

( just another abandoned story. an approach to harry potter with a realistic touch. as mentioned it is abandoned and not complete. while I will not call this one enjoyable it is worth reading. ) Harry returns to Privet Drive after 4th year and finds it...empty! What do you do when you can't go to your friends for help? Additional Story Notes FYI: a. AU Summer before Fifth Year Fic, b. Not particularly fast-paced. (harry potter belongs to JK Rowlings. and I am not the author of this fanfiction. all credits for this fanfiction goes to wish weaver. this story is available on fanfiction.net)

whitethief274 · 書籍·文学
81 Chs

Chapter 75- Meeting at the Leaky cauldron( part 3).

July 28, 1995

Stephen Wright stifled a sigh and discreetly glanced at his watch. In his unbiased opinion, this meeting ranked pretty high on the unproductive meter. Talking to the professors about possible school options for Kitty hadn't been bad, but this! With the exception of Dr. Granger, who seemed as confused at her participation as he and Janet were theirs, everyone else seemed to be keeping the real subject matter secret. It was almost as if they were being kept around in case they were needed, but needed for what he wasn't sure. Maybe they'll be more forthcoming after Mr. Weasley gets back, he thought hopefully. Professor Dumbledore had sent the red-haired wizard to check on something in the Census Library and Archive not long after the kids had been shooed out.

From what he'd been able to piece together the issue at hand was Harry, or more accurately, a.) where Harry was going to live now that his aunt and uncle had left England, and b.) how to keep him safe from this dark wizard everyone seemed so afraid of. Perhaps that was it. Harry seemed fit enough. It probably wouldn't be hard to train him up and teach him some basic self defense techniques, provided the boy was willing.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Janet shift in her chair and glance toward the door. No doubt about it, she was doing a slow burn. And with some reason, Steve thought, reaching down and giving her hand a squeeze under the table. Becky had gotten fussy during their talk with the teachers, and now she was showing signs of a low-grade fever. Madam Pomfrey had warned them against overexertion, saying she needed at least one more dose of Children's Pepper Up. If Harry hadn't volunteered to watch her, either he or Janet would have had to have taken her home.

Steve glanced at the door himself, wondering if Harry had gotten Becky down for a nap. He had little doubt he would, especially if he sang to her a little. Harry had a soothing quality to his voice that Steve frankly envied. Unfortunately, if Harry was successful he was going to have to hold Becky for the duration. Looks like the portable playpen would have been handy after all, he thought, sneaking another look at his wife and recalling how she had suddenly decided they needed the playpen when they were about five yards down the street. She would have turned around and gotten it, too, if he and Harry hadn't talked her out of it.

They'd kept the conversation firmly on Kitty and her abilities earlier, but the subject of accidental magic kept running though his mind. "Sometimes a child learns to repeat an early experience and develops a level of control." Professor Flitwick's words explained Kitty almost to a tee, but Steve couldn't help feeling that the more normal definition of accidental magic-especially how it occurred most often when the caster was stressed-fit Janet like a glove. Calm, she was kind of hit or miss in her "guesses" but stressed she was usually right. Curious, Steve filed that bit of information away, planning to make an appointment later.

Personally, he didn't see what the issue was with Harry's guardianship. Steve was as sympathetic as the next guy, but there was also a lot of truth in the adage "if it ain't broke don't fix it." The boy seemed happy enough here at the Leaky Cauldron, and from what he could see Tom had been doing a decent job looking after him. Maybe there was more going on here than there seemed to be.

"There's no change. They still can't find it!"

Well, this can't be good, Steve thought, turning with the others in the direction of the door. Arthur Weasley was standing just inside, pulling the door shut behind him.

"Oh, wait, check that, there has been a little change. The Minister knows it's missing now and the place is in an absolute panic trying to locate it."

"Interesting," was Professor Dumbledore's comment. "Please do sit down, Arthur."

Mr. Weasley sat, but clearly wasn't finished reporting. "That's not all, Albus, word in the halls is you're the one who took it."

"Is it indeed?" Dumbledore's eyes twinkled behind his half moon glasses. "Well, they're certainly welcome to look for it."

Mr. Weasley was less than amused. "This is serious, Albus. I was actually glad Percy's conscience started bothering him, but I never thought he'd go to Surrey and check on Harry!"

Steve didn't see what the problem was with this, nor, it appeared, did Tom, Janet or Dr. Granger, but the other witches and wizards around the table evidently did. Every one of them, even Harry's dog, sat up straighter and leaned towards the table as though Mr. Weasley now had their undivided attention.

And none of them looked happy.

Professor Snape looked especially displeased as he turned to Professor Dumbledore. "I told you we should have Obliviated that little fool."

"Percy is one of the Weasleys' sons," Tom said quietly from his place between the Wrights and Dr. Granger. "Obliviate is a spell that erases memories."

Steve nodded his understanding. Makes sense, he thought. It certainly explained the glare on Mrs. Weasley's face. He wouldn't have been surprised if the good professor suddenly crumpled where he sat. An argument seemed imminent, but Professor Dumbledore raised his hands, commanding them both to silence. "It's done, Severus. There's no time to quarrel amongst ourselves. Arthur, could you tell how much the Minister knows?"

Mr. Weasley frowned as he considered this. "Once Percy told me what he'd been up to I checked with Arabella Figg. He followed procedure and went to her house before approaching the Dursley home. She told him Harry's uncle accepted a new position overseas, but didn't go into detail. She thought he knew already. The good news is Percy, and by extension the minister, thinks Harry's guardian transfer was simply mismanaged. That puts the Ministry in a bad light, so they'll probably try to keep the story out of the Daily Prophet."

"That's the main Wizard newspaper," Tom said. Steve nodded again, grateful now that the old innkeeper had chosen a seat in the midst of the Muggles. Everyone else looked tense and worried and were probably in no mood to answer questions.

"That's something, I suppose." Dumbledore pulled off his glasses and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Is he still planning to assign Harry a guardian himself?"

Mr. Weasley nodded. I believe so. Technically, the minister should contact Harry's relatives and verify their wishes, but Percy mentioned the Curator Tribuo statute and the Curator Absentis clause. That gives him some legal grounds to choose a guardian for Harry himself, and I think we all know who he's likely to ask." Mr. Weasley shared a grim look with the Hogwarts Professors and Mr. Lupin that made Steve sit up and pay a little closer attention. Obviously none of them were pleased by the prospect of this person-whoever he was-getting custody of Harry.

Janet touched Tom's arm. "Minister Fudge? Is that the person Harry told us about? The one who doesn't believe Voldemort's back?"

Tom grimaced. "The very same. But please, say, 'You Know Who' when referring to the Dark Lord. It's a bad omen to say his name aloud."

Dumbledore evidently heard this last bit, because he looked over at the resident Muggles. "Dr. Granger, Mr. and Mrs. Wright, I do appreciate you bearing with us."

Dr. Granger nodded graciously. "Not at all, Professor."

Janet wasn't in the mood to be so kind. Steve grinned behind his hand as she raised an eyebrow, and crossed her arms on her chest. "My youngest is still not well, Professor, so if you don't mind I'd like to know what's going on and why you still need us here. I'm very sorry Harry's been displaced-heck, I'd consider taking him in myself if I could-but you haven't mentioned one thing we can influence or have any control over."

Tom nodded from his seat between Janet and Dr. Granger. "The same goes for me, Professor. The boy's been a pleasure to have around the old place this summer-very conscientious and hard working-but I'm not a relative. I have no claim on him."

Dumbledore looked over at Tom and Janet, an expression on his face Steve couldn't quite decipher. "How would you feel if I said you might?"

Tom and Janet looked at each other, then back at the headmaster. "What?"

"How would you feel if I said you might have a claim?" Dumbledore paused and looked between Tom, Steve, Janet, and Dr. Granger. "Any of you. That is why you are here. Knowing the possible risks, would you still be willing to take the boy in?"


Steve shrugged when Janet faltered and looked up at him. "That's a hell of a question to answer on short notice, Professor. We'd need a little time to talk it over, and we'd also have to see what Harry thinks."

Janet nodded. "Yeah, Tom and I learned the hard way how much Harry hates being kept out of the loop." She paused to exchange a smile with the toothless wizard beside her then turned back to Dumbledore. "Why do you think we'd be considered as guardians, Professor? Steve and I can't protect Harry magically, and besides, we've only known him for a few weeks!"

Dumbledore studied the parlor ceiling for a moment, absently stroking his beard. "After Mr. Potter's parents were killed, a fair amount of protective magic was put in place to try to ensure his safety. One of these mechanisms was a failsafe placed on his Census and Archive folder. The folder was supposed to alarm if Harry was in danger, but the failsafe only activated if something happened to his aunt and uncle. As near as we can calculate, this failsafe was triggered on the first of July when Mr. Potter's last blood relatives essentially severed ties with him. Professor Flitwick and Professor McGonagall have been researching the matter since we became aware of it, and they believe it is responsible for the magical invisibility Mr. Potter currently has."

"Harry's inability to receive owls, you mean?" Janet asked.

Professor McGonagall nodded. "We also think it's responsible for your inability to receive owls. Tom mentioned you were receiving threatening letters than suddenly stopped, and neither Professor Penstone or myself could successfully address an acceptance letter to your daughter Katrina."

Steve considered this, rubbing absently on his short beard. "Is that why Harry's been able to hide from you all summer? The folder's protection?"

Professor McGonagall shifted in her seat, looking rather uncomfortable. "Not entirely. We believe the protection developed in stages. If we understand the theory correctly, the Ministry had ample time to correct the matter, had anyone noticed anything amiss. No one did, so the folder assumed the Ministry had fallen and help from that quarter was not available. That's when it made Mr. Potter untrackable, and, we assume, began gathering information on the people around him. It's possible, highly likely in fact, that a guardian has been chosen."

"The whole situation is an unfortunate example of complacency," Professor Flitwick added. "In hindsight, the characteristics of the failsafe should have been modified from time to time to reflect Mr. Potter's age and circumstances, but they never were. I had all but forgotten the spells existed. To the point, Mr. Potter was only fifteen months old when this tragedy occurred, and quite unable look after himself. A guardian was essential to his survival."

"The folder still thinks Harry's a toddler?" Janet paused and traded an amused look with Steve. "That'll go over well."

Professor McGonagall's lips twitched, but she stopped herself before she smiled. "Quite."

Steve felt Janet's hand slip into his own and gave it a tight squeeze as Professor Dumbledore took up the tale again.

"The person or persons chosen would be someone Mr. Potter has spent time with this summer and is comfortable with. Based on that alone, Mrs. Wright, you and Tom are the most likely candidates. However, Mr. Potter did call upon Dr. Granger once, and he is quite fond of the Weasleys, so we are currently unsure who, if anyone, the folder chose. I'd hoped the folder would be available for examination, which is why I didn't bother explaining things earlier. Unfortunately it has gone missing-possibly in reaction to Minister Fudge's plans to nominate a guardian."

Janet nodded faintly on Steve's right. "Makes sense, but if we're talking about guardians now, Harry should definitely be here. I'll go get him and the girls."

"I believe that's a little premature, Mrs. Wright. No arrangements have been made."

"Premature? Arrangements?" Janet paused in the act of rising from her chair and raised an eyebrow at Professor Snape. "Don't you think Harry should have some say in these 'arrangements,' Professor? This is his life we're discussing, after all."

"Yes, but if a guardian has been selected, the continuation of the folder's magical protection may be dependent on our acceptance of its decision," Professor Dumbledore explained. "That is the crux of the matter, if we are correct."

Steve mulled that over then frowned. "Are you saying this is a done deal, then? That Harry and whoever the folder selected have no choice?"

Dumbledore shook his head. "No. The folder is not the Ministry of Magic. It does not have any real authority. The charms placed upon it could be overridden or removed if the parties find the situation unlivable, indeed, persuading the Ministry to accept the folder's decision may be a challenge."

Janet turned and looked at the headmaster for a long minute, a quizzical little frown on her face. "You really believe this protection is the best for Harry-and for us-don't you?" she said, making it more of a statement than a question.

Dumbledore looked startled for just an instant, then an almost grandfatherly smile graced his features. "I do indeed, my dear. Accidental though it's creation may have been, the protection is strong. Accidental or not, the magic is strong. I have lived over a century and have never seen its equal. If it is destroyed it would be difficult if not impossible to re-create."

"So all the answers are in a folder no one can find. Great." Steve shook his head. "What do we do now?"

"An excellent question, Mr. Wright. I'm afraid I don't know."

Fred Weasley picked up a biscuit and took a huge bite out of it. So far, he thought, it's been a really nutty day. Hell, what am I saying? Things have been nutty since the Quidditch World Cup!

Still, he had to admit, things had gotten exceptionally weird the last month or so. You Know Who's return, Cedric's death, Harry gifting George and himself with his Tournament winnings, learning Harry's Muggle relatives had run off, Harry hiding from them, the attack on the Burrow, and now this meeting at the Leaky Cauldron.

Glancing up, he discreetly studied his Quidditch team mate. Harry had changed a great deal over the last few weeks. Some of the changes were purely physical like his new height and weight, his haircut, and those compact things he was wearing.

Others were more than skin deep. Behaviors Fred couldn't recall Harry ever exhibiting before. He was acting almost afraid of them for Heaven's sake!

Equally surprising though far less troubling was the way Harry was calmly soothing ickle Becky to sleep. Glancing between Ron and Harry, Fred covered a smile with his hand. Harry was holding the little girl on his shoulder and singing softly to her like it was the most natural thing in the world to do.

Fred traded an amused glance with George. There was no mistaking the respect in Ginny and Hermione's eyes, but he was completely blowing Ron's mind.

Still, fun as teasing Ron was, even indirectly, he reckoned the kid would get heavy after a while, especially after she was fully asleep. "Hey mate," he said, being careful to keep his voice down. "Want me to transfigure a cot for her? I'm seventeen now, you know," he said, smirking when Ron, Hermione, and Ginny all turned in his direction, then traded a long-suffering look.

"Don't remind us," Ron said. Fred thought he looked grateful for a more familiar topic as he turned to address Harry. "The two of them got their Apparation licenses," he said, jerking a thumb in Fred and George's direction. "They've been Apparating downstairs every morning just because they can!"

Harry lost some of the edginess he'd been showing and actually smiled. "Really? That's brilliant!"

"Let's see if you still think so after a few days," Hermione said, while Ginny rolled her eyes. "Between the noise it makes, and never knowing when one of them is going to appear out of nowhere-even Mr. Weasley's gotten cross."

Mention of Arthur Weasley blew away all traces of Harry's good humor. Sighing inwardly, Fred watched the unwelcome guardedness steal back over his friend's features. Time for a change of subject. Unless he was sadly mistaken, ickle Becky was finally asleep.

"Here mate," he said, transfiguring a little cot. "Lay her down. I reckon you'll both be more comfortable."

Harry looked at the cot-a bang up job if Fred did say so himself-but seemed reluctant. "It's just a normal bed, right? It won't, you know, do anything, will it?"

Fred felt his eyebrows come together again, and saw a similar expression cross George's face. The two of them exchanged an entire conversation with a glance, then made a big show out of being mortally offended.

Fred started. "Why Harry!" he scolded, while George moved to Harry's other side, "I'm shocked!"

"Insulted!" George agreed.


"Cut to the quick!"

"I mean, really! What kind of chaps do you think we are?" Fred demanded, sneaking a peek to see if their theatrics were working.

They were. Harry was starting to look decidedly shamefaced. "Sorry guys."

"Hmm, don't be too sorry, your instincts are good," Hermione said, with a smile, before either Fred or George could graciously accept the apology.

"True, but I think they draw the line at pranking toddlers," Ginny said. Fred didn't miss the "you better not have done anything" look she threw in his and George's direction as she knelt by the little cot and pushed on it with both hands. When nothing happened she smiled up at Harry. "See?"

"Yeah, okay," Harry agreed, laying Becky on the cot. Once he got her settled, they sat in silence for a minute or two, then Hermione spoke up.

"You sing very well, Harry. Why didn't you ever tell us?"

Harry, Fred thought, looked a trifle embarrassed, but shrugged and answered the question. "It isn't important."

"But it is!" Ginny disagreed, after exchanging a disbelieving look with Hermione.

Harry shook his head. "Nah." When they would have argued further, he silenced them with a warning glance in Becky's direction. "Look, everyone thinks I'm supposed to deal with Volde-err-You Know Who, right? So even if you're right, what good is it? You think I could walk up and say, 'Oi, Voldie! Since music soothes the savage beast, how about I sing you a tune? Or better yet..." Fred watched along with the others as Harry paused and executed what might have been a pirouette, then bowed, sweeping an imaginary top hat off his head. "...may I have this dance?" he finished, making Hermione giggle and the Weasleys snort into their pumpkin juice. Even Kitty, who had been looking rather solemn since talking to the professors, unbent enough to smile. That, it appeared, was what Harry was aiming for.

"Hah! Gotcha!" Harry said with a grin, reclaiming his seat beside the brown-haired girl. "Aw, c'mon, what's wrong?" he asked, when her smile faded as quickly as it had appeared.

Kitty glanced around looking uncomfortable, then shrugged. "It's Mom. She's scared and confused, and doesn't really like any of her choices."

That was news to Fred. Mrs. Wright looked rather tired, but seemed calm enough when she and her husband had followed Professor Dumbledore into the parlor.

Hermione seemed to be thinking along the same lines. "She told you that?"

Kitty glanced at Hermione, then looked at the floor. "No. She didn't have to."

Fred thought that was a rather cryptic statement to make, but it clearly meant something to Harry. While everyone else was trying to make sense of the whole conversation, Harry had a look of dawning comprehension.

"That thing...that thing your Mum does...you can do it too, can't you?"

Kitty shrugged. "Sometimes. Especially when it's loud. It came up when the teachers asked us questions."

"How did that go?" Harry asked.

"It was okay. Professor McGonagall and Professor Penstone talked about Hogwarts and the Salem Witches Institute."

That, of course, caught Hermione's attention. "What did they say?" she asked, ignoring the various sighs and eye-rolls around her.

Kitty shrugged again. "Some international board sets standards for the schools to follow, so the required classes are the same everywhere. Since I don't have a problem with accidental magic, I can stay in the Muggle school system and learn the magical basics from a tutor or go to magical school full time like you. Professor McGonagall is going to recommend some tutors for Mom but they aren't sure what to do with me yet. Kids usually go to one of the big magical schools 'cause they have more staff and offer more choices than a single tutor can."

"Well you have to go to Hogwarts," Harry said, clearly dismissing the other choices as mental. "Did you show them your ball?"

That got a smile and a nod. "You were right. Professor Flitwick really liked it."

Okay, that was too good to let go. "Your 'ball'?" Fred wondered aloud.

Kitty seemed hesitant, but Harry squeezed her hand. "It's all right. C'mon. These are my friends. I'd like for them to be your friends, too."

"Okay. Hold out your hand," Kitty said, addressing Fred. He did as she asked and the next thing he knew, she had somehow produced a glowing white ball and deposited it neatly on his palm.

"Wicked!" George said, sounding awed as he and the others crowded around for a closer look. He gave Kitty a big grin and said, "I think this is the beginning of a long and beautiful friendship. How long do they last?"

Kitty frowned as she considered the question, then shrugged again. "I don't know. I always just made them go away."

"Hmm, definitely an area for experimentation," Fred mused, squeezing the ball between his thumb and forefinger. We might be able to make an entire line of Wheezes out of these!"

"They like to invent joke products," Harry explained, when Kitty looked up at him. "They want to open a store and sell them." Fred's estimation of the kid went up a few notches when she smiled and clapped her hands. Obviously she recognized a good thing when she heard it.

"Cool! Wait'll I tell Dad!" Kitty said, before hesitating and tugging on Harry's hand. "How much longer will they be?"

Harry sighed. "I don't know," he admitted. Fred thought he looked slightly annoyed, but really couldn't blame him. The adults had been sequestered away for quite a little while now. His dad had emerged briefly to run an errand of some sort, but when he'd returned, he'd headed directly back to the parlor, not stopping to update them or answer any questions.

"What do you think they're doing in there?" George asked, seeming to divine Fred's thoughts.

"No idea," Fred replied. He paused a beat, then grinned. "Want to find out?"

Ron sighed, then addressed his brothers with some asperity. "What are you two on about? If you go in there, you'll just get tossed out."

Fred looked at Ron in the pitying way he knew the younger boy hated. "Aw, bless him," he said, addressing George.

"Pity," George agreed, patting Ron on the head. "Clearly he doesn't realize 'find out' means 'eavesdrop.'"

"Oh, really?" Hermione's tone spoke volumes. "And how might you accomplish that? Harry said Tom keeps muffling charms on the doors."

Fred lifted his head and grinned. "With a new product in our Weasley Wizard Wheezes line."

"They're actually quite brilliant," Ginny said, unexpectedly coming to the twins' defense when Hermione appeared ready to dismiss them out of hand.

"And how do you know of it?" Ron asked, rounding on his sister. Fred shook his head. The boy was never going to win friends and influence people with that attitude.

Ginny could take care of herself, though. "I asked," she replied pointedly. "You should try it sometime."
