
Ch.1 New Beginnings

I woke up everything around me seemed to be foggy I couldn't make out what was happening but sudden jerks around and loud patting of a giant hand on my back made me startle. You can say that was the first sensation I felt vulnerable is what I felt but suddenly nothing else mattered I was taken in by a strong warm embrace it covered me gave me the feeling everything was going to be alright me a fully grow man seemed a bit stupid thinking back on it but it was natural? I'll never be able to tell.

Soon I realized what was happening. Well soon can be relative took me quite some time to realize what was going on. I was in a toddler's body? I was a toddler? Well one of those two doesn't matter which because it blew my mind after my eyes adapted, I could see around looked like a large crib. The first few weeks were definitely foggy there were a couple of things to note I was in some sort of orphanage. Well there goes my dream of being born in some rich family and just enjoying my life. Though it was not all that bad since one difference I noticed was the people in orphanage were dressed like in the 80's or 90's if that was true, I travelled back in time and if this was "earth" earning huge amounts of money wouldn't be a problem. I know what you must be thinking getting reborn and all and all you can think about is money? well yeah screw you, it was completely logical or maybe not, am I greedy? maybe who cares. It is too early to think about these things anyway so back to my routine of doing nothing.

Time kept passing I couldn't be bothered it was boring and I didn't really put much thought on how or why I got here. I kept check on kids around me just following their progression yeah not standing out just be intelligent but not so much that I would be bullied. I was not a problematic child didn't fuss about the food which did appear a bit bland for my taste. Over the year I managed to convey normal things like I need food or I need to pee in sentences. As embarrassing as that is, I managed to find out something's were definitely different about 'this' me. I also learned my name is "Igneius". Pretty cool naming sense derived from ingenium meaning gifted? talented? more or less accurate.

Well after I got comfortable, I did what any adult would do started reading and planning. Can't be getting complacent. This life whoever blessed me with it I may have been an error mistake in the system as they call it. I decided to take complete advantage of it. My memories of my last life were foggy I couldn't really remember my death hand family which was a boon it itself but I do remember being average in every sense of the word .Even after I kept moving up my classes even up to masters I was average which was weird if I could be average in masters I could surely do better in the university but no maybe I just put in enough to be average or I just couldn't be bothered to put more effort in but in this life I swear I'm going to tear away from the average spectrum.

Time passed but there was something definitely different about this me I couldn't figure it out an itch that I couldn't scratch. Ignoring it clearing my mind I decided to jot down my list of things to do with this new life of mine. The orphanage I was at was not bad at all they care takers were kind strict but kind I enjoyed the feeling of being independent, was a bit glad even that I don't have to develop feelings towards my 'new' parents. We were provided ample food enough to feel us up completely which was good it its own way since in my 'list' I had in mind I promised to develop 6 packs a bit random but I can do it with proper exercise and watching my diet I know it you best believe it. *cough cough*. Other things on the 'list' were simple things like learning about stocks generating the principle amount to invest and after earning loads travel around the world. Nothing ambitious just enjoy my life and make lots of good memories.

Just like that another year of my new life passed 17th august 1980, 2 years of my new life passed between running around playing reading from books around the place and meditating which I liked doing just to calm myself and center myself all in all I was adjusting quite well in this life of mine.
