
Please Save Him

"You should have at least told me you suspected that!" Joshua replied. "I could have filled in the gaps there! I should have known when you said he was a wolf person."

"Only thing I don't know is when you had time to impregnate a wolf girl." Lucy said.

"She was a ninja that broke into my mansion." Joshua explained. "She wanted an item that was held within and offered a trade. When she took off her clothes there was no way I could resist. She was one of the most beautiful creatures I had ever seen."

"That being said, did you really have to burst inside of her?" Tilly asked. "You do know that is how babies are made don't you? Your pullout game is weak."

"I honestly don't know what overcame me." Joshua said. "It was like I wasn't myself; I lost all emotion and was just compelled to breed."