
Chapter 81: Unconvincing Convincing


As the villagers and the Feng couple beheld Yun Che's triumphant return, a palpable wave of emotions washed over them. It was as if the sun had broken through the dark clouds that had hung over their lives for the past month. Hope, joy, and relief painted their faces as they witnessed the figure they had come to rely on.

For Retsu, who had shouldered the weight of leadership in Yun Che's absence, his return was nothing short of a miracle. The burden that had pressed upon her heart for the past month suddenly lifted, and she couldn't contain her tears of gratitude. She had missed him more than words could express, and the sight of his familiar face was a balm to her weary soul.

Cang Yue, who had been consumed by worry and anxiety during Yun Che's absence, felt an overwhelming rush of relief. Her heart, which had ached with concern, now swelled with happiness. Her feelings for him had deepened over time, and his safe return brought her an indescribable sense of comfort. As she hugged him tightly, her actions spoke volumes about the depth of her affection.

Even Little Fairy, known for her icy demeanor and often stoic facade, couldn't hide her emotions any longer. Her usual tough exterior crumbled as she saw Yun Che standing before them, unharmed and victorious. Her chilly countenance gave way to a contented smile, and she leaned against his shoulder as if finding solace in his presence. It was a stark reminder that beneath her tough exterior, she too had grown attached to him in more ways than one.

For these three young women, Yun Che's return was more than just a matter of protection; it was a heartwarming reunion with someone who had become an integral part of their lives. His presence brought them not only a renewed sense of security but also a deep sense of reassurance and belonging. The air was filled with the unspoken emotions of relief, gratitude, and the joy of reunion, painting a vivid picture of their shared bond.

The Feng couple, Feng Baichuan and Feng Caiyun, stood among the villagers, their faces a complex tapestry of emotions upon seeing Yun Che's return. The past month had been one of endless worry and anxiety for them, as they had grown incredibly fond of the young man who had come to their village as a stranger but had quickly become like family.

For Feng Baichuan, a sense of gratitude welled up within him. Yun Che had not only protected their village but had also treated their family with kindness and respect. He had taken on the role of an older brother figure to their twin children, Feng Xian'er and Feng Zu'er, who idolized him. Feng Baichuan couldn't help but feel a surge of relief knowing that Yun Che had returned safely. He had come to rely on Yun Che not just for his strength but for his unwavering support and guidance.

Feng Caiyun, his wife, mirrored his feelings. She had grown attached to Yun Che, not just as a protector but as a friend. Her heart had swelled with motherly affection for Retsu, Cang Yue, and Little Fairy, and she knew that they, too, had grown close to Yun Che. His return meant that their newfound family was whole again, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and contentment.

As for Feng Xian'er and Feng Zu'er, the twin children, their faces lit up with pure joy. Yun Che had been their role model, their hero, and they had missed him dearly during his absence. To them, he was not just a protector but a source of inspiration. They had aspired to be like him, and seeing him return unharmed filled their young hearts with boundless happiness.

In the midst of the chaos and danger that had surrounded their lives for the past month, Yun Che had been a beacon of hope and a pillar of strength for the Feng family. His return brought not only relief but a renewed sense of unity and love, reaffirming their belief that fate had brought this extraordinary young man into their lives for a reason.

Yun Che's return not only filled the villagers and the Feng family with relief and joy but also brought with it a profound realization. As they witnessed the young man's triumphant presence, they couldn't help but feel that his return symbolized the end of the curse that had plagued their village for generations.

For years, the village had suffered under the shadow of the curse, enduring countless hardships and tragedies. The relentless attacks by the Hollows had been a constant threat, and the village had lived in fear and despair. But with Yun Che's return and his extraordinary display of power, there was a newfound sense of hope and optimism that spread among the villagers like wildfire.

It was as if Yun Che's very presence had dispelled the curse's malevolent influence, breaking the cycle of suffering that had gripped the village for so long. The Feng family and the other villagers couldn't help but believe that his return was a sign that their fortunes were finally changing. They felt that perhaps, with Yun Che by their side, they could overcome the curse once and for all.

This belief filled their hearts with renewed determination and courage. They were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, knowing that they had an extraordinary protector in Yun Che and that the curse's grip on their lives was finally coming to an end.


Under the tranquil embrace of the moonlit night, Yun Che found himself seated beneath a sprawling tree, perched atop the very ruin he had bravely conquered. It was a place laden with memories, particularly the spot where Little Fairy had once conjured her Frozen Arts to shield Feng Xian'er. He hadn't lingered there for long, as Feng Caiyun and her husband had arrived just in time to witness the rather embarrassing encounter between the four of them. A sigh had escaped his lips as he sought their assistance in carrying the exhausted Little Fairy, while he himself cradled both Retsu and Cang Yue in his strong arms. With the aid of Cang Yue's summoned eagle, they made their way back to the clan, ensuring the girls received the rest they so desperately needed.

The Feng twins wasted no time in expressing their admiration and gratitude, with Feng Zu'er heaping praises upon Yun Che as if he were a hero straight from the legends. Feng Xian'er, on the other hand, clung to him with an unrelenting embrace, as if she had been the one patiently awaiting his return all along. However, amidst all the celebrations and joviality, there was an unexpected twist.

Kon, the small lion-like doll that accompanied Yun Che, had unwittingly become the twins' plaything. While they reveled in their joyful reunion, Kon provided an unwitting distraction with his antics, amusing the twins to no end. Meanwhile, Yun Che engaged in a conversation with the Feng couple, recounting his experiences and trials during the past month. As he spoke, their eyes widened in astonishment. Yun Che had undergone experiences that no ordinary villager could even fathom, and his tales left them in awe.

The curse that had tormented the village for generations had finally been lifted, thanks to Yun Che's efforts. With the curse dispelled, the villagers were finally free to cultivate without the looming shadow of fear and despair. Their spirits soared as they realized that their long-awaited dreams of attaining power were now within reach. Yun Che's presence had brought them hope and optimism, a belief that they could finally break free from the curse's grasp and lead prosperous lives.

That night, as the villagers celebrated their newfound freedom, Yun Che heard their heartfelt thanks repeatedly. Some of the clan's young women even boldly proposed marriage, seeking to become his wives and concubines. With a gracious smile, he politely declined their advances, not wanting to incur the wrath of the three girls who held his heart. Among the playful proposals, one little girl stood out. She fearlessly declared her intention to marry him, oblivious to the concept of marriage itself. Her innocence and courage charmed the villagers, who chuckled at her candidness.

As the night settled in, Yun Che found a quiet moment to reflect. He couldn't help but think of the novel's later chapters, where this very place had been Little Fairy's sanctuary after her banishment from the Asgard sect. The phoenix spirit had protected her for years, during which she had raised the child she had conceived with the original Yun Che during their intimate moment within the dragon trial. Their encounter had led to her regaining her cultivation but had ultimately resulted in her expulsion from the sect. She had hidden here for years until the original Yun Che's return from the Realm of the Gods, where he had unexpectedly found her.

Yet, the current Yun Che shook these thoughts from his mind. The novel's storyline had taken a different path, and Little Fairy had arrived earlier than intended. He wondered about the circumstances that had led her to fall in love with the original Yun Che, despite her cold demeanor. Even after their intimate moment, she had continued to care for him, healing him in secret when he was injured during the Blue Wind Ranking Tournament and relentlessly attacking the seal in the Heavenly Sword Villa after he had been taken by it. Her banishment had led her to choose the wilderness over aborting their child, a testament to her enduring affection. Could it be it's a case of Stockholm Syndrome on her part?

Now, he no longer needed to ponder the intricacies of the novel's plot. The current Little Fairy remained much the same, and he found comfort in that familiarity.

Under the tranquil night sky, Yun Che decided to let the Phoenix Clan revel in their newfound freedom while he enjoyed a rare moment of solitude. With a sense of anticipation, he reached for the system interface, eager to claim the rewards that awaited him for successfully completing his mission.


[Congratulations for completing the Main Mission: Phoenix Trial. Host has gained the following rewards.]

Experience Points (XP): 150,000

System Points (SP): 35,000

Extra Reward: Hado# 58 Tenran (Tornado)


Yun Che closed the interface with a satisfied smile. Another spell had been added to his repertoire, further expanding his array of abilities. He had been deliberate in his choices, preferring to acquire spells gradually and master them rather than overwhelming himself with an abundance of techniques. His SP had been judiciously spent on items essential for cultivation and the creation of pills, ensuring that he continued to strengthen his foundation.

As his thoughts meandered, he contemplated the prospect of future companions—Quincy or Hollows—and the possibility of using his rewards in trade for purple coins, a valuable currency in the system's marketplace. With purpose, he reopened the interface to peruse his updated stats, eager to gauge the progress of his journey.


Yukihira Yuuki



1.  Main Character: Yun Che

2.  Alchemist: Kuchiki Ginrei

Age: 18

Level: 65 (Sky Profound Realm Fifth Level)

Profound Spirit Force: 65000/65000

Combat prowess: Tyrant Profound Realm Fourth Stage

Body prowess: Sky Profound Realm Fourth stage.

Bloodlines: Evil God, Uchiha, Phoenix

Soul Powers: Death God, Quincy and Hollow

Acquired Zanpakuto:

1. Zangetsu

2. Zabimaru

3. Sogyo No Kotowari

4. Sode No Shirayuki

System points: 35,507,550

Default Zanpakuto: None


Heretic God Seven Realms (Berserk state)


1st Realm: Heretic Soul (Unlocked upon entering the Beginner's Profound Realm)

Increase the strength of the host by 25%.

First style: Falling Moon Sinking Star (Small Scale Burst Attack)


2nd Realm: Burning Heart

Increase the strength of the host by 50% (requires the 'Evil Soul' to be active)

Second Style: Sealing Cloud Locking Sun (Absolute Barrier)


3rd Realm: Purgatory

Increase the strength of the host by 75% (requires the 'Burning Heart' to be active)

Third style: Destroying Sky Decimating Earth (Large Scale Burst Attack)


Sharingan Mastery.


[First Realm Sharingan First Tomoe – 'Heretic Soul' State]

Capabilities: Kenbunshoku No Haki (Observation Haki)

Description: This form of Haki bestows upon the user a sixth sense, allowing them to perceive the presence, strength, and emotions of others. It also grants limited precognitive abilities.

Mastery: 50%

Presence Sensing: The Host's Haki sense can now detect opponents within a range equivalent to their level. (One level – One Kilometer) (Current Haki Range – 65 Kilometers)

Strength Sensing: The Host can discern an opponent's level without their knowledge.

Emotion Sensing: The Host can delve into a person's emotions, gaining insight into their feelings and utilizing this knowledge to their advantage. This ability can even be employed to detect falsehoods by observing the intent pulse.

Intent Sensing: The Host is now capable of perceiving the intent behind every attack before it is executed. This allows the Host to evade the attack before or during its launch, without relying solely on their instincts.

Future Sensing (Advanced) (Unmastered): This advanced level of Kenbunshoku Haki enables the user to peer into the immediate future with exceptional clarity. Instead of merely sensing forthcoming events through intuition, the user can now vividly visualize precise mental images of occurrences in the next few seconds.


[Eye of Hypnotism]

Description: The Sharingan's Illusionary power grants the user the ability to ensnare their opponents in a bewildering illusion, leaving them staggered and vulnerable. With persistent practice, the host can even overwrite an opponent's memories using the illusion, giving the user control over their target's thoughts and actions. However, the memory overwrite is only effective when the host's cultivation surpasses that of their opponent.

[Eye of Insight]

Description: The Eye of Insight bestows upon the host the profound ability to perceive the intricate flow and origin of Profound Strength or techniques, unveiling the hidden secrets of an opponent's power. This keen insight enables the user to deliver a precise and debilitating strike to their adversary, targeting weaknesses with surgical precision.


[Second Realm Sharingan Second Tomoe – 'Burning Heart' State]

Capabilities: Busoshoku No Haki (Armament Haki)

Description: Armament Haki empowers the Host by enabling them to utilize their own spiritual energy as an impenetrable armor to defend against enemy attacks. Additionally, it enhances the Host's offensive capabilities, making their strikes more formidable. Users have the flexibility to apply this Haki to specific body parts, their entire body, or even infuse it into weapons.

Haki Mastery: 50%


Hardening: The user envelops a chosen body part with a distinctive, predominantly black coating.

Imbuement: The ability to transfer the hardened effect to any object upon contact, allowing the user to empower their weapons with the same enhanced properties.

Emission (Advanced) (Unmastered): Sufficiently skilled users of Busoshoku Haki are capable of letting the power flow out from a part of their body (usually their hand) and emitting it over a short distance without a medium to carry it.

Internal Destruction (Advanced) (Unmastered): A step above the technique of emitting Busoshoku is having it flow into a target's body and destroy it from the inside out, which can be done by touching, grabbing, or even emitting Haki toward the object.


Third Realm Sharingan Third Tomoe – achieved 'Purgatory state' state.

Sharingan Technique Gained:

[Mastered Eye of Hypnotism]

Description: This technique allows the user to cast a potent version of the Sharingan Illusion, capable of affecting opponents at higher levels.

[Eye of Imitation]

Description: This ability allows the host to replicate any technique, from low-level skills to advanced techniques, originating from the Profound Sky Continent. The user gains the capability to employ these techniques, provided they possess the requisite training, physical ability, and power to use them effectively. Notably, these replicated skills are not permanently stored in the user's database and will be automatically erased by the system after one hour.

Capabilities: Haoshoku No Haki (Conqueror's Haki)

Description: Haoshoku No Haki is a rare form of Haki that enables the user to exert their own willpower over others. This type of Haki cannot be attained through training and is innate to the user.


Domination: The user can temporarily dominate the psyche of others and intimidate them.

Incapacitation: By overpowering the will of those around them to an even greater degree, a Haoshoku Haki user is capable of rendering people and animals in their vicinity unconscious. The effectiveness depends on the relative strength of the user compared to their targets.

Pressure: When used with sufficient power, Haoshoku Haki can damage inanimate objects and structures in the user's vicinity. Infusing it with absolute suppression can yield intriguing results.

Infusion (Advanced) (Unmastered): The host can "infuse" their body and weapons with this Haki, similar to Busoshoku Haki, significantly augmenting the power of their attacks.

Observation Killing (Advanced) (Unmastered): An advanced Haoshoku Haki technique that allows for the control of one's own aura or presence, negating an opponent's ability to see into the future with Kenbunshoku Haki.


[Additional Information:]

In the world of the Profound Sky Continent, Haki is a mysterious and latent power that resides within all living beings, allowing them to harness their spiritual energy for various purposes. However, this extraordinary ability often goes unnoticed or remains dormant in most individuals.

The inhabitants of the Profound Sky Continent tend to prioritize martial skills and often suppress their emotions and willpower. As a result, awakening Haki becomes a rare feat in this world, seemingly unattainable for many. Nevertheless, the system possesses the unique capability to awaken the Haki potential within individuals by tapping into their dormant willpower and bringing it to the surface.

The host's Haki is awakened and intertwined with the use of Sharingan abilities. If necessary, the host can guide and stimulate the Haki of future companions, facilitating the awakening of new abilities. The host also has the option to personally experiment with this process to harness its capabilities fully.

Currently, the host can awaken new Haki abilities based on the respective senses, such as sight, hearing, scent, taste, and movement. It is advisable for advanced users to explore this facet cautiously to prevent any accidents that could potentially lead to permanent loss of their senses.


Current New Haki Abilities based on respective senses. (Recommended only to advanced users to avoid them losing the senses permanently due to an accident.)

1)  Sight: (None)

2)  Hearing: (None)

3)  Scent: (None)

4)  Taste: (None)

5)  Movement: (None)

6)  Sense: (None)


A contented smile graced Yun Che's face as he reflected on his eventful month within the Phoenix Trial Realm. It had been an invaluable period of training, allowing him to hone his Heretic God Arts to a level he hadn't thought possible. But his accomplishments didn't stop there; he had also revisited his long-neglected Haki abilities, determined to unlock their full potential.

His mastery of Kenbunshoku No Haki was steadily progressing, but he knew that achieving the advanced version would demand more practice and dedication. The thought of infusing Haki into his everyday senses intrigued him. What if he could awaken additional senses beyond sight? The possibilities were tantalizing, and he resolved to explore them in the future.

As his thoughts meandered, he remembered Retsu, his loyal companion. She, too, possessed a Heretic counterpart named Yachiru, who was undoubtedly learning and growing alongside her same as Hoyuu. The bond they shared with their hosts ensured a harmonious learning process, and Yun Che felt a sense of anticipation about what the future might hold for all of them.

With renewed determination, he looked forward to the challenges and adventures that awaited him and his companions as they continued to unlock the true potential of their abilities.


Hollow Mode Status


1) Visored Mode: Full-covered Mode

Increase the host's strength by 75%. It can be stacked with Heretic God Berserk Arts.


Quincy Mode Status


1) Kojaku Heilig Bogen (Lone Sparrow Holy Bow) – First Version.

2) Self-created Quincy arrow: Moon Star Destruction Arrow

Description: Merging the Quincy arrow with the Heretic God's Falling Moon Sinking Star has resulted in a devastating new technique called the Moon Star Destruction Arrow. This technique allows the host to use a Quincy arrow with the same devastating power as the Falling Moon Sinking Star.


Novel Cultivated Technique


1) Black Leg Fighting Style (Evolved: Phoenix Enhanced Diable Jamble/ Devil's Leg)

2) World Ode of the Phoenix (5th and 6th Realm only)


Movement Technique


1) Flash step (Evolved: Broken Shadow Flash) (Shinigami Mode Only)

2) Reverberating Turn (Hollow Mode Only)

3) Pure Flying Step (Quincy Mode Only)


System Cheat Skills


1) Instant Learning or Mastery

2) Incantation Enhancement for Kido (200% Amplification)

3) Evolvable Skills (Depending on the skills)


Body techniques


The Great Way of the Buddha (Second Realm)

Regenerate and restore 20% of the host's HP, Stamina, and Spirit Force every 10 minutes. Increase the host's arm strength by 20 tons.

Fire Spirit Evil Body

Permanently immune to all kinds of fires. All fire-based offensive powers are increased to 100%.


Mastered Kido Arts


Binding Arts:

#21(Sekienton) - Red Smoke Escape

#61(Rikujoukoro) - Six Rods Prison of Light

#62(Hyaporankan) - Hundred Steps Fence

#63(Sajo Sabaku) - Locking Bondage Stripes

#77(Tenteikura) – Heavenly Charged Sky Net


Destruction Arts:


#1 (Sho) - Thrust

#2 (Raitoningu) - Thunderclap

#4(Byakurai) – Pale Lightning

#33(Sokatsui) – Blue Fire Crash down

#58(Tenran) - Tornado

#53 (Raikohou) - Thunder Roar Sear

#73(Soren Sokatsui) – Twin Blue Fire Crash down

#90 (Kurohitsugi) – Black Coffin


Barrier Arts:


#21 (Seven Colored Dome)

#23 (Hexagonal Pyramid)


During his one-month stay in the Phoenix Trial Realm, Yun Che had honed his skills and acquired new techniques, including the formidable Hundred Steps Fence from the Binding Arts. This technique would prove invaluable in future battles, especially against powerful adversaries like the Sky Profound Realm Gilians he had encountered earlier. It could immobilize even human opponents if he executed it flawlessly.

With his preparations complete, Yun Che was now ready to embark on his next destination. However, a nagging hunch had been bothering him ever since he encountered the two Earth Profound Realm Gilians earlier in the day. These hollows typically acted independently, each seeking to establish their own territories and dominance. But the coordinated attack by the two Gilians hinted at a more significant threat—a force commanding them from the shadows.

Sitting under a tree, Yun Che contemplated the situation. "Under orders... It seems we need to leave this place and head to the source of these commands. If my suspicions about the Gilians are correct, there are stronger beings pulling the strings. With the defeat of those two, it won't be long before the real boss takes action."

Deciding to take a moment to relax, Yun Che leaned back against the tree. However, his solitude was short-lived, as he heard familiar footsteps approaching from behind.

Suddenly, Retsu, his beloved, approached him. She wore a graceful yukata, its silky fabric adorned with cherry blossom patterns alongside a pink haori. The pastel hue of the yukata beautifully complemented her porcelain skin.

Retsu's long, black hair framed her face, and her eyes sparkled with affection as she smiled at Yun Che. Bathed in the moonlight, she looked enchanting.

With graceful steps, Retsu moved closer to Yun Che, her hand extended toward him. In that moment, she radiated warmth and love, captivating him with her presence.

Retsu had woken up after passing out earlier in the afternoon, and her presence brought comfort and warmth to Yun Che's heart. He sat up slowly and greeted her, "Retsu? You're awake?"

"Hai, I woke up and sensed you nearby," Retsu replied, her voice filled with affection and longing.

Before Yun Che could finish explaining why he couldn't bring her along, Retsu had thrown herself onto him, hugging him tightly. Tears welled up in her eyes as she confessed, "Young master, I really missed you."

Yun Che gently stroked her head, soothing her. "It's only been a month, Retsu."

Despite his reassurance, Retsu held onto him tightly, her sadness evident. Yun Che sighed, realizing just how deep her love for him ran. She was an essential part of his life, alongside his other cherished companions.

"Retsu, I'm sorry I couldn't bring you with me," he apologized, his voice filled with sincerity. "But your presence here protected everyone, including Little Fairy and Cang Yue. Little Fairy may be strong, but she wouldn't be as effective against enemies from our realm. Plus, only Shinigamis can banish these hollows. You've done a great job."

Retsu tightened her hug and whispered, "Even if you didn't say it, I'd still want to cuddle with you."

Yun Che continued to pet her head affectionately, grateful for her unwavering love and loyalty. She had become one of his most precious people, alongside Jasmine, his spirits, Little Fairy, Cang Yue, Nemu, and even the annoying little plushy, Kon. He hadn't forgotten about his adoptive grandfather and Little Aunt back home either.

Thinking of Kon, he contemplated returning to the inner world to drink some of that special water, but he knew the mischievous spirits wouldn't leave him alone.

With Retsu awake and in his arms, Yun Che felt a sense of contentment. She had passed out earlier when she embraced him, and now that she was awake, she was eager to hear about his adventures during the trial.

"Young master, what happened in there?" she inquired, her curiosity piqued. She was particularly interested in Nemu and Kon, and she jokingly threatened to beat him up if he tried anything funny.

As Yun Che began narrating his trials, starting from the first one and recounting each challenge, Retsu listened attentively. The mention of Su Ling'er's avatar, the lover of the previous Yun Che, intrigued her, and she looked forward to meeting her someday. However, what intrigued her even more was the story of Nemu.

As someone from the cubes, Retsu technically considered Nemu her sister, except for Kon, whom she viewed as a mischievous pet. The revelation that she had a sister left her eager to meet Nemu in person.

"Wait, I have a sister?" Retsu asked, her eyes widening in surprise.

Yun Che smiled and nodded. "Yes, and she bears a striking resemblance to you. When I first saw Nemu, I couldn't help but notice the similarities. The braided hair and the modified Shihakushou, she looks like your spitting image. Well, except for the serious expression, which is quite different from your demonic smiley face."

As they sat together under the starry sky, Yun Che and Retsu continued to share their experiences and stories, relishing each other's company and the warmth of their bond.

Retsu's eyes sparkled with excitement as she learned about Nemu. She couldn't contain her enthusiasm and asked, "When can I see her?"

Yun Che smiled and gave her two options, "You can enter the inner world and see her immediately, or you could wait another two months until her soul has completely transformed."

Retsu's anticipation was evident as she replied, "I don't know why, young master, but I'm really excited to see her."

Yun Che gently petted her head and said, "I'm sure you are. You two are sisters now, and you can dote on her when she appears two months from now."

Retsu began sharing her stories from the past month, including her breakthrough to the Sky Profound Realm. She revealed that Little Fairy had taught her how to fly, and she had mastered it quickly.

After listening to her tales, Yun Che held her hand and grinned, saying, "By the way, I'm still waiting."

"Waiting?" Retsu tilted her head in confusion.

"For my welcome-back kiss." Yun Che playfully pulled her chin and leaned in for a passionate kiss, even though she was still cuddled up with him. Their lips met, and the kiss lasted for several intense moments before he finally released her. He looked at her affectionately and hugged her tightly, saying, "It's good to be back."

With a reddening face, Retsu held his cheeks gently and asked, "May I?" He nodded, and she seized the opportunity to engage him in another passionate kiss, wanting to collect the debt he owed her for the past month. This time, they engaged in a heated French kiss, neither wanting to lose the tongue battle. When they finally pulled away, both were left breathless and connected by a thin line of saliva.

Retsu blushed deeply and said with a shy smile, "Welcome back, young master."

Yun Che smirked and teased her, "From now on, you can kiss me anytime you want. Let's refrain from public displays of affection, though." He knew she had her dignity and wouldn't engage in intimate actions in public.

She smiled and hugged him tightly, eventually falling asleep on his chest. Yun Che enjoyed catching her off guard, and she seemed to enjoy it too. After a month of restless nights, she was back in his arms, where even the most comfortable bed couldn't compare.

Morning arrived without warning, and Yun Che slowly woke up under the warm morning sun. He felt an unusual weight on his body, and when he opened his eyes, he discovered that Retsu was still hugging him on his right side. But there was also someone else – Cang Yue, who bore a striking resemblance to Sakaki Ryouko – was hugging his torso. Yun Che couldn't help but wonder if she was ever this bold for a princess.

Yun Che awoke to an unexpected scenario: he was sandwiched between two women. Retsu lay on his right, while Little Fairy was on his left, maintaining a small but significant gap.

He heard a grunt, signaling Little Fairy's awakening. To avoid any potential awkwardness, Yun Che decided to play possum, pretending to be asleep. Little Fairy's voice soon followed, somewhat annoyed, "Hmph, you finally woke up?"

Internally amused, Yun Che continued with the charade, responding with a feigned yawn and a grin, "Little Fairy? Sorry, it was the best sleep I've had in a month."

Little Fairy, attempting to mask her envy at their boldness, turned away. She had woken up during the night, searching for Yun Che and Retsu, only to find them peacefully resting on him. Little did she know that Yun Che was aware of her presence.

Yun Che couldn't help but smirk as he observed Little Fairy's reaction. Slowly and gracefully, he rose from his sleeping position, inadvertently causing Retsu and Cang Yue to stir awake as well. With a warm smile, Retsu sweetly greeted him, "Good morning, young master. That was the best sleep I've ever had."

Cang Yue, on the other hand, found herself still clinging to him, and her sudden realization led to a comical, embarrassed outburst. "Fueehhh?!? Yun Che?!? Muuu."

Yun Che's response was both reassuring and heartwarming. "It's okay. You seem a lot more mature compared to before," he admitted, his eyes reflecting his pride in her growing strength. He welcomed the idea of them getting closer, understanding that if these girls loved him so deeply, he had a responsibility to reciprocate their affections equally.

Little Fairy's curiosity sparked as she inquired, "Now explain… what is this Fully Rested perk I've been hearing from Retsu?"

Yun Che, caught off guard, responded with a puzzled, "What?" He glanced at Retsu, who suddenly seemed innocent but had a mischievous glint in her eyes. She must have mentioned something about it during one of her sleep-deprived rants, and now it had come back to haunt her.

Cang Yue chimed in, intrigued by the mystery as well, saying, "She's been talking about getting this perk from you ever since you returned. What exactly is it?"

Retsu, who had been grumbling about her lack of sleep that night and vowing to secure this elusive perk from Yun Che, knew she had some explaining to do. Her friends had noticed her peculiar behavior when it came to sleep. She wasn't uncomfortable sleeping beside them, but she seemed unusually content when she slept beside him.

Yun Che let out a resigned sigh before elaborating, "Well, it's a special perk that only I can cultivate. It allows two people sleeping together to gain a Fully Rested condition. In simple terms, when you sleep next to me, your energy, stamina, fatigue, and mental exhaustion will be restored to full power."

He continued, his eyes twinkling with mischief, "You could think of it as experiencing the most rejuvenating slumber imaginable, regardless of the sleeping conditions. It's like resting on the most comfortable bed in the world, every single time."

Cang Yue's eyes widened in amazement as she comprehended the implications. "So, it means our month-long fatigue can be completely restored just by sleeping next to you?" Her expression conveyed both astonishment and delight. She had often noticed that her fatigue, lingering for weeks, would vanish as if she had spent the night on the most luxurious of beds. Retsu had been eagerly anticipating this aspect of their relationship, it seemed.

Yun Che confirmed with a nod, "That's right, Cang Yue. Regardless of how exhausted you are, the moment you sleep beside me, my unique ability will replenish your energy to its peak. Unfortunately, I can't teach it to anyone; it's an exclusive skill of mine. Believe me, it's quite addictive."

Retsu chimed in, her smirk evident in her voice, "You're going to love it." However, they hid the condition that for this perk is that both individuals have to genuinely care for each other. But if Cang Yue gains it, it's a clear sign of her affection for Yun Che. Well, her penchant for hugging him is already a pretty big hint.

Cang Yue realized something, "No wonder I felt so incredibly rejuvenated. It's like a miraculous gift you have there, defying the laws of heaven."

"I felt the same way; my month-long fatigue just vanished overnight. It's absolutely incredible," Little Fairy couldn't contain her admiration for the Fully Rested perk. Her words hung in the air, a revelation that rippled through the small group, causing both Yun Che and Retsu to cast intrigued glances in her direction. Their exchanged looks conveyed a silent question: Could it be that Little Fairy, too, harbored profound feelings for him? After all, the Fully Rested perk was a testament to genuine love between two people.

Little Fairy felt their scrutiny and questioned, "Why are you two looking at me like that?"

Yun Che and Retsu shared a small smile before Yun Che responded, "Nothing at all, just remember, if you ever want to experience this perk again, all you have to do is sleep beside me. There won't be any other intentions. Just sleep."

Yun Che's grin widened as he decided to give her the space to sort out her feelings. After all, the Fully Rested perk was incredibly enticing and had a way of drawing people back in. He added playfully, "And if you ever feel like hugging me, you're more than welcome."

Before he could react, a snowball splattered against his face, and he blinked in surprise as his cheek turned a light shade of pink.

Little Fairy scolded him with a blush on her face, "Don't push your luck."

The playful exchange left them all chuckling, knowing that the allure of the Fully Rested perk might have them seeking each other's company more often than they initially thought.

Yun Che turned his gaze toward Cang Yue, a thoughtful expression on his face. After assessing her strength, a spark of an idea ignited in his mind.

"Cang Yue, it seems I've found the third contender for the Blue Wind Empire Royal Family," he began, instantly capturing Cang Yue's interest in her family's matters.

"Really? Who?" Cang Yue leaned in, eager to hear more.

Yun Che answered with a mischievous grin, "You, of course."

Cang Yue was taken aback, her confidence suddenly shattering as she envisioned the grand tournament where the brightest geniuses from all over the empire would compete. She hesitated, "Me? Yun Che, that's impossible. Someone as weak as me couldn't possibly..."

Yun Che laughed heartily, cutting her off, "Weak? Have you looked at yourself lately? You've reached the Grand Perfection of the Spirit Profound Realm. Before the tournament begins, I will help you break through to the Earth Profound Realm."

The revelation left Cang Yue stunned. She couldn't believe that she might represent her family in such a prestigious event. All this time, she had never considered herself on par with the empire's genius disciples, but now, she saw a glimmer of hope. Maybe, if she broke through to the Earth Profound Realm, she could even make it into the top 100.

Yun Che affectionately patted her head, making her blush as she regained her confidence. "Yes, your cultivation will undoubtedly amaze the empire when you reveal it."

Little Fairy nodded in agreement, adding, "Indeed, she's been getting stronger month by month. You should have seen her in action."

Cang Yue felt a warm sense of accomplishment hearing Little Fairy's praise. She had worked tirelessly to be of help to them, and now, her efforts were paying off.

"Then, it's official. You are now the third member of our Blue Wind Royal Family," Yun Che declared with conviction. "Instead of asking others to fight for your family, you should have the honor of fighting for them yourself. We'll be with you every step of the way. Count on it."

Cang Yue's eyes welled up with gratitude as she looked at Yun Che, Retsu, and Little Fairy. She couldn't believe their trust and acceptance. She bowed deeply before them, her gesture not one of request, but one of heartfelt gratitude.

"Yun Che… Sister Retsu… Sister Yuechan," she said with sincerity, "Thank you so much. Thank you for trusting me. I promise I won't let you all down."

Moved by Cang Yue's words, Retsu wrapped her arms around her in a warm and affectionate hug. The embrace conveyed not just appreciation but also the deep bond that had formed among the three of them during the intense battles of the past month.

Cang Yue had shown incredible determination and courage, standing side by side with Retsu and Little Fairy, despite not being as skilled in martial arts. She had fought countless battles, refusing to be the weakest link in their group. Now, with the opportunity to become an even stronger ally, she was determined to stand beside them rather than trailing behind.

Their unbreakable bond as sisters grew stronger with each passing day, and they were ready to face whatever challenges awaited them as a united front.

Yun Che's expression turned serious, and he addressed both Little Fairy and Cang Yue, "Yes, I heard all about it from Retsu last night. But there's something I want to say to both of you."

He bowed to them, surprising the two women, who were taken aback by the gesture. "Thank you..."

Their eyes widened in confusion, and they asked in unison, "Yun Che, why are you thanking us?" His display of gratitude was unexpected.

Yun Che explained, "You two stayed until the end and faced those formidable hollows despite being weaker than them. You waited for me to return."

Little Fairy couldn't hold back her emotions and playfully pulled his ear, their close bond evident. "You rascal! Are you underestimating us?"

Yun Che raised his hands in a placating manner, wincing from the pull on his ear. "Ow...ow...ow... No, I'm not underestimating you. I'm just moved by your bravery and determination."

Little Fairy emphasized, "Even if you weren't here, I would never leave my sisters to fight alone. I'm watching over both of them."

Cang Yue chimed in, "That's right, Yun Che. I wouldn't leave Retsu and YueChan on their own either."

Yun Che's heart warmed, witnessing the strong bond among these three. He felt reassured knowing that they could rely on each other. Then, he adopted a more serious expression as he dropped a bombshell.

"By the way, I have some bad news for all three of you."

As Yun Che spoke, his companions were drawn into his words, leaning closer to catch every nuance. He outlined his theory about the hollows' true motives, suggesting that it wasn't the villagers they sought, but an enigma buried within the ruins. The persistent attacks over the last month furthered his belief. Moreover, the sudden emergence of two powerful beings from the Sky Profound Realm hinted at an even greater power lurking in the shadows of the Ten Thousand Beast Mountains.

"So, there might be even more formidable foes lurking in the mountains?" Cang Yue inquired, her face taking on a shade of worry.

Yun Che gave a somber nod. "Yes, and my intention is to face them. With my current cultivation, I can challenge even those from the Emperor Profound Realm. I wanted you to..."

Little Fairy cut him off with a determined gesture. "If you think we'll just stand by while you confront this danger alone, you're mistaken. We're with you, every step of the way."

Retsu, her eyes flashing with determination, grabbed Yun Che's arm tightly. "It's been a month since you left, Young Master. This time, we face these threats together. I won't let the man I cherish take on all the risks alone."

Cang Yue's voice echoed the same sentiment, "Yes, Yun Che. No matter my perceived weaknesses, I've been training diligently. Give me just a bit more time, and I'll be ready to stand by Sister Retsu and Sister YueChan."

Yun Che had attempted countless times to emphasize the sheer dangers that lay ahead, but it seemed that his words fell on deaf ears, or rather, hearts resolute in their decision.

He had painstakingly outlined the potential threats, the overpowering strength of the foes that might await them in the Ten Thousand Beast Mountains, and the uncertainty of their survival. But no matter how dire he painted the picture, his companions remained steadfast in their determination.

Every attempt to dissuade them seemed to stoke their resolve further, as if they were propelled by a force greater than fear. Each time Yun Che expressed his concerns, Retsu, Little Fairy, and Cang Yue only responded with a firmer commitment to stand by his side.

As Yun Che reluctantly yielded to their unwavering determination, he realized that convincing them to stay behind was futile. Instead, he decided to make the best of the situation and take a few days to train these determined women.

However, despite their enthusiasm for training, Yun Che couldn't shake off the sense of responsibility and concern that weighed heavily on him. With a somber expression, he gathered them together, their eyes locked on his, filled with curiosity.

But then, his face turned solemn, a shadow of concern evident. "If you wish to come, then …..."

Retsu, perceptive as ever, quickly deduced that Yun Che had something new to impart. "It's been a while since our last training session. Are you suggesting we hone our skills together once more?"

Little Fairy's eyes gleamed with anticipation. She had always admired Yun Che's unique techniques and had hoped to learn some of them. "I've seen the power of your techniques. If you're offering to share that knowledge, count me in."

Yun Che stood, motioning for them to hold their excitement for a moment. "First, let's inform the chief's wife of our plans. We don't want any misunderstandings. Once that's sorted, I'll unveil the mysterious power that has been dormant within each of you."

The trio exchanged intrigued glances. "Mysterious power?" Cang Yue echoed.

Sporting his signature grin, Yun Che leaned in, adding a touch of drama. "Yes. Get ready to unravel the secrets of 'Haki'."

A rewrite version of it.

Nora_Danishcreators' thoughts