
Real Scenario Love

作者: aralal_
完結 · 8.9K ビュー
  • 3 章
  • レビュー結果
  • N/A

What is Real Scenario Love

WebNovel で公開されている、aralal_ の作者が書いた Real Scenario Love の小説を読んでください。❝Nama asli dari segala peristiwa yang dikaitka dengan ribuan kata, takdir❞____________________________________________________________✎...@sastraclub✔✎...satraclub-arinwrite...


❝Nama asli dari segala peristiwa yang dikaitka dengan ribuan kata, takdir❞ ____________________________________________________________ ✎...@sastraclub✔ ✎...satraclub-arinwrite


The Bride of War God

The Gods made a bet, The War God was the winner and she was the prize. Their marriage happened only for their entertainment, but was it all that simple? *** This is a story that will make you fall in love. Especially for those of you who like Greek mythology. You will find exciting adventures, thrilling romance and unusual conflicts. I guarantee you will get a different experience when reading this story. This story is suitable for those of you who like romance and strong female lead characters. WARNING The interaction between the Male Lead and the Female Lead will be told sweetly and logically. even though it's not a slow romance, you have to be patient and enjoy the development of their relationship. *** Her old life was perfect. She was worshiped like a Goddess with great success and wealth that anyone would envy. But one day she woke up in the body of princess of Sparta. Unfortunately, she was sacrificed to become the bride of the cruel god Ares. She must survived in the world of the gods and learned their seriously big extraterrestrial secrets. She also failed to escaped from the charm of her irresistibly hot husband even though he was too dangerous for her. Moreover, She got Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty as her love rival. When she finally found a way to returned to her original body—she hesitated. Was she ready to leave Olympus when she realized that She started to love her husband? But, her old life was perfect! Would she abandoned all of her achievement for a man that may never loved her back?

anna_kanina · SF
19 Chs

My Careful Lover — (Moved to a New Link)

New link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/my-careful-lover_26209843705402605 "What do you want from me?" Moon stared right back at him with her hands crossed in front of her chest "Isn't it obvious already?" "it is not because I still don't get why you did what you-" "I want you, simple" Moon let out a dry laugh. "I have already made it clear to you that I am not interested in any boyfriend-girlfriend complicated mess." This time around it was Ocean who chuckled "I see. I was hoping to take baby steps with you, but it seems you are in a hurry. Marriage then." "I am not interested in marriage either. I don't want to marry" "What a pity" He shook his head with a smirk playing on his lips "Are you scared that I won't love you enough? Well, I promise to love, respect and cherish you till not even death can do us part. I promise to make love to you anytime you want-" "You are crazy" She shook her head in disbelief. "I don't know if that is the right response to a wedding vow even though we both know that I am crazy about you. Pick a date for the marriage as we would be going to see your people tomorrow" "The date is never" Moon expected him to get angry over her response but he just grinned innocently at her "You are a funny girl. I will let you sleep over it as I would be expecting my response after we visit my useless in-laws tomorrow. Goodnight my sweet rabbit teeth neighbour." before she could say another word he pecked her lips and walked away with a broad smile

stranger2_no1 · 都市
13 Chs

Godking (Aspverse)

Tags – Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Thriller, Mystical, Magic, Gods, Goddesses, Divinity, Dimensions, Extra Dimensions, ???, ???, etc. ---------------------------------------- Walking out of my apartment, I head down on an elevator, look at the watch, 8:43, damnit, just shy of my best time. Let’s hope that traffic is not bad today. Oh, who am I kidding, traffic is going to be horrible today with this weather. ‘I was right’, I think as I look at the massive backlog of cars on the streets and take out my umbrella before quickly trying to walk to my car without getting wet. Unfortunately, just before getting to my car, I hear a *BOOOM!*, and instinctively looking up, just in time to see a massive lightning bolt heading straight towards me, before everything goes black. I died. . . . Or I should’ve been dead, instead, here I am, in a place full of darkness and my thoughts. I don’t know how long I have been here, in this dark place, this void, but just as I think that I will start going crazy, I feel a faint warmth, and see light. With the light comes a strong pull before I can suddenly see normally again. But something feels different, now I feel strong, and supremely more aware of my surroundings. When I look around, I see a group of strangely dressed men and women, with Roman and Greek styles to their clothing. They all carry this strange feeling of strength and might, and a strange sense of superiority, then to what I’m used to. ---------------------------------------- Release Schedule: Unknown DISCLAIMER – This is a work of fiction. Not meant to offend or incite, but to entertain and (maybe) inspire. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents in this book are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. DISCLAIMER - Art by CK Göksoy This work is part of a greater collection of stories under the existence of the Aspverse. (Maybe) Early Chapters at Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/OriginEntertainment Join Our Community at Discord: https://discord.gg/N7Y3Rstew2

OrIgIn · ファンタジー
4 Chs

The mafia's deadly obsession

“Is there any other words that can be use to describe him other than the devil in the flamy hell?” Lucian Gambino, the leader of the GAMBINO BROTHERS was one of the most feared mafia bosses in ITALY. He is know as the heartless monster who kills without hesitating. Across the country, the continent and even the world, he was feared. All parents always warned their children about him, and often used him as story to scare children when they had done something wrong. Despite his rules, and the discontent people had in it, no one dared to speak up as they all cared for their life. He was ruthless in all his dealings, showing no mercy and sparing no man that dared to disobey him. All of a sudden his personality changed! The once cold, and dreadful lord became the soft, and caring man anyone could think of. He changed for her sake. Lucian doesn't care about the punishable offence of the Gambino Brothers, neither did he care about the blurry line. The line of war, love, and pain! All he cares about is protecting her. He could destroy the world, loose everything just to protect the only lady who showed him love. To the lady, is it love? What did the lady who Lucian is obsessed about felt? Love or something else? Will her aim and secrets be revealed? What happened when her darkest secrets, and wounded mind became clear and open under the bright sky? Want to find out how the journey of obsessed Lucian and his lover ended up? Then add to library, gift powerstones and Golden ticket, don't forget to review and comment your thought.

Sarah_Savage_0742 · 都市


Fiona. Gadis berusia 18 tahun yang cantik, berprestasi, dan menjadi kebanggaan keluarga serta teman-temannya. Sejak kecil ia bercita-cita menjadi seorang Arsitek karena ia memiliki keinginan untuk bisa membangun rumah yang mewah dan nyaman. Itu semua dia inginkan karena sejak kecil hingga berusia 18 tahun ini Fiona hanya bisa tinggal di sebuah rumah yang sangat kecil dan tidak layak huni oleh kedua orangtuanya. Sehingga Fiona ingin sekali membangun rumah yang layak huni untuk kedua orangtuanya dengan tangannya sendiri. Sejak kecil Ayah dan Ibu Fiona sudah mewanti-wanti Fiona untuk menjaga anak perempuan semata wayangnya supaya tidak salah dalam pergaulan sehingga bisa menjadi anak yang sukses suatu saat nanti sesuai dengan yang dia cita-citakan selama ini. Fiona juga pernah berjanji kepada kedua orangtuanya jika dia akan fokus sekolah dan tidak akan pacaran. Tetapi semuanya berantakan sejak Fiona mulai mengenal Lukas hingga akhirnya Fiona hamil dengan Lukas, pacarnya, yang kemudian pergi ke luar Negeri dan meninggalkannya. Inilah perjalanan hidup Fiona di mulai, yaitu llika-liku Fiona untuk menghadapi kehamilannya. Semua cita-cita yang sudah dia bangun sejak kecil hancur seketika. Kehilangan kepercayaan orangtua, di kucilkan teman, di tinggalkan kekasih, perjuangannya menjadi seorang Ibu muda namun dia juga harus tetap meraih cita-citanya. Ternyata Fiona masih memiliki keberuntungan. Ketika dia sedang dalam keadaan sangat terpuruk seperti ini bisa bertemu dengan laki-laki baik bernama Kendrick. Sejak saat itu cinta segitiga di mulai, persaingan dengan Jane dan masalah lainnya yang ada di dalam kehidupan Fiona.

Arummsukma · ファンタジー
21 Chs


  • 総合レビュー
  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定



General Audiencesmature rating