
Chapter 1: SSS+ ABILITY

7:38 am

Friday, May 6, 2063

Chilan continent, Tiaun country

Chiun City, Rosadon University

Dorm 63

Tai Lung opened his eyes. Tai Lung

looked at the room.


"Seems I forgot to clean up the mess

last night, Tai said remembering the party.


"Huh?' Tai said quickly getting up and

taking a knife from his poach and

looking around vigilantly.

[Obtained SSS+ ability 'Experiment]

"Who are you, show yourself,' Tai said

walking around vigilant.

Suddenly Tai lost control of his body

and started moving then found a pen

and paper and then wrote down


"What is happening to me I can't control

my body, It Could be a Spirit Esper gotta

be careful, said Tai trying to gain

control of his body.

After writing, Tai gained control of his


Tai took up the paper while looking

around and then read it

Ability: Experiment


Description: Experiment is a powerful

ability possessing many sub-abilities.

These Sub-abilities are rank (SSS)Fuse, (SS)separate, (SS) Super Enhanced Brain, (SS) Extract, (SS) Evolve, (SS+) Mutate, (SS) Copy, (SSS) Paste, (SS+) Delete, (SSS) Shapeshift, (X) Omni, and (SS) Inspector.

Tai looked at the paper dumbfounded and confused.

Tai who read novels in his off time suddenly had a realisation.

" It is my time to Shine, with this ability no one in the universe can stop me. This is the most powerful ability to date, the Five most powerful Heroes in the world are only S-rank with the most powerful being Hong Zhao," Tai said.


"Blazing fist"


A hand went through the 4 inches-thick and 2-and-a-half meters tall door which then erupted into yellow flames.

The door burned to ashes in less than five seconds.

Tai looked through the other side of the door to see a tall young man.

"Tai this time you have gone too far by talking to my girl, how dare you," said the young man.

"Zhang, Xie Wu has a right to talk to anyone she wants," Tai said nonchalantly.

Zhang got irritated so he rushed towards Tai enveloping his fists in yellow flames.

Zhang punched Tai...

Just as the punch was about to land on his face Tai suddenly got enveloped in a fiery red aura.

(Tai's Mind)

{I evolved my rank (D) ability Energy creation to rank (SSS) then mutated it creating energy manipulation}


[ Energy Manipulation:

Energy Arts

Energy Control/Wielding


Kinetic Potence


The user can create, shape, and manipulate energy, the capacity or ability to cause change or do work, one of the most basic quantitative properties of a system, such as an object or a field of energy. Energy can be transformed (converted) into many forms that may each manifest and be measurable in differing ways. The law of conservation of energy states that the (total) energy of a system can increase or decrease only by transferring it in or out of the system, thus the total energy of a system can be calculated by simple addition when it is composed of multiple non-interacting parts or has multiple distinct forms of energy.

Common physical forms of energy include the kinetic energy of a moving object, the radiant energy carried by light and other electromagnetic radiation, and various types of potential energy such as gravitational and elastic.

With how much energy influences as a whole, it would be the ultimate superpower. One who can control energy is probably limited by their vitality & imagination.]

{Rank: SSS}

(Evaluation: God-like. Could destroy planets)


Tai used his ability to be just a little bit stronger than Zhang.

Tai moved his hand so fast that even a B-rank Hero would not be able to see.

Tai punched Zhang in his gut.


Tai's punch carrying 50 tons of power directly smashed Zhang's body.


Zhang then grabbed onto Tai's fist then punched at Tai.


Tai took the punch after taking away the kinetic energy.

"How are you still standing after all my punch carried 50 tons of power?" Tai asked.

Zhang laughed before taking off his clothes revealing a Suit.

"This is my tier 4 hell armour worth 530Mil dollars, it can handle up to 500 tons of power," Zhang replied with a smirk on his face.

Tai smirked before increasing his power and then punching Zhang at a lightning-fast speed.


*Suit Cracks*

Zhang was sent flying through multiple walls.





Tai disappeared and Appear in front of Zhang lying injured on the ground wearing his suit which had a large crack in it.

Everybody on the campus gathered around and watched with interest.

"Xie Wu will never be with a bastard like you," Tai said.

"I will kill you," Zhang said before passing out from the intense pain.

"What is going on here?" said a woman walking towards where Tai is currently at.

"Miss Yang, Zhang attacked me so defended myself," Tai said.

"Self Defence but how did you not only injure him but also crack his armour?" Ms Yang asked suspiciously.

"Ms Yang, I saved up enough money to buy the grade 3 enhancement pill," Tai replied.

"You are telling me that you managed to buy the 12.4Mil dollars enhancement pill?" Ms Yang asked suspiciously.

Tai started sweating bullets which Ms Yang noticed.

"Ok go to class everyone," Ms Yang said turning around and speaking to the crowd which then disbursed.

"You go to class," Ms Yang said to Tai.

Tai then went to his dorms.

"What a bad way to start the day," Tai said exhaling.

Tai then went to class.

[The Next Day]

9:36 pm

Saturday, May 7, 2063

Rosadon University, Dorm 63

Tai was sitting on a chair thinking about his plan.

(Tai's Thought)

{I think I will start an organisation called Apocalypse. I will have two identities one named Alurac the second in command and Hell's Flare the Founder. Various situations can arise.}

"My identity Alurac should have two abilities of earth and water, one rank (S), and a rank (S+). There will likely be situations where I have to deal with other organisations, associations, and Companies. My second identity Hell's Flare should have three abilities of fire, thunder, and my original rank (SSS) ability energy manipulation. The Fire type ability should be rank-SS and the thunder should be rank-S+," Tai said.

"To get more members I will probably offer them a chance to gain an ability," Tai muttered under his breath.

Tai got up off the grass and left the campus.

Tai was sitting at a table in a restaurant when he suddenly heard screams from outside the restaurant.

Tai looked through the window and saw a huge wormhole at least 50 meters in diameter.

"A monster invasion, this is the seventh one this month," Tai said with a calm expression while the other people in the restaurant along with the workers became fearful.

"A monster invasion is an invasion of our world by monsters, there are seven levels. The size of the wormhole depends on the rank of the monsters coming through it. A wormhole 5 meters in diameter is a level 1 monster invasion capable of releasing rank F monsters. A wormhole 10 meters in diameter is a level 2 monster invasion capable of releasing rank E monsters. A wormhole 15 meters in diameter is a level 3 monster invasion capable of releasing rank D monsters. A wormhole 30 meters in diameter is a level 4 monster invasion capable of releasing rank C monsters. A wormhole 50 meters in diameter is a level 5 monster invasion capable of releasing rank B monsters. A wormhole 75 meters in diameter is a level 6 monster invasion capable of releasing rank A monsters. A wormhole 120 meters in diameter is a level 7 monster invasion capable of releasing rank S monsters. There have only ever been two-level seven wormholes to appear in the world," Tai said.

"This is probably a level 5. There are only 2 rank-A heroes in Chiun City," Tai said.

Out of the wormhole came a giant armoured shredder.

"A Shredder. A highly adaptable B-rank bearlike monster with incredible speed, strength and endurance. It has high cold resistance and medium heat resistance, it has two pairs of claws sharp enough to cut through 12-inch thick steel. Evaluation deadly monster that could easily take your life and is not to be underestimated," Tai said.

Tai left the restaurant and went to the nearest person which is a young man cowering in fear.

Tai touched him and...

[Ability: Telekinesis]

{Rank: C}


(Description:Ability to manipulate and control objects with the mind, often in ways not visible to the naked eye.)

"This must be my rank (SS) ability Inspector," Tai said.

"Extract," Tai said.

[Extracted the rank (C) ability Telekinesis]

"Evolve Telekinesis to rank-A," Tai said.

[Evolved Telekinesis to rank-A]

"Mutate Telekinesis," Tai said.

[Mutated Telekinesis now psychokinesis]

[Ability: Psychokinesis]

{Rank: A}

(Description: The psychic ability to manipulate or interact with matter through mental effort alone. The difference between this and telekinesis is that while telekinesis allows one to move or control objects at a distance, it does not specify the method by which is accomplished. Telekinesis is a general term for manipulating matter and objects from a distance without physical interaction from the user. Telekinetics can use natural and mundane forces (gravitational energies, electromagnetism, kinetic energy, space-time, dimensions, elements, etc.) or supernatural forces ranging from extradimensional energies to holy or demonic energies, or even normal superpowers that can manipulate matter in the process. However, psychokinetic only utilize their mind power (thoughts, emotions, instincts, personalities, desires, etc.) or psychic energy driving from the astral or mental plane to power their telekinetic abilities. Many non-fictional and fictional sources mistakenly merge the two with the same ability; they aren't incorrect since psychokinesis can be categorized as a mental variation of telekinesis. But, a distinction is needed between the two superpowers.

As the ability is tied directly to the mind, it can be activated and controlled through conscious effort and concentration, through willpower and emotion of a particular level of intensity, or through achieving a state of discipline and serenity. In some cases, the ability can respond to the user's thoughts and ideas, imagination, desires or belief in their abilities, something that could make the power harder or easier to activate, and in these cases, it is often more challenging to control. A common example is behaving erratically during moments of stress, rendering it a liability or even a hazard in those scenarios unless the user can regain control.

Moreover, these aspects of the user's mind and mental capacity can potentially affect the accuracy, precision, range, and strength of their ability and the subsequent limitations of its intuitiveness, usability, and reliability in different situations. In extreme examples, the power can be so extensive as to allow for the user to passively influence matter and affect their environment using their presence alone. In other cases, the user's power may be used through instinct or some form of intuition or extrasensory perception rather than physical senses or conscious thought. Sometimes, the ability itself can be used to actively perceive the world by projecting psychic energy onto it, similar to echolocation, acting as an extension of the user's physical senses.)

(Evaluation: Capable of lifting cities and levelling them. Could be very useful in the planetary mining Industry)

Tai then used his rank (S+) ability, mind reading.

"I sense fear, fear of being too weak to defend himself," Tai muttered.

Tai suddenly had an idea.

(Tai's mind)

(This could be my first member and he will probably be the only member who will ever see my face.)

"If you want power, I can give you," Tai said to the youth who seems to be a year younger than him.

When the youth heard that he lifted his head and looked at Tai.

"Can you give me the power to defend myself from this crooked world?" the young man asked.

"Yes, but there are things you need to know before accepting. The first thing is that if you accept my gift, you will be the third member of my organisation called "Apocalypse". That is all you need to know," Tai said.

"I accept," the young man said with a smile on his face.
