
Serpent’s Stand: Demonic Duel

The blue-haired man stopped in his tracks, turning to face Karyan. 

The dramatic flair from before was gone, replaced by a seriousness that seemed to darken the air around them. 

His smirk had vanished, and now he looked at Karyan with eyes that were like deep wells of ancient knowledge. 

"Yes," he said, his voice low and resonant, "I am what you would call a demon. But I am not of your world. I come from a place where souls are the currency of power."

Karyan's missing left hand throbbed as if it, too, sensed the tension. 

Sera, ever protective, slithered around his arm, her form expanding and contracting until she mimicked the shape of a hand, wrapping herself where his was missing. 

"He won't be taking any souls today," she hissed to Karyan.

The demon's red eyes flickered to Sera, a hint of amusement in his gaze. "A bonded spirit," he mused. "Interesting." His eyes snapped back to Karyan. "You have questions. I might have answers, but nothing in this world is free."

Karyan squared his shoulders, feeling Sera's presence as his missing limb.

 "I want to know why you're after the old man's soul, and what you really want from mine."

The demon's lips curled into a thin smile. "The old man's soul is unique, flavored by a lifetime of experiences that are... appealing to my kind. As for yours, it's not often we encounter a soul touched by spirit-bonding. It's a rare prize to eat a rare wielder's body." 

Karyan felt a surge of anger at the demon's audacity. "My soul is not a trophy for your collection. And his life," he gestured to the old man, "is not yours to take."

The demon's smile faded, and a cold light flashed in his eyes. "You do not understand the forces you're meddling with, mortal."

In an instant, the air around them crackled with tension, an invisible weight pressed against Karyan's chest. 

The demon raised his hand, and dark energy began to swirl around his fingers, the ground beneath them rumbled with gathering power.

Karyan's instincts kicked in. "Sera, now!"

With a swift movement, Sera unwrapped from Karyan's arm, transforming into a shield of ethereal light.

The demon launched a bolt of dark energy towards them, but it shattered against Sera's radiant barrier.

The old man scrambled away, scurrying down the hillside to escape the fray.

The demon's smirk returned as he watched Karyan and Sera stand united. "You are full of surprises, snake. But how will you fare in battle with only one hand?"

"I'll manage," he said with a steady voice. "Sera is more than just a missing limb. We'll manage, don't worry," he replied while smiling.

It's been a long time since Karyan fought someone, and now a demon? 

The demon laughed, a sound that was both mocking and anticipating. "Then let us dance, warrior. Show me the strength of your soul!"

With a roar, the demon lunged forward, the energy around him erupting in a maelstrom of power. 

Karyan met the charge, Sera's light coalescing into a blade in his right hand 

Karyan studied the demon, his mind raced.

 He needed to keep the conversation going, to probe for more information without revealing his true intent. 

The questions about the old man's soul were a ruse, a means to an end. His real goal lay deeper, in the shadowy world of spirits and the control they wielded over minds. 

Karyan had to know if this demon was acting under orders, and if so, from whom.

"You want to collect souls so badly," Karyan said, his tone casual. "But surely you don't work alone. Who commands you?"

The demon's eyes narrowed, sensing the shift in Karyan's inquiry. "Why does that matter to you? Are you afraid of who might be pulling the strings?"

Karyan feigned a laugh. "Afraid? Hardly. I just like to know who I'm dealing with, especially when they're as... persistent as you."

The demon leaned in closer, his smirk returned.

"Let's make this interesting, shall we? If you can defeat me, I'll answer your questions. But if I defeat you, you'll form a bond with me."

Karyan's heart hammered in his chest. This was the opportunity he needed, but at a great risk. Still, he needed answers. "Agreed," he said, locking eyes with the demon. "Prepare yourself."

As the demon readied himself, Karyan called upon the ancient powers of Lanta, the serpent's deity whose essence had merged with his own.

 A hiss filled the air, a sound that seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere, and the ground itself seemed to slither under their feet.

Karyan spoke an incantation, his voice low and calm. "Serpent's coil, bind my foe; constrict his will, and let him know the embrace of Lanta's hold."

Snakes made of pure energy erupted from the earth, their ethereal forms glowing with a venomous light. 

They spiraled up towards the demon, wrapping around his limbs in an attempt to hold him fast.

The demon roared, his own power flaring to repel the serpentine assault. "You think your parlor tricks will stop me?" he bellowed, tearing through the bindings with sheer force.

Karyan didn't falter.

He reached deeper into his connection with Lanta, feeling the primal energy of serpents coursing through him. "Fangs of the viper, strike true; venom of ancients, I call upon you."

From his hand, spectral vipers launched forward, their fangs aiming for the demon. 

Each strike that landed left behind a trail of chilling energy, sapping the demon's strength and clouding his mind with the lethargy of a potent sleep.

The demon fought back with wild, flailing energy blasts, but Karyan's serpent spells were relentless. 

"You cannot withstand the power of Lanta, no one can!" Karyan declared.

As the battle raged, Karyan summoned his most powerful spell, a manifestation of his bond with the serpent deity.

 "Lanta's embrace, now entwine; through your servant, let your power shine."

A colossal serpent, made of pure, shimmering energy, emerged from the ground beneath them.

 It towered over the demon, its eyes glowed.
