
Reaper system in another world

Reaper System in Another World follows the journey of Mortis, an ordinary man who gains access to the eponymous system and embarks on a path of constant improvement. As he strives to reach the pinnacle of power and master the art of reaping souls, Mortis faces numerous challenges and battles formidable foes. Along the way, he forms alliances, falls in love, and uncovers the secrets of the world around him. With each step, Mortis grows stronger and closer to his ultimate goal of becoming the most powerful reaper in the land.

BlueScarlet · ファンタジー
214 Chs

Shadow tower

When Mortis landed on the boss and destroyed him, he immediately disappeared as the shockwave knocked friends and enemies to the ground. He immediately changed into his ghost form and tried to get rid of the dizziness he always gets from all the spinning in the Falling Comet. Hiding under the boss, he waited until he could think roughly clearly again, which took some time. In that time, the humans finished off the rest of the demons that were still on the battlefield and destroyed the portal that those bastards came out of. When the portal was destroyed, a horn sounded announcing the end of this battle.

The roar and the joy of the people were great. The mages conjured fireballs that they exploded in the air, for they survived this battle and defeated the enemy. Mortis changed back to his human form during this time and rejoiced as well, even though he was still a bit pale. The system sounded. You have completed 4 levels in this battle and collected 44300 souls. Distribute your 40 SP. Mortis looked at his stats and thought about what could help him. Mortis then says to the system, "Put 16 points into Strength, 13 into Agility, 5 into Intelligence, and 6 into Stamina."

Mortis Level 49 Reaper

Strength 160, Agility 200, Int 60, Vitality 75, Stamina 81, Mana 95, Charisma 65.

Souls. 93045.

No matter how pale and giddy he still was, he couldn't resist going up to William and rubbing his nose in the fact that it was he who had finished off the opposing general and thus won the match. William was happy about this grandiose victory, but it still pissed him off when he saw Mortis coming towards him with such a victorious grin. But he was the loser now, which made him a bit puzzled, but fortunately he hadn't thrown anything into the pot. It scratched his ego a bit, but he thought to himself that this would not be the last battle.

The Countess had bet with him, but pretended she hadn't, and rejoiced with the Count from Erfurt that they were so victorious.

After a battle, there is a lot of work to be done, especially collecting weapons and material and disposing of the corpses so that they do not rot and spread disease. However, this was mainly the work of soldiers, knights and burghers. The nobles had rather to collect reports from the different troops and see who stood out from the crowd and what they could do better. Distributing gold and land was also part of the job, and this time the Count of Erfurt had to dig deep into his pockets. There were few casualties on all three battlefields, and that was only because Mortis was able to win the battle on his field in no time, thus helping the other two.

Mortis was to watch and learn everything carefully, because one day he would have to defend his territory from demons. While the two counts did their official work, he talked a bit with William. After about 4 hours, the work was finished and they made their way to Erfurt, where the citizens and especially the women were already waiting for their men. Since the battle was won so quickly, Mortis planned to use a portal to port himself home. While riding beside Merlin, the two agreed that Merlin should visit him in Bamberg and preferably come with his family right away so that the Mage Tower could be built. Merlin was pleased with the offer and was about to ask what he should do when Mortis suddenly disappeared.

Mortis was standing naked in front of a huge black tower that reached far into the sky. Surprised and unsure, he looked around, quickly realizing that he was naked and that his equipment and scythe were gone as well. The system said, "Good luck, I can't help you here."

"How is this going to work!" roared Mortis. Suddenly a shadow rose and greeted Mortis, "Welcome to my little dungeon, Mortis. You don't know it, but you took something important from me and this is not meant to be revenge. But I need to see how far you will go to claim what is mine. As you've noticed, your powers are sealed and so are your abilities. This tower gets stronger every floor, and each floor will make you stronger again, too. Every five floors you will get an ability back and there are a lot more surprises waiting for you in the Dungeon of Shadows. Have fun! See you on the 80th floor," Tenebris said and disappeared.

"What does 'sealed' mean, and how badly am I affected?" yelled Mortis afterward, but no answer came. Instead, a ball of light appeared with the words "Mortis all stats 5." Mortis thought at first that this was a joke by the god, but when the ground began to crumble beneath him and he saw a black nothingness below him, he decided to go into the tower. "If he couldn't give me another scythe already, I'll get back at him," Mortis cursed.

Inside the tower, the first thing he saw was black slimes slowly crawling towards him, spitting black substance at him. Mortis tried to dodge smoothly, but with all his stats gone, it occurred to him that this would not be easy, even if the creatures were not fast. At the first shadowy slime attempt, Mortis tried to kick and punch it, but it was no use. So he dodged those creatures, found a hand-sized stone and smashed it against the wall to sharpen it. Now he tried to defeat these slimes, which he succeeded in doing, but rather poorly."

At the end of the floor, the door to the top did not open until Mortis had truly defeated every enemy on the level. When he had done that, the glowing orb appeared in front of him and there it said "Reward: all stats +2. Good luck." Mortis would have loved to blow up. If this was a dungeon, he would have liked a box of pants, or at least underwear. But the god was obviously just trying to provoke him, Mortis thought.

On the next floor there were slimes again, but also new enemies, namely something like rats, which nevertheless had a size of 30 centimeters. The nice thing about the new enemies was that he could also take them out with kicks. But what annoyed Mortis was that the floors were really huge. Even if they were only filled with weak enemies, there were a lot of them.

When he got through this floor, he got stats +2 again. On the next floor, the shadows were like skeletons, with most being without weapons, but there was sometimes one in the middle with a sword in his hand. Mortis found this almost funny, but when he noticed that the skeleton shadows didn't attack him individually, but tried to attack in groups when he got around 10 meters to them, it became more difficult. There were always quite a few coming at him and with only a rock in his hand, he really wasn't having any fun. He couldn't even take an arm bone from the enemies because no matter if he cut it off or crushed the skull, it always all turned into some kind of black soup that sank into the ground and disappeared.

Even the skeletons with swords were slow and no real challenge. In the end, Mortis only got +1 this time, but finally got a pair of pants, even if they looked like they were made by a clown. Mortis was sure that the god wanted to provoke him. On the 4th floor there were skeletons again, but this time they all had weapons. Here it was that almost all of them had swords and some had a bow. The problem with those with the bow was that while they were slow, the arrows they shot were not. So Mortis had to be careful to dance around the swordsmen and use them as shields to avoid being hit by the archers right away. Mortis first thought of tearing off the trouser legs and making a kind of slingshot out of them, but he was too unsure. Therefore, he preferred to continue hitting the skulls of the skeletons with the stone.Up in the tower, Tenebris and Primus drank tea and watched everything. Without Primus, Tenebris would never have been able to completely limit Mortis' power, or at least not to this extent. But this tower satisfied both men. Mortis would learn more here and still get lots of experience points, and Tenebris could get rid of his frustration over Lumina leaving him. Primus had no doubt that Tenebris would act justly and be true to his word. Although she liked to watch fights, it was not obvious, so she said that she would supervise the process for safety. Of course, Tenebris had to promise that if he was already sending Mortis to a quickly created dungeon, it would be worth it for him as well.

Mortis stood on the 5th floor in front of the boss room and as he walked through he thought he wasn't seeing right. In front of him was a shadow that was not tall. It was Mortis when he was still a cripple, with a hunchback and a simple scythe in his hand. Mortis smiled sheepishly and said, "Who has the ability to slay an ancient shadow version of himself? The god really has a certain kind of dark humor."