

When I wake up as usual morning routine going for jogging then wash my self and then eat my breakfast and then go for my class after 2 month has been passed I had made friends and in class what teacher explain in topic I already know because I already read all books in library but teachers explain general knowledge and some topics related with daily life or tells us what it will help you in future life so classes are not always boring because of that every 2 weeks we get assessment because final test are very hard to pass at passing marks are 70 percent out of 💯 marks if you fail you get 2 month time to pass the test if fail not pass it then you get expelled form academy because you did not have that potential or you are non serious about it but these rules are only applies to military section or courses but non military have 50 passing percent but they are limited to only papers working staff and not get to higher position only it's magic Level is high or martial but military does not have that restrictions so that academy have 90% military and 10% non military in academy there are two fighting tornament which you get prizes higher level skills books or potions or money prize 💯 million gold coins or you go to dragon tower which you increases your magic or martial level or increase your capacity of magic and martial level to break to next level.

As I got full marks in written and for physical assessment they teach us some spells and martial arts you have to learn at least one and show it to them at last physical assessment I barely pass because my Sakura teacher last night we did intense fight that I pass out of no strengthen in my body as I could not stand up so at exam day I haven't recovered but not today as I fully rested and I am gonna show all the skills and spells and at physical exam center which was like combining 10 football courts when teacher called and told me to show me your skills as I showed one after physical teacher Damon was happy as he was thinking I might give that poor result again and tomorrow at test results board my name was at top well I smile but when I see 2nd place my smile disappear because it was that foxness cold princess even though she is daughter of that general and my second teacher but still what will she react when she see it because after that small exchange we rarely talk and we do not share same room as opposite sexes can not share the same room well I do not care as along she does not annoy me that is good for me but I also have to prepare for tornament because after 4 months it will happen I sigh because I have to Meet a daughter of Sakura teacher as she is older than me by 4 years she is already in military and she is major rank this rank up speed only her daughter could I expect from her well better get ready tommorow to meet her but that was just my thinking
