

( just another abandoned story. an approach to harry potter with a realistic touch. as mentioned it is abandoned and not complete. while I will not call this one enjoyable it is worth reading. ) Harry returns to Privet Drive after 4th year and finds it...empty! What do you do when you can't go to your friends for help? Additional Story Notes FYI: a. AU Summer before Fifth Year Fic, b. Not particularly fast-paced. (harry potter belongs to JK Rowlings. and I am not the author of this fanfiction. all credits for this fanfiction goes to wish weaver. this story is available on fanfiction.net)

whitethief274 · 書籍·文学
81 Chs

The end

>This story was my mistake that I had to erase sooner or later. I don't know what came into my mind when i published this one. Now to make up for it I am uploading another story which is quite good not awesome but it is good read. That story is also an abandoned i am going to pick up the slack. I have erased all mistakes and made it quite readable. So make sure to read it. And make sure to put a review.

{In the aftermath of the epic battle against Voldemort, Harry Potter finds himself thrust into a whole new world—the Marvel Universe. Graduation was meant to mark a new beginning, but fate had other plans. Now, armed with his magical prowess and an unwavering resolve forged through years of adversity, Harry joins forces with Earth's mightiest heroes, the Avengers.

>Now,Harry must grapple with the challenges of adapting to this new reality while staying true to his own principles. Harry's journey unfolds, intertwining magic and technology, as he learns that heroism knows no boundaries—even across universes.

Prepare for a spellbinding adventure where the wizarding world collides with the Marvel Universe, where magic meets technology, and where Harry Potter steps into a new role—as an Avenger.

>{this story was basically abandoned and i decided to adapt this story in my own writing style and a lot more help from chatbot. Story is more or less the same as abandoned one so i will try to progress this story as much as possible. It's name is same on fanficton.net.}<