For millions of years, the creator and lifeline of the infinite universes, Si, had been without will or conscious. With her immortality, she supplied the world using her life force, unable to become depleted. She stayed unaware and separated from any type of lifeforms, as their touch might corrupt her and cause her to body to become impure. However, the most powerful being of one of her universes had found her, and because of his greed for power, he touched her. Given the life of conscious, she did not want to stay and have her life sapped away. However, without her powers, the universes began to fall apart and collapse. Discovering this fact, Si no longer hesitated and used a powerful ritual to use her most of her powers to allow the universes to survive without her needing to stay and feed them with her life force. But the ritual was only complete-able if she went through a three million year hibernation. With no other choice, she decided to go forth with the ritual and left her close companions... After three million years, she had finally awoken, and resolves to find her companion once more to live a prosperous and worry free life with them. The only problem is... she doesn't know where they are.
A little girl sat at the edge of a forest cliff, looking out at the sea of green in front of her, flowing out to the glowing horizon. Her small feet dangled over the thousand meter drop, her eyes looking out blankly looking unaware of the danger below her.
Her clothing was flushed with brown, dirt spots and small claw marks, ripping the thin fabric in three messy slashes. Her bright red eyes were filled with a peaceful sorrow, as she stared into the sun setting before her.
Unspeakable beautiful could be found in them, making one feel a mysterious attraction toward the seven year old.
The wind danced with her dark black hair gracefully, lifting each strand softly into a flowing stream. A few strands of red flickered within the dark ocean of her hair, barely noticeable.
If not for the slow but constant rising and falling of her chest, it would seem that she was a statue. Her beauty was just so enchanting that it would make one believe such a breathtaking girl could only be fake.
However she was real, as real as could be.
The sun had finally set, leaving only a pinkish red trail in its absence and a pale yellow sphere taking its place.
In some time, five youths came up behind her, each with their own entrancing form of beauty, draped in lavish clothing.
One of them, had a piercing gaze, filled with reverence. His eyes were a brilliant hazel, like the inside of a chestnut. The youth's face was carved with utmost care, with a hint of firmness that could make countless woman throw themselves at his feet.
The smell of herbs and medicine that cling onto him gave out a calming scent, making the girl's heart settle slowly.
The male to the side of him had a seductive smile, his eyes bouncing around mischievously. His skin was silky smooth, without a dent in his face.
A strong smell of leather surrounded him, making his flirtatious attitude more mystical.
The other youths had different features, that were nonetheless heavenly handsome, however had covered their faces with a mask filled with numerous markings and runes, blocking their blessing from the rest of the filthy world unworthy to witness their unworldly faces.
When the girl turned around and saw the five figures, her heart unconsciously warmed and even her unmoving face let a small bittersweet smile escape.
It disappeared almost instantly though, so quick that the five in front of her didn't manage to see it.
The thought of not seeing these five for such a long time… frankly it made her heart ache. But she would be asleep and she wouldn't be able to feel each passing second, which made her feel better.
"Master…" They said unanimously.
Although three of them had masks to cover their faces, they emotions could not be hid. Their voices were laced thoroughly with worry.
"I have drawn this out long enough," She said in a way unbefitting a child. The understanding and maturity in her eyes was something no youth could be able to possess.
Even the devilish handsome youths in front of her did not possess the amount of maturity found in her.
All the men looked down in desperation, the forest
She smiled sadly.
The canopy above them let in only a small sliver of moonlight. The seven year old walked under the stream of light and sad down, not caring about the filthiness of the dirt.
She slowly closed her eyes, her heartbeat slowing.
A light surrounded her, flashing with a bright burst and within a split second, her entire body was transformed into stone, a beautiful and harmonic statue overlooking her forest kingdom.
A few sobs encased her mind as her conscious faded away, the sense of joy slowly erased from her.
Sleep well, Master.