
Shopping day to make Maï pretty.

Thursday, April 27, 2006


Because of the smelly broccoli, my tummy hurts and my cute little buttocks won't stop making noise.

"Lara, please try to contain your gas while we are in the store."

Huhuhu, Maï is probably really hot because her cheeks are all red and I don't know what she's afraid of but, she keeps turning her head around.

"Got it, Madame tench. Come on let's go see the dresses."

Currently, we are in a Chanel boutique on Rodeo Drive with Mary, a nice saleswoman who is very happy when I buy something, but in reality, I don't buy anything for me. Everything is for Maï and for her too small breast.

With Mister who stinks, we run from right to left, we stop when we find something cute and after we unhook it from its hanger, we throw it to Madam glass of water.

Ah, Madam glass of water is a strange person with a big nose that we employ to help the human race.

I don't know if Madam glass of water is a man or a woman but, on the phone, my lovely Mommy told me that she is in solidarity contract and I call her like that because she hides a small bottle in the inside pocket of her jacket.

Shopping is a lot of fun. Like when I go to the $1 New York sale with my sweety Mommy, I say when the items are ugly and throw the beautiful into the caddy; into the arms of Madam glass of water.

Dresses, outfits, bustiers, babydolls, pants, blouses, ornaments, brooches, hairpins, with all these beautiful clothes and a little cotton in her bra, if Maï still has a boy's head, I'll try to make her up.

In front of a pretty glass front, my eyes are open wide and I point to a small necklace that shines everywhere.


"Mary, don't you think Maï will be less ugly if she wears that pretty necklace that sparkles."

When the saleswoman was afraid that the child could not afford the articles exposed in this store, the little girl with the dress probably made to measure, took out a very pretty pink cell phone from her little handbag and asked the young girl named Maï to call her Mommy to reassure her.

Since then, very happy to be able to flatter the little Miss Prescott, Mary, thinks only of the huge commission to come.

"Certainly little Miss, with a necklace like that, if Miss Maï is still ugly then, I'm afraid nothing can come to beautify her."

"You heard Maï, fufufufu."


The bags pile up in the arms of Madam glass of water and Maï is exhausted. Fortunately, not all the models Lara bought could be tried on, or she would have spent two days stuck in that damn cabin.

"How much did you say the total was?"

Maï is the one holding the credit cards and worse, these purchases are for her, so it stands to reason that when she sees the number of 0's displayed, she feels that discomfort is not far off.

As if to reassure her, a small hand from below grabs the card she is holding and hands it to the saleswoman.

"My lovely Mommy says this is my money so, it's okay. Mary how can Maï get enlarge her tiny bust?"

Mary, a little surprised by this question, holds back her laughter. She thinks for a moment and then directs her glance towards the top of the tee-shirt of the young girl.

Indeed, all that lacks a little volume.

"Each woman is different but I fear that your friend Maï can no longer grow from the bust now. Why do you wish that?"

Maï very embarrassed wants to put her hand on Lara's mouth but the little goblin laughs, escapes and places herself on the other side of the crate, very close to Mary.

Thinking mostly about her TV nights, this time Lara thinks nothing bad but speaks from her heart.

"When I sit on my Mommy's lap, I rest my head on her chest to rest. It's all soft and squishy and comfortable, whereas Maï's is all hard and small, so I look for a way to sit better."

Maï is ashamed. Eyes directed at the beautiful royal blue carpet of the store, she feels her blood rise to her cheeks.

Behind her back, several customers laugh and Mary strokes the head of the hyperactive little shopper who jumped into her arms.

Yes, Maï agrees, she is not very developed on this side but this small mischievous girl says it openly in public.

More embarrassed than ever, she did not know where to put herself and to get out of this hell, she decides to accelerate the payment.

"Madam, could you please accept our payment, we have a very important appointment waiting for us."

"Mary, Maï is just talking nonsense but we will come back to see you because I like you and you are very pretty. I think Maï wants to go to sleep. You know, don't tell anyone, but I think she is a little bit lazy."


The payment of the purchases was fast and with Madam glass of water that carries the purchases to her side, Maï goes out with the head low behind a small happy Lara that jumps around.

Before this exit, Maï had not understood at the time, but now she knows.

Today, she understands why Sally told her that once outside with Lara, she would never go unnoticed again. If these words prove to be true, then, the shame suffered this time, should only be a very slight hors d'oeuvre.

"Maï, look at the store over there! Even if you don't have breasts, you need bras to put cotton in."
