
Chapter 15: The Inner World

[Ding...Achievement 'Loli Smack' achieved. Getting smacked by Jasmine for the first time.]

[A notification shows the chibi Yun Che fainted with a red palm on his face.

Reward: 2000SP

"Shit…. One hit was all it took?" It was a vast difference between high-level and low-level players.

[Warning, Host's health is at a critical level]

[Warning, Host's health is at a critical level]

[Warning, Host's health is at a critical level]

Notification keeps ringing in his head. Yun Che opened his eyes and saw his outfit was soaked with blood, so much for disguise. He tried to move, but Jasmine appeared in front of him.

"Impossible. How come you are still alive?" Jasmine started to question him.

The strength she used was weak, but it was enough to kill a lower-level practitioner. Instead, this one was alive despite being sent flying to a nearby tree, and he wasn't even a cultivator. She looked at him and sensed a familiar aura from his right hand.

Then, her beautiful eyes turned towards Yun Che and spoke with a tender but cold tone: "How unbelievable, the Sky Poison Pearl would choose a useless common person like you as its master! Don't tell me that this Heavenly Profound Treasure's spirituality had already become distorted?"

Suddenly, the girl started to cough with blood coming out of her mouth.

"This hateful Absolute God Slaying Poison... How could I, the princess… experience such a…. rebound… when only using this degree of power… Uuuu…." The girl was heavily injured, smacking Yun Che out of shock using some energy but triggering the poison inside her. Turning back to the heavily injured Yun Che, she stood up and held Yun Che by his neck.

"Tell me? How did you get the Sky Poison Pearl?" She threatened, but Yun Che struggled to speak until he muttered a few words.

"What was that? Speak louder." Her grip was getting stronger.

Opening his eyes, Yun Che immediately shouts, "SYSTEM!!! NOW!!!"

A light suddenly came out from Yun Che's body and started to bind the girl.

"What is this? What did you do? "She dropped Yun Che and tried to fight back, but the bindings were too strong for her. The binding came from the System, and she couldn't fight it. She even tried to use her Divine Strength, but it was futile. The bindings wrap her in a cocoon before dragging her into Yun Che's body. Yun Che immediately popped one of the pills he took back at the treasury into his mouth and recovered some of his injuries. The notification finally stops ringing in his ear. He recovered some of them, just enough to walk.

He plans to confront Jasmine in a safe place after treating her injuries, but if she heavily injures him, he executes his Plan B, which is to confront her in his inner world where the System has authority over her.

"That was close. If my HP hits 0, she might face Hoyuu, and he might forcefully subdue her if that happens. Or worse, wreck this place apart."

Yun Che immediately finds a nearby cave to execute Jinzen. He must run away from this place before Jasmine's pursuers find her. In the end, the man finally found a cave behind a waterfall a few hundred meters from the large tree. After confirming the area was safe, he sat down he immediately initiated Jinzen.

"Jinzen Log in"

Yun Che appeared in his inner world. It has changed dramatically since he fused the Sky Poison Pearl with his System. His world changes from an empty void into a starry night sky when he obtains his Shinigami powers. The night sky turns starry green when the Sky Poison Pearl infuses him.

The sight was majestic. Yun Che immediately looked up and saw circular clouds in the sky. In the middle of the circular cloud lies a giant shiny white orb. Yun Che felt a familiar aura from that orb. He smiled as the giant white orb was indeed The System—the overseer of his world. The fusion between the Pearl and his System also creates a small piece of grassy land floating in the sky. It was small, but he didn't have to float anymore. His four Zanpakuto spirit orbs surrounded the small piece of land.

His world was vast, too vast. Yet, he had a small piece of land in his inner world. What would happen if the land expands? Yun Che decided to ask the System later about this.

Yun Che finally lands his feet on his very own land. The land was small, probably the size of a tennis court. As Yun Che was looking at his surrounding, he finally saw Jasmine. She was lying on the grass, but the System still bound her arms. She could freely use them, but bounds looked like she was shackled. Jasmine woke up and started to stare at the inner world. The beauty of it admired her. She senses that someone was with her in this world.

"You!!!! Where am I? How do I get out of here? Talk before I kill you…." Jasmine immediately runs towards Yun Che despite her serious injuries. She tried to punch him, but he quickly caught her punch.

"Whaaaa…." She tried again….he caught it again. Risking it, she tried to use her profound strength but felt nothing inside her as if she were a mortal. It shocked her to the core.

Her strength was entirely gone.

Yun Che knew the reason well. In his world, The System is the overseer. It controls everything in this world, including the souls of a divine being. He didn't expect he could drag Jasmine into his world. The reason he can drag her was Jasmine is in her soul form. From what he read, Jasmine's soul was an ascended level soul with the cultivation of an ascended human. Divine-level souls can still exist despite their bodies being destroyed. The poison inside her probably destroyed her body. Even if she's a soul, she can still use her full strength if she wants to. The System can bind her because of its authority over souls. Yun Che was able to bind her because of this.

"Can we talk this through? I can do this all day." Yun Che tried to talk her out of punching him. The read headed girl still swings at him. Ultimately, the girl stopped because she was tired and heavily injured. She looked at him, the vast world and bindings on her arms. She questioned him.

"Who are you? I don't think a cripple like you could create this world. Are you coming here to kill me? If you do, get it over with." Jasmine stopped resisting and glared at him intently. If he wants to kill her, then he could just do so. Her life was already over, to begin with.

Yun Che looked at her before sitting down. "Look, I don't want any trouble. I saw an injured girl and tried to help her, but I got my ass kicked in the end. If not for the thing up there, I would probably be dead."

Seeing Jasmine wasn't responsive. Yun Che immediately introduces himself. "Well, I am Yun Che, and yes, I am the master of the Sky Poison Pearl, as you mentioned before. As you can see, I am indeed a cripple and now finding a method to restore my profound veins. I dragged you in here so you didn't kill me for no reason."

She was still quiet.

"Ehem, welcome to my inner world. The thing up there was the one who dragged you in here because I told it to. My fault, and I am sorry for it." Yun Che bows and the red-headed girl still looks at him suspiciously. She took a moment to gaze at the system core before returning to him. It was clear she had lots and lots of questions.

Yun Che tried to apologize for his action, and Jasmine was still unresponsive. "Look, you need the Sky Poison Pearl to purify the poison in your body. Not only that, even the one up there can heal it as well. As their master, I can help you with it. Only if you cooperate."

Jasmine looked him in the eye. The poison she was infected with came from God's Realm, but this man claimed to know about it. She needs the Sky Poison Pearl to detoxify it, but seeing the Pearl was fused into this man, she might use extreme methods to extract it from him.

However, being a prisoner isn't what she had in mind. After keeping quiet, she finally opened her mouth. "How did you know about the poison?"

He points at The System floating high in the sky. The red-headed girl turned as well.

"I called it The System. The System helped me survive by providing me with information about anything. As for where it comes from, I have no idea." He didn't know about the System's origin since he was reincarnated. Since he was born with it, it was his partner.

"Well, the System taught me the way of medicine. It told me about all kinds of poison found or not found in this world. It dissects the Sky Poison Pearl and can heal you without doing anything. It even described the wonders of medicine and the cures for all diseases. The poison in your body called itself The Absolute God Killing Poison. It spreads itself the moment the host uses profound strength. Its ability to infect the soul after destroying the body is truly terrifying. It is impossible to detoxify it unless you have the Sky Poison Pearl. The poison was impossible to be found in this realm. So I take it you're not from here?"

Jasmine became quiet again. Did he find out all of this from the System core? Then, what is the System?

"This world? I admit even those people from where I come couldn't do this. You create all this despite being a mortal. How did you do it?" She asked him with a severe expression.

"Oh, this world? I was born with it. I was even as shocked as you are when I saw it." Yun Che replied with a vague answer. In the end, the current him decided to trust Jasmine as well. The Jasmine he read was a bit of a tsundere, but in the end, the real Yun Che trusted her with his life. So, Yuuki himself decided to do the same thing his way. "Ehem, so….care to introduce yourself..?"

After hearing his story, the red-headed girl was conflicted. If she was born in this realm, she took his story as bullshit, but she came from God's Realm. All of this is logical. She looked at his crippled body and the System above him. This guy was blessed and cursed by the heavens at the same time. In her heart, the girl didn't feel any hostility from him. She felt in her heart that she could trust him or had no choice but to trust him.

"Jasmine…" The red-headed beauty finally introduced herself.

Yun Che knew it wasn't her real name. Jasmine was her title in God's Realm. He didn't mind it. Her real name was taboo for him to know. Telling her will make her trust in him worsen. One day, when her feelings for him are strong, she'll tell him willingly. He'll let things be for now.

"Beautiful…the name matches you perfectly." Yun Che said with a grin.

Jasmine stared at him intently. She suddenly felt warm in her cheeks after seeing that reaction of his. She immediately shakes it off and resumes back to her stern look. He might do it for the sake of flattery.

"Hmphh….of course, this princess is the most beautiful. That name represents my pride. Misused it, I will end your life." Jasmine threatened again, and his sweat dropped.

She is a tsundere indeed, as described in Tsundere 101.

Yun Che just thought in his mind. "As cold and haughty you might be. You're still just a tsundere girl. Cold on the outside but warm on the inside."

"All right, enough with the introduction. I was hoping you would help me restore my profound veins." Yun Ceh declared his intentions to her. Jasmine remembered he said he was looking for methods to restore his profound veins. She looked at him and the system core and said in her heart. "This man, if he could cultivate, the whole realm will turn upside down."

She sighs. "No, it's impossible. The profound veins are built into humans when they are born. If you had a disability, you would have a disability."

"You're from another world. so there must be a way to repair these broken veins of mine." Yun Che asked her again. He wanted to pester her into giving him things that she's been hiding. It was easier said than done.

"I told you it's impossible to give up." Jasmine encourages him to let go of his false hope.

"Damn, this girl is hard. It looks like I have to top it up a notch." Yun Che thinks after hearing her response.

"Well, you know why you were able to enter my world and the System was able to bind you? Since the poison destroyed your body, you now exist in your soul form. The System up there has authority over souls. That's why it was able to drag you in here. You now know I have the Sky Poison Pearl. When you escaped from your pursuers, you came to this world because you found out the Sky Poison Pearl was here. You arrived here because you detected the aura of the Pearl was nearby. Ultimately, you needed my help to purify the poison and construct your body. Since I couldn't cultivate, you can forget about rebuilding that body of yours. It's good that the System suppressed your strength when you were here. If you even use a glimpse of it, the poison will rebound and kill you. All you need to do is heal me, and I will heal you in return." Yun Che decided to kick the bucket on her.

"So, care to heal me so I can save you?" Yun Che grinned as he looked at her.

"You….How could you tell?" Jasmine was shocked after hearing his statement.

"Heh…" Yun Che smiled. "Your life certainly would be worth much more than mine. You have an agenda needed to be finished. We can only help each other. I help you. You help me. We're even. So…your answer?" Yun Che asked her one more time.

With clear eyes, Jasmine lifted her face as if she had finally decided: "You are indeed smart. I don't know how you know everything about me. You have saved this princess' life. Therefore, this princess shall repay you…. You only need to promise this princess three conditions. Then, this princess will immediately let you have….. A new set of profound veins…."

Under Yun Che's startled gaze, Jasmine's expression in her eyes became deep and mysterious, as her voice suddenly became softer: "A set of profound veins with the strength of a god!"

Well, one more step and his chaotic adventure will begin.

Nora_Danishcreators' thoughts