
Chapter 182: Last Battles of the Day (I)

As the second-round contenders' names flashed across the profound display, anticipation filled the arena. Most of the matches had concluded, but one remained—the Blue Wind Imperial Family's match. Throughout the tournament, their prowess had been hailed, elevating them to the status of one of the top sects.

When their names finally appeared on the display, a wave of shock rippled through the crowd. The audience's murmurs intensified as they beheld the unexpected pairing, their curiosity piqued by the upcoming showdown. All eyes turned to the arena, eager to witness the clash between these formidable opponents.


Blue Wind Imperial Family ---- Yun Che ------ Vs ---- Xiao Sect --- Xiao Zhen


The arena erupted in excitement as the Blue Wind Imperial Family prepared to face off against the formidable contenders from the Xiao Sect. It was a showdown that captured the attention of the entire tournament, pitting two powerhouse factions against each other right from the start. While some doubted Yun Che's chances, he remained steadfast in his determination.

"Little Yue... Looks like I'll be facing one of the top sect members right from the start." Yun Che flashed a confident grin at her.

"*giggle… Are you worried? Not with you out there. I'm more concerned for them, given your track record," Cang Yue replied with a sheepish smile, recalling Yun Che's past feats, including his epic battle against a dragon of legendary proportions and even destroyed the top members of the Xiao Sect.

"I've been itching for a challenge like this, something more than just taking down random opponents, especially like that Du Ming guy." Yun Che declared, his excitement palpable as he anticipated facing off against the elite disciples of the Xiao Sect.

"Muuu, I hope I get a chance to showcase my parasol properly this time," Retsu sighed wistfully, regretting her earlier decision to reveal her weapon prematurely. She was eager to demonstrate its full capabilities against a worthy opponent and was hoping to see an elite from the top sects as well.

"Oi, omae, are the top sects really that formidable?" Kon's curiosity broke through the tension, reflecting the thoughts of many spectators wondering about the strength of the empire's most prestigious martial sects.

"Sort of, that Xiao Zhen is also on an eleven-win streak like me in our group. Strange, I never even noticed him before, not even in the real novel," Yun Che casually remarked, unaware of the peculiarity of his terminology.

"The real novel?" Kon's curiosity piqued, echoing the confusion shared by his group members.

Cang Yue, too, caught onto Yun Che's choice of words. She had often heard him refer to things as not being the same as what he had read, leading her to speculate that he was alluding to reports gleaned from the Soul cultivators in his secret realm.

Yun Che shrugged off the questioning looks with a sheepish smile. "Nothing... Well, better get going then," he said, brushing off the topic before heading out of the seating zone.

"Danna-sama, kick the Xiao Sect's butt!" Mio cheered enthusiastically, while Nemu joined in waving her pom-poms.

"I think I've already kicked their butts enough to last a lifetime," Yun Che chuckled, recalling his exploits as Dracule Mihawk and the defeat of the Xiao Sect's grand sect master by Little Fairy and her sister. Their ultimate backers had been dismantled, leaving the Xiao Sect vulnerable. If they dared to pick a fight with him now, he could easily wipe them out.

As he made his way to the stage, Yun Che noticed the growing anticipation surrounding his match. It was his last fight of the day and spectators from other arenas were converging to witness the showdown, and his arena had become the focal point of the tournament.

With a sense of determination, Yun Che tapped the system's interface to scan his opponent, preparing himself for the battle ahead.



Name: Xiao Zhen

Age: 21

Affiliation: Xiao Sect

Level: 49 (Ninth Level Spirit Profound Realm)

Description: In the real novel, He fought against Xiao Kuanglei during the Top 32 tournament and narrowly lost.

PS: You must defeat him early on as this is your last opponent for the day. If you want that day off, go for it.


In the midst of the tournament's crescendo, Yun Che found himself facing a formidable opponent from the Xiao Sect, a Level 49 powerhouse. Though he had hoped for a showdown with the Burning Heaven Clan to spite Fen Juecheng, fate had other plans. Nonetheless, facing such a high-level adversary at the tournament's end was a fitting climax on his part.

In the Xiao Sect seating zone, whispers and speculations swirled as Yun Che stepped onto the stage. The anticipation of witnessing the Blue Wind Imperial Family's dark horse clash with one of the empire's top sects electrified the air. Unbeknownst to many, the very person they anticipated fighting was the one who had decimated their sect's higher-ups—a fact lost in the excitement of the tournament.

Meanwhile, Xiao Yuerui, granddaughter of Xiao Wuji, fixated her gaze on Yun Che with a mixture of desire and jealousy. He embodied everything she sought in a man, far surpassing her former fiancé Xiao Luocheng. However, her envy flared as she watched him interact with Princess Cang Yue and Unohana Retsu, wishing she could capture his attention as they did.

As Yun Che took his place on the stage, the arena fell silent, his battle becoming the focal point of the entire tournament. Even sects engaged in fierce battles diverted their attention to witness the clash between Yun Che and Xiao Nan. The intensity of the gaze upon him was palpable, amplifying the pressure of the impending duel.

Despite facing an opponent nine levels above him, Yun Che remained composed, his demeanor unyielding. He had faced challenges far greater than any opponent in the tournament, and he approached this battle with the same unwavering resolve.

"So, you're the dark horse of this tournament, Yun Che. You're quite amusing, but I'm here to put an end to that," Xiao Zhen sneered, attempting to belittle Yun Che.

Yun Che shrugged off the taunt. "So what? You want to stop my winning streak or something? Look, man, I just wanted a day off tomorrow. The only way I can get it is by beating you. So, let's get on with it!"

Xiao Zhen tried to boast about his ninth-level Spirit Profound status, but Yun Che cut him off. "Ahh, enough with the chit-chat. I've had my fill of empty talk with that Du Ming. Let's just fight."

Yun Che blatantly disrespects him and he isn't letting him slide.

As the match began, Yun Che's face was suddenly met with a powerful explosive punch, followed by Xiao Zhen grabbing his leg and relentlessly slamming him to the ground like a ragdoll.

"Where's all that bravado from before?!" Xiao Zhen taunted, continuing to batter Yun Che against the ground and then tossing him into the barrier, delivering rapid punches with all his strength. It was a display of pure brutality, as Xiao Zhen, with his higher Spirit Profound Realm strength, treated Yun Che like a plaything.

The audience watched in disbelief. This was supposed to be the top True Profound Realm fighter who shattered records. Some mocked him, believing that Xiao Zhen was finally putting Yun Che in his place in the tournament. But Yun Che remained unfazed, sporting a bored expression despite the onslaught of attacks.

"Look at that, the True Profound Realm boy is getting beaten."

"Under the might of the four sects, he is nothing."

"The True Profound Realm challenger thought he could stand against the four sects? How foolish!"

The arena gasped in shock as Xiao Zhen unleashed a brutal onslaught against Yun Che. Some cheered at the display of aggression, while others shouted for it to stop. Xia Qingyue's eyes widened as she watched Yun Che endure the relentless barrage of attacks. Part of her felt compelled to intervene, but another part sensed that Yun Che had something up his sleeve. Little Fairy, with her usual calm demeanor, seemed unperturbed, confident in Yun Che's ability to handle the situation.

She witnessed Yun Che enduring the relentless assault from her and the other formidable beings back when travelled with her, and a realization dawned upon her – this must be his strategy, a calculated gambit in the midst of chaos.

"Fleeting Strike!" Xiao Zhen's voice pierced through the din as he unleashed his strongest move, the force of his fists a tempest of power aimed squarely at Yun Che. Each strike reverberated with a primal intensity, sending shockwaves through the air as Yun Che was propelled backwards, crashing against the barrier with bone-rattling force.

The impact resonated with a resounding thud, sending cracks spider-webbing across the barrier's surface.

Ling Yun and Fen Juecheng grinned from ear to ear, relishing in the spectacle of Yun Che's apparent downfall. Their hopes for his humiliation hung on every blow. However, Ling Yun glanced at Retsu and Mio, only to find their indifference unsettling. It was as if Yun Che's fate held little significance to them.

"Brother-in-law..." Xia Yuanba gritted his teeth, torn between concern for Yun Che and puzzlement at his sisters-in-law's lack of reaction. Surely, Yun Che had a plan in motion. Ling Jie watched with a mix of emotions, recognizing that the warrior before him was not the same one who had defeated him.

"Heavenly Eagle Art!" Xiao Zhen's cry echoed through the arena, a declaration of his newfound speed and agility. With a surge of power coursing through him, he became a blur of motion, closing the distance to Yun Che in the blink of an eye.

With precision born of relentless training, Xiao Zhen seized Yun Che and hurled him with incredible force, the arena becoming a tumultuous battleground as they danced amidst the chaos.

But Xiao Zhen's assault was far from over. With a fierce determination burning in his eyes, he grasped Yun Che once more, hurling him down towards the unforgiving floor of the arena below.

"Heavenly Eagle Limitless Strike!" The words were a battle cry as Xiao Zhen descended like a vengeful deity, his strike landing with the force of a thunderbolt, shattering the very foundation of the arena upon impact.

The audience watched in awe as Yun Che lay motionless in the center of the newly formed chasm, the crackling energy of the battle still lingering in the air like a silent testament to the ferocity of the combatants. At that moment, the arena stood as a battleground where two top fighters clashed and destinies were forged amidst the thunderous roar of the crowd.

"Oi…oi…. This is the genius cultivator behind the True Profound Realm? I am getting boring here!" Xiao Zhen taunted.

"In the end, he's just a True Profound Realm who doesn't know his place." Fen Juebi smirked.

"Yun Che, if you think this is over, think again." Fen Juecheng smirk. At the same time, Ling Yun smirks as well as this man whom the goddesses loved is this weak. They will surely leave him and he can swoop in and take them.

"In the end, he finally knows his place," a disciple sneered, his voice dripping with scorn as he watched the defeated Yun Che on the arena.

"A True Profound Realm dares to make an appearance here and wanted to fight the top sects? He's simply asking for humiliation," another disciple remarked, shaking his head in disbelief.

The murmurs spread like wildfire throughout the arena, with people from all corners chiming in with their disdainful comments.

"A True Profound Realm? More like a True Foolish Realm," someone scoffed, eliciting a chorus of derisive laughter from those nearby.

"He's lucky he's still breathing after facing someone of our caliber," a boastful disciple from the Xiao Sect exclaimed, puffing out his chest with unwarranted pride. His words stung Xiao Yuerui like a sharp thorn, casting a shadow over her heart. Was the man she admired truly so weak and pathetic? Despite his earlier victories, he had faltered against Xiao Zhen, unable to match his strength in the eyes of the crowd.

Meanwhile, Yun Che lay down with a bored expression, his gaze fixed on the sky above. Despite the commotion around him, he seemed unaffected by the outcome of the match, his thoughts wandering elsewhere. Perhaps there was more to his demeanor than met the eye, hidden depths waiting to be uncovered.

"Man, what should I cook for dinner?" Yun Che's thoughts wandered to more mundane matters amidst the chaos of the arena.

"I never thought you were one to enjoy getting hit," Jasmine remarked, her confusion evident.

"I activated ragdoll mode," Yun Che explained casually.

"What?" Jasmine's confusion deepened.

"Never mind. I let him have his fun and tank his hits like a boss before I give him a taste of his own medicine," Yun Che clarified, revealing that he hadn't sustained any damage from the onslaught because of his Lower Saint Rank Body.

"Your methods are quite unconventional," Jasmine observed.

As the referee counted to ten, the anticipation in the air reached a crescendo. With a smirk, Yun Che braced himself. "Showtime," he whispered, as crimson flames erupted from his legs, signaling the beginning of his retaliation.

Suddenly, a burst of flames erupted, engulfing the arena and shooting towards the heavens, creating a swirling tornado of fire shocking Xiao Zhen. Yun Che hadn't initially planned to unleash his Phoenix Inheritance, but the relentless provocation from his opponent pushed him over the edge. Moreover, while he usually reserved his powers for serious situations, this time, he couldn't resist the temptation to use them for a bit of fun.

"Diable Jamble…," Yun Che muttered, his voice ringing out as he hovered midair, a look of disdain etched on his face. Despite the beating he had just mockingly endured, he is now radiated power, surrounded entirely by crimson flames. The flames licked at his legs, coating them in an incandescent glow, yet miraculously, his clothes and boots remained unscathed, seemingly immune to the searing heat.

"How?! Impossible!" Xiao Zhen widened his eyes as Yun Che didn't receive any damage at all. Not even a drop of blood from him and only a few smudges on his clothes.

"Kyaa!!!" The sound of feminine squeals echoed throughout the arena as Yun Che's handsome visage was bathed in the fiery glow. Women from all corners of the arena ogled him with unabashed desire, much to the chagrin of Retsu and Cang Yue, who gritted their teeth in frustration. It was clear that these women viewed Yun Che like a prized catch, their eyes gleaming with a predatory hunger. Mio looked ready to unleash her Haoshoku No Haki, while Nemu, though appearing stoic, couldn't help but click her tongue in annoyance at the spectacle unfolding before her.

As the intense heat radiated from Yun Che's fiery aura, some of the women in the arena found themselves unable to contain their excitement, with a few even succumbing to the overwhelming sensation and wetting themselves. Among them, Xiao Yuerui couldn't help but bite her finger, her desire for Yun Che burning hotter than the flames themselves. Compared to her former fiancé, Xiao Luocheng, Yun Che surpassed him not just by a hundredfold, but by a thousandfold. She fantasized about being enveloped in the warmth of his blazing legs, determined to make him hers by any means necessary, even if it meant leveraging the power of her sect.

Meanwhile, Xia Qingyue watched with widened eyes as Yun Che became engulfed in crimson flames. She couldn't help but be intrigued by his ability to manipulate fire, especially since he was primarily known as a sword cultivator. The attention he garnered from the women in the arena began to grate on her nerves, a sentiment shared by Little Fairy, who silently scolded him and expressed her jealousy for drawing too much attention, particularly from the female spectators.

Recalling Yun Che's explanation of Diable Jamble, Little Fairy understood that it was a technique where he channeled Phoenix Flames into his legs, enhancing the impact of his Black Leg Style kicks with extreme heat. She marveled at his ability to create so many variations of the technique, infusing it with elements from the fifth and sixth arts of the World Ode of the Phoenix. Despite her reservations, she couldn't help but be impressed by his ingenuity.

Nezuko, or Yoruko as she was also known, cheered happily for her master, her enthusiasm infectious. Chu Yueli couldn't help but wonder about her connection to Yun Che, speculating that perhaps she knew him through Princess Cang Yue. As for Xuanyuan Yufeng, she regarded him with a curious expression, intrigued by the display of power unfolding before her. She was intrigued with him all this time as if she knew him, but she didn't know him.

"Oh man, that's one backache I needed getting off to," Yun Che remarked, his voice laced with a hint of satisfaction as he stretched his muscles. Being tossed around like a ragdoll had been surprisingly invigorating, especially since his Lower Saint God Ranked Body rendered him practically invulnerable beneath the Sovereign Profound Realm. It was like playing with mods in a video game, except this was real life.

With a determined expression, Yun Che muttered the name of his technique, "Diable Jamble," before launching himself directly at Xiao Zhen, intent on finishing the match in one swift combo. "Collier Strike (Neck Meat Strike)," he announced as he soared through the air, his foot aimed unerringly at his opponent's neck. The impact of the kick was not only powerful enough to send Xiao Zhen hurtling through the air, but also seared him with flames that pierced through his armor.

But Yun Che wasn't finished yet. "Diable Jamble - Primere Hachis ("First-Rate Mincemeat")," he declared, executing a series of rapid kicks with both legs as he spins anticlockwise that barraged Xiao Zhen's stomach with intense heat. The phoenix flames engulfed his opponent, leaving him shouting in pain as the fiery onslaught continued.

With a final, decisive kick, Yun Che sent Xiao Zhen flying once more and reappeared in the opposite direction of his kick, his technique seamlessly transitioning into "Diable Jamble - Santen Decoupage (Three Point Cut)." In a blur of motion, three powerful flaming roundhouse kicks struck Xiao Zhen's throat, chest, and stomach simultaneously, their force sending him hurtling through the air. The impact was so intense that Xiao Zhen collided with barrier after barrier, the sound of shattering barriers echoing throughout the arena as he slid down, defeated.

The atmosphere in the arena shifted abruptly, as if the very air itself held its breath in anticipation. With a sudden surge of power, Yun Che unleashed a display of martial prowess that left spectators in stunned silence. The cacophony of cheers for Xiao Zhen and the jeers for Yun Che, which had filled the air mere moments ago, dissipated into an eerie hush, replaced by gasps of disbelief and murmurs of awe.

Yun Che had defeated Xiao Zhen. One of the top contenders of the Xiao Sect!

Wide-eyed and mouths agape, the onlookers watched in mesmerized fascination as Yun Che's movements blurred into a whirlwind of speed and precision as he rose from the ashes like a phoenix. Each strike he delivered landed with the force of a flaming phoenix, carrying an unmistakable weight of devastating power that seemed to defy all logic and reason.

In the midst of the deafening silence, the impact of Yun Che's actions reverberated throughout the arena, sending shockwaves of disbelief rippling through the crowd. With each blow, he seemed to carve a path of awe and admiration, leaving spectators spellbound by the sheer magnitude of his martial skill and prowess.

The Xiao Sect members, in particular, were wide-eyed with disbelief at the utter humiliation their fellow disciple had just endured. With this defeat, the name of the Xiao Sect was slapped as they were defeated in the first round. Xiao Zhen had been utterly annihilated, burned by the intense flames before being sent hurtling through the air by Yun Che's devastating kicks. As he flew, Yun Che withdrew the Phoenix Flames, leaving Xiao Zhen with painful first-degree burns, but not burning him to a crisp.

Even with her sharp Haki senses, Little Fairy found herself unable to fully grasp the sheer speed of Yun Che's final attack. All she could discern was a blur of motion as three kicks seemed to converge simultaneously, a testament to the incredible velocity of her rascal's strikes. Yun Che's prowess without his sword or Bankai was truly staggering, leaving Little Fairy in awe of his skill and danger.

Ling Yun's eyes widened in disbelief as he watched Yun Che rise back up from being tossed around the arena like a ragdoll. His grin grew wider at first, a mad glint in his eyes as he relished the spectacle of Yun Che getting tossed around before him. He had hoped to see the Heavenly Goddesses' reactions upon witnessing their beloved man being bested, perhaps even swooping in himself to claim their affections. But what he didn't expect was Yun Che's sudden resurgence, rising from the onslaught like a phoenix with a determination that took everyone by surprise.

Beside him, Ling Jie's expression transformed from worry to delight, his smile widening like that of a Cheshire cat as he witnessed Yun Che's comeback against Xiao Zhen. It was a sight to behold, Yun Che rising from defeat as if it were nothing, then swooping in like a hawk to seize control of the fight. Just like how he beat him in arm wrestling. 

Ling Yuefeng's demeanor shifted into calculated mode, mirroring the stance of other elders gathered around the arena. Yun Che had proven to be a formidable adversary in the past ten battles, effortlessly defeating powerful disciples with his leg-only fighting style. Many sects saw him as a valuable asset for enhancing their reputation, but Princess Cang Yue had laid claim to him, and with the formidable swordsman standing behind her, Yun Che and Unohana Retsu were effectively shielded under her protection.

Meanwhile, Xuanyuan Yufeng maintained an indifferent expression as she observed the unfolding events. Whether Yun Che rose to greater heights or faltered in defeat, she remained stoically composed, her demeanor as flat as ever. Her inscrutable gaze betrayed nothing of her thoughts, leaving others to wonder about her true intentions.

On the other hand, Fen Juecheng ground his teeth in frustration. He had initially been ecstatic at the sight of Yun Che being overpowered, relishing in the thought of his rival's downfall. But his satisfaction quickly turned to disbelief as Yun Che rose back to his feet, taking charge of the battle with an unparalleled display of prowess. Even Fen Juebi, his brother, gaped in astonishment at Yun Che's unexpected resurgence, realizing that they had underestimated his strength and resilience.

As Yun Che rose from the ashes in a fiery blaze just phoenix, he unleashed a relentless onslaught of flaming combo attacks, overwhelming Xiao Zhen with the ferocity of his assault. The crowd watched in stunned silence as the battle unfolded before them, scarcely able to comprehend the spectacle unfolding in the arena.

"Holy shit... did you see that?" murmured one spectator, his voice filled with disbelief and admiration. First, Yun Che had showcased his mastery of a leg-only fighting style, and now this display of raw power and finesse. It was a sight to behold, a testament to Yun Che's unrivaled skill and determination.

In a monumental upset, Yun Che, at the Peak of True Profound Realm, had bested Xiao Zhen, a formidable opponent at the Ninth Level of the Spirit Profound Realm. It was a victory that would surely go down in history, marking Yun Che's name as a legend within the annals of the Blue Wind Empire.

As Xia Qingyue observed Yun Che being tossed around like a ragdoll in the arena, a twinge of worry crept into her heart. Despite his apparent vulnerability, she couldn't shake the feeling that she might have underestimated him. What intrigued her the most was the revelation that he was not the swordsman she had initially perceived him to be. Instead, he employed a flame-leg-based fighting style, a stark deviation from the traditional swordsmanship for which he was infamous, especially considering the chaos he caused at his own wedding.

The sight of him rising from defeat like a phoenix, effortlessly defeating his opponent, left Xia Qingyue both impressed and relieved. It was the first time in the tournament that someone had utilized a leg-only fighting style, a testament to Yun Che's versatility and adaptability in combat.

This unexpected display of martial prowess piqued Xia Qingyue's interest, prompting her to reassess her perception of Yun Che's capabilities. It was a testament to his adaptability and resourcefulness in combat, showcasing a side of him that she hadn't anticipated. As she continued to watch the battle unfold, she couldn't help but wonder what other surprises Yun Che had up his sleeve, and how they would impact the outcome of the tournament.

Meanwhile, Xia Yuanba breathed a sigh of relief as he watched his brother's unexpected comeback. He couldn't fathom Yun Che's tactics at times, allowing himself to be beaten and tossed around before turning the tables on his opponent with seemingly effortless ease. It reminded him of their master, Qin Wushang, who observed the battle with a similar calm demeanor. The scene was mirrored by Cang Wanhe and Xue Ling, all of them recognizing Yun Che's resilience and strategic prowess in the face of adversity.

"He pierced multiple barriers with those kicks! How is that even possible?" wondered a third, still trying to process what they had just witnessed.

Yun Che was about to turn away when he was approached by the referee and three elders from the Heavenly Sword Villa. Despite still being in his body-flaming Phoenix Diable Jamble Mode, Yun Che remained composed as the referee issued his warning. "Junior, this is your final warning. If you smash any more barriers, you will be disqualified regardless of your total wins."

Sighing, Yun Che disengaged his Diable Jamble and raised both hands in surrender. "It won't happen again."

The referee then proceeded to search Yun Che for any potential treasures that might have aided him in easily breaking the barriers. Fen Juecheng, observing closely, smirked, convinced that this would be the moment to expose Yun Che's alleged cheating. However, to his frustration, the search yielded nothing.

"Look, I didn't cheat, but do what you have to do," Yun Che stated calmly, his eyes fixed on Fen Juecheng.

The organizers diligently searched him from head to toe, even checking his pockets, but found nothing incriminating. As they confirmed his innocence, Yun Che shot a skeptical look towards Fen Juecheng, who bristled with anger at being proven wrong yet again.

"You!!!" Elder Wuji of the Xiao Clan bellowed, his voice laced with anger as he attempted to lunge towards Yun Che, only to be restrained by another disciple. "Elder, please..."

His grandson Xiao Nan and fellow disciple Xiao Kuangyu shared his resentment, their eyes ablaze with fury. They yearned for the chance to confront Yun Che and exact revenge for the humiliation inflicted upon the Xiao Sect.

The whispers of the crowd swirled around Yun Che like a tempest, murmurs of shock and disbelief at his ruthless display against a disciple of one of the top sects. It was a brazen message, a public declaration of defiance directed squarely at the Xiao Sect.

In other words, he just openly did a 'Fuck you' to the Xiao Sect.

"Why must you be so merciless towards our disciples?!" Elder Wuji's voice thundered across the arena, his frustration palpable. Yun Che calmly regarded him, his gaze unwavering as he accessed the information provided by the system.


[Xiao Wuji]

Level: 59 (Ninth Level Earth Profound Realm)

Affiliation: Xiao Sect


Originally, Xiao Wuji, the grandfather of Xiao Yuerui, had been deceived by the original Yun Che, leading to the cancellation of his granddaughter's engagement with Xiao Luocheng. Additionally, Xiao Wuji had been tasked with appraising the Tricky and Haywire Profound Pill, but due to a slip-up, the pill managed to evade detection and caused chaos within the Xiao Sect.

Despite these setbacks, Xiao Wuji remained a formidable figure in the martial world. He accompanied his grandson, Xiao Nan, and granddaughter, Xiao Yuerui, to the prestigious Blue Wind Ranking Tournament. His presence added an aura of authority and power to their entourage, indicating his significant influence within the Xiao Sect.

PS: You managed to swindle him in this timeline as well.


Yun Che's smirk widened as he observed Xiao Zhen, still smoldering from the remnants of the Phoenix Flames. The damage wasn't as extensive as he could have inflicted, but it was enough to send a message. "He beat me with explosive punches and tossed me around like a ragdoll. No one bats an eye. But when I fight back, suddenly everyone loses their minds."

"I fought back, old man. Let that sink in." Yun Che grins before he walks away.

"You! The Xiao Sect won't accept this humiliation!" Xiao Wuji's voice echoed across the arena, calling out to Yun Che, but the young warrior paid him no heed. He was certain that Xiao Wuji wouldn't dare to try anything against him now that their sect had lost its ultimate backing. After all, they couldn't risk offending Cang Yue, the disciple of the formidable Dracule Mihawk himself.

Yun Che wasn't about to let anyone embarrass him, especially not when faced with the ruthless tactics of his opponent. If they could dish it out, they had to be prepared to take it. And Yun Che was more than willing to make sure they did.

"Ufuu... Someone went overboard again," Retsu smirked, her eyes gleaming with amusement at the spectacle.

"Hmm, getting tossed like a ragdoll really cures my back pain. I admit that guy is relentless, so I didn't fight back," Yun Che mused, stretching his back to alleviate the lingering discomfort from the explosive punches and repeated slams.

"That body of yours is indeed odd," Cang Yue remarked, her gaze lingering on him thoughtfully from head to toe.

"You want to explore it?" Yun Che teased with a playful grin.

"*giggle, maybe after we get married," Cang Yue replied, her own smile matching his teasing tone.

"Ohoo... Yue'er getting bold," Mio chimed in, unable to resist adding to the banter.

"Yue-nee-sama is quite a closet pervert," Nemu commented with a hint of mischief, earning a surprised gasp from Cang Yue.

"Nemu!" Cang Yue stammered, her cheeks flushing at the unexpected accusation.

"Kyaa…I am sorry..." Nemu playfully spoke in her usual stoic expression, her eyes twinkling with laughter as she joined in on the playful exchange within their group.

Then, the next battle names popped up and earned the attention of Yun Che, Retsu and Cang Yue.

What's up? Things had been busy so the chapter had to be divided into three because its too long.

Nora_Danishcreators' thoughts