree on her plan, Sabrat, being Sabrat, chimed in with pride on his face—a prideful look.

"No need to waste your time, Princess. This beast is nothing for our leader. It's just a training dummy for him to sharpen his skills."

The other soldiers just stared at him, their faces displaying a range of emotions. This guy was too arrogant to realize that a master realm cultivator was facing a Great beast comparable to a semi-saint. But then again, they didn't know these people. Perhaps he knew something that gave them the confidence to remain calm in the face of a potential city-destroying beast. What they don't know is that Sabrat is just faking it. He is more scared than they are; if Rasoul dies, he is, too.

"It's great that you trust your leader, but we must make plans. If he succeeds in defeating the beast, that's excellent. But if he fails, what's the worst that could happen?" the princess added. She knew there was little they could do, but the magnitude of the battle was beyond their capabilities should the beast defeat Rasoul and make its way toward them.


BOOM, BOOM, BOOM... Right on cue, the beast unleashed torrents of fire, forcing Rasoul and his clones into a defensive stance. Multiple layers of earth and ice walls shielded them. But the relentless attacks from the beast started breaking through the walls. Rasoul also unleashed his earth ability into defensive walls.

"Summon Undead."

He immediately summoned his skeletons and equipped them with smoke and Termite bombs. The skeletons jumped into action, throwing bombs toward the beast and trapping it in the smoke. The clones then started launching attacks.

They unleashed earth, lightning, and ice attacks continuously. They planned to distract the beast long enough for Rasoul to cook up something that could turn the tide of the battle.

The fight raged on for two whole hours. Rasoul's body was littered with cuts as blood continued to seep out. On the other hand, the beast had no cuts whatsoever on its body. Its defences remained as strong as ever.

Rasoul was having a hard time with the beast. He wanted to try something new, and the only way to do it was to create a distraction that lasted at least 10 minutes.

After hours of practice, he crafted a combined attack in the Dark Forest using three elements. He hadn't officially registered the ability yet because he aimed to blend all his elements into one decisive move.

The only weakness he knew he could exploit was the beast's horn, which wasn't possible since the beast continued protecting its horn. Rasoul knew he had to create a miracle to survive this fight. With the beast having fire and darkness affinities, he understood he had to combine his earth, water, ice, light, and lightning elements if he wanted a remote chance to win this fight. It is a tedious process, but he at least had to try. Failure is not an option.

"Summon undead..." He immediately summoned another batch of skeletons.

"Create a distraction and hold the line for at least ten minutes..." Rasoul commanded the skeletons and his clones as he initiated the combination process. Rasoul failed to realize that a cloud started forming on the horizon 5 minutes into the combination process.

As if the beast sensed the impending danger, it went berserk. However, the skeletons and clones continued to create countermeasures, but a keen observer could see the clones were more powerful than before.

The clock kept ticking, and Rasoul continued to manipulate the elements. Seven minutes into the manipulation process, Rasoul stopped. His body froze, and he started emitting a dim white radiance from his eyes. He appeared to have entered into a trance or maybe an enlightenment.

Whether he could finish his move within the next 5 minutes remains a mystery since the beast is on the verge of breaking the defences mounted by the clones. Rasoul's fate hangs in the balance.