
Rebirth: I Have Doomsday Supermarket

How does it feel to be pushed into a pile of zombies by the closest and most trusted person? The reborn Hua Mi said: The first priority of survival in the last days is to have enough supplies, stay away from the crowd and that white lotus, and survive until the end. Rolling up your sleeves and preparing for a big fight, suddenly activate the supermarket space and cashier system? ! Tsk, what more struggle is there in life, you can win until the end by lying down! But looking down at her growing belly, Hua Mi held milk powder in her left hand and a machete in her right. Where did this baby come from? ! The plan was a bit different, the first priority of survival was the smooth birth of the cub, and being vigilant against the man who stared at her stomach all day long. Man: Wife, why do I feel that you have been eating more and more fat recently? Looks like she's pregnant. Huami: Not like...

Yanyan_Angeles · SF
425 Chs


  Cao Feng was kicked away by Gong Yi, who chased him for a long time.

  Hua Mi watched from the side, laughing so hard that she couldn't even stand up straight.

  Only then did she realize that the three garrison captains gathered in Xiangcheng, as she had thought before, were not here for a special mission.

  Instead, they came to accompany her for a prenatal check-up according to the baby-raising plan.

  Just as Yu Mengmeng walked into the RV, she saw Hua Mi sitting in the RV laughing, so she also smiled and asked, "What's the matter? Why are you laughing so happily?"

  Hua Mi shook her head and told about Cao Feng and the others about their plan to raise a baby.

  Seeing the same uncontrollable smile on Yu Mengmeng's face, Hua Mi's eyes fell on Yu Mengmeng's belly again and asked,

  "When is your due date?"

  "It's almost near."

  Yu Mengmeng sat opposite Hua Mi.

  This RV was recently bought by Ah Fu. Ah Fu has been very keen on hoarding cars recently. Cars that used to cost hundreds of thousands can now be bought for ten or twenty thousand.

  Because everyone has a car but it is useless, and ordinary people rarely have access to energy sources such as gasoline and diesel.

  Even if these oils can be obtained, they will probably be sold directly to Chichuan and Ye Rong.

  Cars can now only run on Xiangcheng, B City, Xiang A, and Xiang B Expressways. Apart from these places, they can't go anywhere.

  So some people knew that Ah Fu collected the car, people often took the initiative to look for Ah Fu outside the RV supermarket.

  There are currently more than 50 of these brand-new luxury top-of-the-line RVs with dual extensions and a raised roof.

  Not to mention other nanny cars, they were transported one by one into the warehouse behind the RV supermarket. If Hua Mi hadn't come back to clean them up every once in a while.

  She guess the warehouse at the back won't be able to accommodate these nanny vans.

  Regarding the matter of collecting the car, Hua Mi had no objection and even felt that the business could be done.

  So instead of stopping Ah Fu, she also gave Ah Fu 50 million to collect the car.

  A luxurious top-of-the-line nanny car that costs 10,000 yuan, let's not talk about what it can be used for later, just collect it first and then talk about it.

  The RV that Hua Mi is currently staying in is specially parked outside the RV supermarket for Hua Mi to stay and rest.

  She looked at Yu Mengmeng's belly and asked, "What are your plans for the birth of the child?"

  Yu Mengmeng's face showed a little sadness. She shook her head and was about to speak when she suddenly heard something outside the RV supermarket. There was a lot of noise.

  A thick male voice shouted,

  "Yu Mengmeng, Yu Mengmeng, come out for a moment, Yu Mengmeng."

  In the supermarket, Yu Mengmeng and Hua Mi looked at each other, and Yu Mengmeng's face suddenly turned ugly, "It's him. My husband's voice."

  This is quite surprising. The two of them had just been chatting about Yu Mengmeng's children, and then Yu Mengmeng's husband came.

  Hua Mi tilted her head, looked at Yu Mengmeng seriously, and asked, "During your pregnancy, didn't your husband never visit you once? Why is he here at this time? You are about to give birth, and your husband finally found out about it?"

  Yu Mengmeng said nothing.

  It's true. During this period, her husband never came to her once to talk about their children.

  Isn't it a bit unrealistic to say that her husband's conscience has been discovered now?

 No matter what, Yu Mengmeng walked out of the RV door.

  Hua Mi sat by the window of the RV, opened the window and looked out.

  They saw Dafu and Xiaofu stopping a man from rushing to the back of the supermarket. It was Yu Mengmeng's husband whom she hadn't seen for several months.

  On such a cold day, her husband was shivering from the cold, and his temper was not good. He cursed the two children, Dafu and Xiaofu.

  Yu Mengmeng walked over with a heavy belly, pulled her husband and asked him to step aside to talk.

  At that moment, Yu Mengmeng's husband raised his head and looked at Hua Mi sitting in the RV window.

  Lu Shubo's eyes rolled around in their sockets, and they were all filled with light.

  Hua Mi silently lowered the window. Lu Shubo's eyes were very familiar to her. In the apocalypse, many people who are good at calculating now look at her this way.

  At this time, Ye Rong got into the car and complained to Hua Mi in a low voice,

  "That Lu Shubo, Yu Mengmeng's husband, hasn't come to see her for several months. When he comes, he always talks to Yu Mengmeng and doesn't even ask about the child."

  The commotion was so loud that it not only alerted the garrison, but also the busy Ye Rong and Ah Fu knew that Yu Mengmeng's husband had appeared.

  Hua Mi nodded slightly, leaned back in the seat and said, "I'll just ask her later about the specific situation."

  "The weather here is getting colder and colder. I arranged a batch of hand-sewn cotton jackets. The first one is the batch of goods should be out, and we will arrange it here in the next two days."

  "A cotton-padded jacket sells for 1,888, and the business should be good."

  Although it is made of rags, the wool is also picked up from Chen Hu's industrial park, but Hua Mi spent money raising those prostitutes.

  A cotton-padded jacket of 1888 is really not expensive in this weather.

  Ye Rong responded, and complained a few words about Lu Shubo's unkindness. She sat for a while, and when Gong Yi came back, she got up and left.

  Gong Yi also saw Lu Shubo, but he didn't take it to heart and just drove Cao Feng away with a lot of things in his hand.

  He placed these things one by one in front of Hua Mi,

  "This is a rattle toy. You disinfect it in boiling water and then put it away for our daughters to play with when they are born." "

  "This is a thermometer. The weather is getting cold now. Don't catch a cold. Always pay attention to body temperature changes."

  "These are warm shoes, these are velvet maternity pants, and these are"

  He explained everything one by one, and looked at Hua Mi's fuzzy face with worry,

  "Did you hear what I said? Did you take it to heart?"

  "Yeah, yeah."

  Hua Mi came back to her senses and responded. Looking at him was extremely perfunctory.

  Gong Yi took a deep breath, stood in front of Hua Mi, and talked for a long time.

  Hua Mi rubbed her face, feeling sleepy,

  "Gong Yi, imagine that I was pregnant, but you didn't come to see me for several months and ignored me. Suddenly one day, I was about to give birth, and you showed up. This is why?"

  Gong Yi was stunned for a moment, with a hint of sarcasm on his face, "Then I'm afraid I'm sick. If I really do such a thing, you will arrest me to move bricks, this kind of behavior is undoubtedly a scumbag."

  He was not a scumbag, he wanted to be responsible for Hua Mi from the beginning to the end.

  Even if he doesn't have children, he will be responsible for her,

  "Hua Mi, as long as I'm not dead, I will crawl to you." "

  "You are pregnant, don't think about things all day long. What are you thinking about?"

  Hua Mi blinked, a strange feeling rising in her heart.

  However, seeing Gong Yi starting to warn and urge again,

 Hua Mi decisively ignored the softness in her heart and hurriedly urged him, "I understand, okay, you are responsible. You are not a scumbag. Boss, go and maintain world peace. I am sleepy and want to sleep."

  Finally, the father left.

  Just as Hua Mi's eyelids drooped, Yu Mengmeng's scream suddenly came from outside the window.