
Reaper system in another world

Reaper System in Another World follows the journey of Mortis, an ordinary man who gains access to the eponymous system and embarks on a path of constant improvement. As he strives to reach the pinnacle of power and master the art of reaping souls, Mortis faces numerous challenges and battles formidable foes. Along the way, he forms alliances, falls in love, and uncovers the secrets of the world around him. With each step, Mortis grows stronger and closer to his ultimate goal of becoming the most powerful reaper in the land.

BlueScarlet · ファンタジー
214 Chs

Brave people and strong servants

In the midst of the pulsating heart of Bayaroma, Florence to be precise, the troops stood ready for the decisive battle. The air crackled with tension and the entire area was permeated with an aura of expectation.

Mortis, the King of Bayaroma, stepped forward alongside the Count of Florence, whom everyone knew as Count Enrico. Together they addressed the assembled troops.

In a strong and confident voice, Mortis began, "Brave warriors of Florence and Bayaroma! Today we stand at a turning point in our history. I see in your eyes the courage and determination to defend our beloved land against the darkness."

He nodded to Count Enrico, who continued with a serious face, "We have powerful allies on our side. Leroy and Casanova, two of the bravest warriors I know, will fight alongside our nobles and ensure our victory."

Mortis added, "Sarah, Mino and Marshall are also here to support our brave adventurers in these uncertain times. Each of you plays a crucial role in this battle."

He concluded by saying, "Believe in yourselves, believe in Bayaroma, and know that I, your king, am always with you in thought and heart."

With this message, Mortis retreated to a nearby hill where he had a clear view of the battlefield. Lost deep in thought, he watched the preparations and wondered what the future of Bayaroma would be.

On the endless plains of Florence, right in the heart of Bayaroma, huge, swirling portals suddenly burst open, with terrible demons pouring out of them, as if heaven itself had cracked and hell had burst forth. They divided themselves among the various battlefields, each specializing in a different group of people.

The nobles, in their shining armor and finely forged weapons, faced huge, muscular demons. These beasts, armored in pitch black armor, were pure manifestations of violence. Their murderous faces contorted in furious grimaces as they shook the ground beneath their feet.

A little away from them, the adventurers - brave warriors, mages and archers - could encounter the slightly slimmer, but no less fearsome demons. These creatures slithered and whirled with an elegance that stood in stark contrast to their ferocious appearance.

The commoners, dressed in simple clothes and armed with whatever they could find, faced perhaps the greatest challenge. Ghouls, with sharp claws and drooling mouths, and Imps, nimble and tough, faced them.

But despite these terrifying prospects, the humans did not hesitate. They raised their flags, adorned with the symbols of their gods and their lord Mortis, to the sky. With determined faces and a fighting spirit burning through their veins, they stamped the ground in unison, as if challenging even the demons. With a single, unspoken oath, they were determined: These demons would be defeated and sent back to the darkness from which they had come.

The atmosphere around the battlefield suddenly grew denser as a shimmering, almost impenetrable magical dome formed around the area of combat. This powerful protective field was a test, and Mortis could not hide how pleased he was when his theory was confirmed. The creatures he had created were not ejected by this barrier. They were accepted by the world as "normal," as people who had the same right to stand on the battlefield as anyone else.

Mortis' eyes shone with triumph. Sarah, Marshall and Mino, spirits in human form, fought side by side with the adventurers who supported them. They were no longer mere shadows of themselves, but actively participated in the action.

Mortis sat down with a mischievous grin on a high vantage point from where he could watch the unfolding battle. It was not only the triumph over the laws of nature that filled him, but also the anticipation of the confusion and chaos his creations would cause in the enemy's ranks. A master of his craft, he enjoyed the spectacle of his greatest achievement.

The thunder of battle echoed through the vast landscape of Florence. All over the battlefield, impressive scenes presented themselves.

Peasants and burghers, normally thought to be easily defeated, proved to be amazingly competent. Ghouls, despite their raging hunger, found themselves in chaos, surprised by the impressive skill and strategy displayed by these seemingly "commoners." Some citizens executed blows so precise and powerful that even the most resilient ghouls faltered.

Leroy and Cassanova, both steeled by the rigors of Mortis' trials in recent weeks, put their supernatural powers to the test. With every blow, every move, they mowed down the demonic hordes that stood in their way. Their skill, speed, and strength were clearly superhuman, and even the most powerful demons hesitated to oppose them.

Among the adventurers, Sarah, Marshall and Mino were the center of the action. They moved so synchronously that it seemed as if their thoughts and actions had merged into one. Their impressive cooperation and coordination, combined with their supernatural strength, made them an unbeatable force on the battlefield.

The adventurers, though already brave and skilled, benefited enormously from this support. With the spirits at their side, they managed to push back even the numerically superior demon hordes.

From his vantage point, Mortis watched the proceedings with a broad grin. His experiments, his creatures, his plan - everything was going exactly as planned. The world had never seen such a spectacle, and Mortis was the director of this epic spectacle.

As the demon hordes dwindled, a new focus of battle formed in the middle of the battlefield. A somber silhouette rose from the haze of battle. It was the demon general, a monstrous creature, larger and more powerful than any other demon that had appeared before. Its eyes shone with a blood-red glow, and its body resembled flowing mud, constantly changing shape.

The nobles of Florence, first of all Count Enrico, surrounded the general. Each of them ready to give the last for the honor and the good of Bayaroma. They knew that the decision of this battle would depend on this final fight.

The demonic general growled, his voice sounding like the rumble of thunder. "I will die here rather than present myself in disgrace to the Dark Emperor!" he roared.

Leroy and Cassanova saw the demonic general and without hesitation, they joined the nobles. Both showed their supernatural abilities and delivered powerful blows against the general.

But it was Count Enrico who stole the show. With two magnificent swords in his hands, surrounded by magical runes, he prepared himself. The runes on his swords began to glow as he charged with powerful elemental forces. With lightning and fire dancing around his weapons, he charged toward the demonic general.

It was an epic battle. Every blow, every kick, every move was executed with such precision and power that the ground trembled and sparks danced in the air. The demonic general fought back fiercely, but against the combined might of Count Enrico and the nobles, supported by Leroy and Cassanova, he could not hold out for long.

With a final, mighty blow, Count Enrico severed the general's muddy body. A loud scream echoed across the battlefield as the demonic general collapsed and lay in a heap of muddy mass on the ground.

A shout of jubilation rang out across the battlefield. The people of Bayaroma had won. They had pushed back the darkness and secured their place in history. Mortis, watching from his vantage point, could not help but smile. The future of Bayaroma was secure, and he had made a decisive contribution to it.