

<P.O.V Issei>

I woke up like always, did my morning training, took a shower and ate breakfast before leaving to school, as i was sitting down the teacher came in and said "We have a new transfer student, please welcome her" I wasn't surprised to see the cute and beautiful Asia coming in with a bashful expression she said "My name is Asia Argento, please take care of me" her smile seemed so radiant i couldn't help but smile.

After school we went to the clubroom only to find out that Asia was living there, i couldn't help but say "President why is she living in the clubroom?" "I still haven't found a place for her to stay" said the crimson haired beauty "she could come live with me after all you could.... 'convince' my parents for her to stay" Asia almost immediately turned red at the suggestion of us living together.

Rias seemed to ponder for a moment before accepting, she gave Asia some flyers to hand out, while i instructed Tia to lookout after Asia out there, i'm feeling distressed as i noticed that Rias is spacing out more often, and i knew the reason why so i could only push myself to the limit and help this woman that i came to truly care for.

Two days later Asia moved in with me after Rias 'convinced' my parents, i was excited as i'll be able to live with her, later i found out how good of a cook Asia was and couldn't help but praize her which made her blush, she looked cute stammering trying to respond, but her living with me also has another benifit as i tought her some elemental magic (she's far more talented than me so she grasped it quickly) and some hand to hand moves for self-defence.

The next week Rias wanted to get a familiar for Asia but since Sona also wanted one for her peerage they could only compete. They played tennis which quickly escalated into the use of demonic energy, so they stopped after a draw and decided to play dodge ball.

Asia sewed for us headbands which we gladly wore, while playing i saw that asshole Saji seizing up Asia and i was pissed off i knew i had to beat him up no matter what, the match went on only Saji and Sona against me, Rias and Koneko stayed on the field. I smiled evilly and blocked Saji's ball only to send it back with all my force and extrem precision towards his crotch.

He couldn't react after the ball hit i heard the ugliest sound i've ever heard Saji screaming, i secretly smiled while looking at him seething in pain his teammates dragged him off to heal him, Sona then sighed and surrendered, she knew she couldn't win against us.

We arrived at a forest, and suddenly a person appeared, it was the familiar(pokemon) master i could only sigh and follow the group, suddenly a slime appeared out of nowhere and started burning the girls cloths, i easily burned him so we could move on.

We encountered the blue sprite dragon which directly went to Asia and started fawning on her "How cute, would you like to be my familiar?" she asked with a sweet smile, the little dragon quickly nodded, she quickly made the ceremony and branded him as her familiar, "i will name you Rassei"

the others were surprised and asked her why "well i wanted to name him after Issei and he also has the element of thunder hence Rassei" she explained with red cheeks, everyone started approaching the sprite dragon, i stated approaching him as he was about to shock me i sent out my draconic aura and focused it on Rassei, it seems my aura of 'she's one of my people' made the little dragon whimper and shrink in Asia's arms.

The next few days i went to school, trained and made new magic but seeing Rias getting more and more depressed tore my heart and couldn't stop myself from asking "President these last few days you seem more ditracted, is anything bothering you?" she smiled sadly which brike my heart "It's... nothing Issei, don't worry about it" i could only sigh sadly before going home.

That night while preparing to go to sleep i felt the magic in the air stirring, and then a crimson magic circle appeared only to materialize Rias, i knew what she wanted "Issei i want you to take my virginity!" i couldn't help but sigh sadly "No... i'm sorry Rias but... i don't want to sleep with you while you're in you're current mindset" i'm not an asshole even though i'm attracted to her body my feelings towards her already surpassed mere physical attraction.

Before she could respond another magic circle appeared , a grey haired woman wearing a maid costume "Miss Rias i can't believe you would want to sleep with this trash to run from your marriage" Oh hell no she might be hot and attractive but hearing this bitch calling me trash i couldn't help but leak some killing intent which was quite dense and it shocked both of them, but before i could talk Rias said "He isn't some trash he is my pawn, how dare you call him that" the grey haired maid tought for a moment before saying "Sorry" and taking Rias, as they were teleporting away i saw the helplessness in Rias's eyes which caused a feelings inside of me welling up.

I felt angry, but i could only burry it deeply and wait untill the match where i will show that asshole what is true strength.

Hello there i'm trying first person point of view.

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Lord_luckycreators' thoughts