
Realm of Exiles

Mark Ashe was just an ordinary first-year high school student. Despite having a rare condition called cluster headache, he was an errant child, it's usual for you to see him in detention class. Meanwhile, the public started to recognize the existence of Espers. Mark stays out of it and puts everything on the line to make his bitter life more suitable again, not for himself; but for everyone who cares about him. Everything was beyond normal until he discovered an old vendetta between factions of Espers battling for greater power—An Esper. Capable of powerful psychic abilities, a threat to a normal human. Mark got caught up in the dispute, and as a result, his mother will be abducted, but Mark was no exception, he was only an average joe, in this realm of supernatural beings. This is the story of Mark Ashe, in pursuit of her mother that will bring him ever closer to the truth, dangerous trials await, clashing againts powerful organizations, learning about secrets beyond told of this world. Will he perish? or will he clutch the last of the straw?

Henwriter · SF
11 Chs

Chapter 9 - The devil is in the details

Six years ago, I saw mom crying in the corner of dad's room. I hugged her tightly as I could —comforting her, telling it's going to be okay, everything is going to be fine, I'm still here, I won't leave you. Not knowing the meaning behind my words, I just wanted Mom to be fine and it does works, we both embraced ourselves, filling the void we felt that day, I thought that if I'm to shatter here in sadness, what would become of my mom.

As a child, I never cried in front of my mother. That day I stubborn myself not to cry, after my father left, my mother cried the tears that should have been mine as well, but this may be for the best, so I thought. For the past years mom never reconsiders getting married again. For her, Dad was the only one she could ever love. It's funny how love can make intelligent people like her… Look like a fool.

I slowly opened my eyes, I see a familiar ceiling, which was obviously my room. The haze of slumber disappeared as I peered into my clock.


I frowned [*Too early…*]

I want to sleep again but it seems I lost my momentum, and I if go back to sleep now, I might not be able to arise at the exact time.

Mark: "Guess I'll wake up."

As usual, I showered and wear my uniform, I headed downstairs, as I smelled egg and bacon in the setting, I assume it was mom cooking in the kitchen. I peeked around the corner to see her. She turned her head towards my direction as if she knew I was already there.

Celia: "Ooh, Good morning, sweetie, you're early today. Excited for your date?" She smiled.

I pouted for a reason that, she's spouting the stigma of my love life, I took a chair in side of her.

Mark: "Of course not! I'm just… you know, slept well last night."

Celia: "Good for you, sweetie. Oh, I have something to give you. Sorry, I forgot about it yesterday."

She took out something in the corner of the kitchens drawer, no wonder she miss it yesterday. It was a smarphone box sized in full-length.

Mark: "What's this?" I said while opening the box

Celia: "Ta-daah! A smartphone." She daintily crook her head "Oh, wait. It was called something else..." She placed her forefinger on her chin. "What was it again? He-He. Can't remember"

I took and examined it. The phone wasn't unlikely the usual smartphone these days. It has an odd size of a large flash sticks, a size of an flashlight but smaller. It it has an extendable part, looks like a paper in a pen that can be pulled. You'd stretch it out to increase its size, sort of like a rubber band. All you'd have to do is pull it from two of its corners diagonally. So you will have access to more features of the futuristic phone. It also operates a hologram at the top layer that can be clicked, an all purposed automation with the camera, flashlight, internet, and whatnot you can imagine.

[*Man, Technology never fails to amuse me.*]


Mark: "Wait, where's this coming from? My birthday is months ahead."

Celia: "You know, I get worried every time. so when there's something unusual you could call me immediately."

Mark: "Nope." I said flatly.

Celia: She turned to me with a concerning look. "Why?!"

Mark: "I don't want you to disturb your work. your boss is strict right? besides, I might have classes at that time."

Celia: "Fine. Then call me during emergencies, okay?"

Mark: "Okay, I will."

Celia: "You sure?"

Mark: "I am."

Celia: "You promise?"

Mark: "Jeez…Mom…"

Celia: "Hmm?"

Mark: "Okay, I promise."

Celia: "Yey. Can I get a hug?"

Mark: "Mom, you're being exaggerated here. I won't go anywhere, you know."

Celia: "I know. I just..." She just went silent, and averted eyes."

Mark: "Fine." I hugged her tight, but mom hugged me slightly more tense. It was uncomfortable but very heart-warming at the same time. "Thanks for the gift" I added.

Celia: "Mm" I felt her nod through my shoulder

Mark: "Is something wrong?" I consciously asked while being embraced.

Celia: "Nothing, sweetie." Her hugged tighten even further.

Mark: "Really?" I watch her with a doubtful look.

We have moments like this where mom was being sentimental. I don't dislike it though.

She nudged me away while holding my shoulder, she smiled sadly, staring me with her tearful eyes.

Mark: "Hmm. Was that not enough?" I daintily asked.

Celia: "Mmh-mh." She shook her head.

I'm used to days like this, but today, she was seemingly more unusual, perhaps I thought, Mom could be feeling really down, or maybe she was tired, so it may not be enough. I don't really know what to do at times like this, I just don't want her to be sad.

Celia: "Oh, wait. I still have something else to give you"

Mark: "--?" I tilted my head in response to her turmoil.

I raised my arm and reached over her hand who's holding the item.

—It was a small golden pocket watch.

Mark: "What's with all these gifts?"

Celia: "It's one of your dad's possession, I kept it until to this day."

Mark: "Eh? This was my dad's?

Celia: "Uh-huh." She nodded her head.

Mark: "Hmph. Why would I want to keep that bastard's left over junks."

Celia: "…That's—" She look down on the table with a dismay on her face.

Mark: I sighed. "Fine, it can't be helped then."

Mom took it from my hand and placed it on my breast pocket. It's also where the school logo located, sewn to the left-hand side of the front before the pocket. It somewhat lumped on my chest but fits like a socket.

Mark: "Mom, wait, stop, It'll bulge!"

Celia: "Eh… But I want it there, Don't you want my gift?" She asked sadly in her teary eyes, and when she does this I mostly can't refuse. Not even once.

Mark: "Alright, fine, But only for today, I'll put it in my bag tomorrow."

Celia: "Yay~!" She daintily cheer.

Celia: "Take care, sweetie"

Mark: "Eh? But it's too early."

Celia: "You still have things to do, right?"

Mark: [*I do?*] I held my chin, look at the ceiling and scanned my brain "I don't think, I have a necessary appointment this early in the morning"

Celia: "You sure about that?" She crossed her arms and smugged. "You're late yesterday aren't you?

Mark: I look her in awe "What? How did you know, mom?!"

Celia: She shrugged. "Considering the situation, it was pretty obvious, and it happens all the time."

Mark: "Since it's already our occasional scene, maybe there nothing to worry about it anymore." I joked.

She swiftly chops my head with her hands.

Mark: "Ouch." I groaned from her love tap.

Celia: "There you again, with your flappy jokes"

Celia: She rubs my head and smiled. "Come on, get going. It's better if you leave early, right? You don't want to be late again for school, do you, sweetie?"

Celia: She carefully handed my pack lunch for the morning and lunch. "Your medicine is inside, drink it after breakfast, okay?"

Mark: "Got it."

Celia: "Tell me about your date, okay?"

Mark: "Fine. I'll tell you later. Bye, mom."

Mark took his things, then turning again to see his Mom, he waved a hand in farewell, Mark can no longer be glimpsed at the entrance. Celia Gazed him to depart the door, her faint smile vanished as she watches her son exit the house, her refined beauty of face now seemingly dissolved into the expression of sadness.