
Rebirth of a Hollywood Socialite.

This is a translated Chinese novel. I am not the author, just translating for fun. Translator: Doyenro (Fan Translate) Author: Zhuang Jiang Alternative universe (AU) She can produce the most terrifying horror films and also create the most profitable commercial films; she can turn artistic films into commercial successes and turn commercial films into artistic achievements. Future critiques of Laila all say that she is synonymous with the Hollywood miracle, one of the greatest directors of all time. She even unintentionally becomes the most skilled photographer and strategist. However, she knows that all of this comes from her biggest secret, which is—she has been reborn! T/N: * The Female Lead(MC) is very patriotic to her old country, so it may be annoying to some people. * The English gets better from chapter 65, the chapters 1 - 65 will be edited soon. * The actors' or actresses' characters may be different from reality. It is just an alternate universal fictional novel. * Alternate History * Contact me if a novel of the same is officially translated so that I can stop. * Original Chinese novel completed.

Doyenro · 都市
884 Chs

Chapter 313 - Who Is Scared Of You!

Today's weather is very nice, with the warm sunshine shining down, perfect for sitting in an outdoor seat and enjoying the street view. In February, only these snowdrop flowers that aren't afraid of the cold can bloom so brightly, right? 

Laila walked over and found a seat, and a waiter immediately handed her the menu.

"Welcome, what would you like?" the waiter asked.

Laila looked at the menu and said, "Give me a mocha coffee and a recommended mousse."

"Sure, please wait a moment," the waiter smiled and walked away.

Laila casually picked up a fashion magazine from the nearby shelf and started flipping through it. The coffee and mousse were soon delivered to her table.

Perhaps due to the slightly chilly weather, there weren't many people sitting outdoors, except for a couple on the other side.

But Laila had accumulated quite a bit of warmth on her way here, and with the hot coffee and the warmth of the sun, she didn't feel anything was amiss.

As she enjoyed the sunshine, coffee, and tranquility, a discordant voice suddenly appeared on the street.

"Mr. Kerry, didn't you give me that role already? Why did you suddenly change it to someone else?"

"What's the problem?" The man looked arrogantly at the woman opposite him. "Do we need to explain to you who we choose and why we choose them?"

"I've spent all my savings to come to the New York film crew. If you found someone more suitable, why didn't you inform me earlier?" The woman asked angrily.

The man sneered, "You can't meet our requirements. Why don't you think about what's wrong with yourself? Remember your identity. If you don't want to be blacklisted in Hollywood, don't bother us anymore!"

The woman realized that the situation was beyond repair at this point and said with a cold smile, "Is it because I refused to sleep with you? Yes, it's indeed my problem. But you seem to be unaware that the girl who got my role was diagnosed with some kind of terminal illness just a couple of days ago. Even if you gave her the role, you won't have a chance to sleep with her!"

"What did you say?" The man's face suddenly turned pale, and without further argument, he hailed a taxi by the street and got in.

As if wanting to add more insult, the woman followed after him and shouted, "So you've already slept with her, huh? Well, you should go to the hospital and get checked. Maybe you're lucky and didn't catch anything!" With that, the taxi had already disappeared from her view.

It was only at this moment that she spat on the ground and muttered, "Pervert, who is scared of you!" But soon, her triumphant expression turned into one of worry.

"What should I do now? I can't afford the rent, and I've been kicked out of my place. Even if I hitchhike back to Hollywood, I won't have a place to stay. Should I just go back to my hometown?" She ran her hand through her hair in frustration. "I'm not willing! I'm so talented, why hasn't anyone with vision cast me in a movie yet? I'll definitely make their movie a huge success!"

"Hehe." Laughter suddenly came from behind her, interrupting her soliloquy.

She turned around and was surprised to find a young girl sitting behind the wooden frame she had thought was empty.

Well, she had certainly embarrassed herself this time!

She didn't have the face to see who had witnessed her embarrassing moment. She hurriedly picked up her few belongings, preparing to try her luck by the roadside, hoping to find someone to hitch a ride back to Hollywood. As for where to stay... she would figure something out!

"Did you think you're a great actress?" the young girl asked.

"Of course!" The woman instinctively straightened her chest, but then quickly realized that it was the young girl who had laughed at her earlier. "Are you talking to me?" She pointed to her nose uncertainly.

Laila, looking at her through her sunglasses, couldn't help but laugh again. "Are there any other actresses around here? It seems you've run into some trouble. If you don't mind, I can treat you to a cup of coffee. The recommended mousse here is also quite good today."

If it had been a man who said this to her, the woman would have run far away. But since it was a young and seemingly cultured girl, her guard was significantly lowered.

"Would that be alright?" She wanted to appear a bit hesitant but her rumbling stomach gave her away.

"There's no need to be so polite. Come on," Laila beckoned.

This time, the woman didn't hesitate anymore. After all, she had nothing to lose, and she hadn't eaten much since yesterday, hoping to save some money. The aroma of coffee and pastries had already made her mouth water.

Seeing her approach, Laila called the waiter.

The woman, without any pretense, ordered a coffee and several pastries. She didn't care if they were delicious or not; all she knew was that it was rare for someone to treat her, so she had to make sure she had enough calories for the next two days! If, after scaring off the girl treating her, she had to stay here washing dishes to repay her debt, so be it.

The pastries and coffee were soon delivered.

Laila interlocked her fingers and looked at her with great interest as she wolfed down her food.

The woman had to eat three or four pieces of cake before her rumbling stomach finally calmed down. She wiped her mouth and, somewhat embarrassed, dared not look at the other person. "Thank you."

Being treated by a girl so much younger than herself and having her witness her embarrassing display, was indeed a bit embarrassing.

"Don't mention it. If you need more, just order," Laila smiled.

The woman laughed awkwardly, "No need, this is enough."

"Are you an actress in Hollywood?" Laila changed the topic.

"Yes! I've appeared in several movies, although they were all minor roles. It's just that I haven't had the right opportunity. Once I get a chance, I'll definitely succeed. When that time comes, I'll treat you to a big meal to repay your kindness!"

"Really?" Laila deliberately looked curious.

"Of course! If only I could get a chance like that. It's impossible though. Those big productions always look for actors with star power for important roles to make sure they recoup their investments. Let alone a lead role, they wouldn't even give significant supporting roles to someone like me. But let me tell you, I'm actually a very talented actress. If I were given the lead role in a movie, I would definitely perform brilliantly!"

"Is that so?" Laila raised an eyebrow playfully. "It sounds interesting. How about you play the role of a noblewoman who loves pirates?"