

Tell me did you know LOVE, too, is an acronym. It stands for "Level of Violence." A way of measuring someone's capacity to hurt. You would expect someone from a normal world to be immune to such things, but all I can say is that LOVE is the only thing keeping me from going insane in this messed up world. __________ First World: Re:Zero Second World: Unknown ___ 2k-3k words random chapter updates since I'm focusing on my DMC fanfic Undertale stuff- Specifically X!Tale

TheFanBoy · アニメ·コミックス
17 Chs

The means to an end.

"So those two?"


Looking at the mansion Infront of them Beatrice stood beside Chris with a conflicted expression, Chris had told her about his abilities for him it wasn't that big of a deal as she was bound to him and he needed to make sure she wouldn't ask any future questions about his abilities.

As they stood Infront of the Mathers Mansion, Chris had already explained his plan to Kill Roswaal and then Emilia. But for Beatrice all she knew was that he was going to kill everyone and bring them back to life once he was finish, and they could finally leave this place and meet with her mother.

Their contract gave Chris full authority over Beatrice but in return he would bring her everywhere he went and when possible will bring her to Echidna, this would happen very soon.

But as they stood stood there multiple figures started coming out of the mansion doors these were all the current residents of the manor lead by Roswaal who was looking at Chris with a smile, he removed his robe before handing it too Ram as he started to crack his fingers.

"It told me how I have to fight you and survive~~~"

"You won't."

Without saying anything else the two rushed at each other clashing blades, Chris had formed a Katana out of his DT while Roswaal was using Fure(Wind Magic) to form an invisible blade. Emilia and Rem who thought they were going to great Chris and Beatrice who had just arrived were confused as why the two were fighting while Ram only had a plain expression on her face.


The sound of their blades clashing was all that could be heard in the courtyard as the two had essentially started fighting in the air, Puck who saw this couldn't help but think of something.

'He's gotten stronger.'

Just a few months ago Puck was confident on easily defeating Chris, but now he wasn't so sure. As with his current speed and strength Chris had surpassed him and Roswaal and he himself knew it as he had no expression as he clashed blades with a smiling Roswaal.


Suddenly multiple balls of fire and ice formed behind Roswaal and launched towards Chris who dashed back before the OVERWRITE button appeared on his side.



Suddenly the spells that Roswaal fired at Chris froze in the air before being covered with a white X with purple outlines, they turned to Roswaal before launching at twice the speed.


Roswaal swiftly casted the strongest Fire Spell as a huge ball of pure fire launched from his right hand towards the projectiles destroying them, but it didn't stop as it continued with it's trajectory and as it was an inch away from Chris he disappeared with a glitch and appeared back beside Beatrice.

"You loaded this early, don't you think you aren't strong enough I suppose?"

"Mind your own business."

Raising his hand he causally grabbed Roswaal's fist and due to the impact caused a shockwave breaking the ground beneath him, Rem and Emilia were confused on why the two were fighting but before they could say anything Roswaal noticed their worry and spoke.

"This is a personal matter, don't you dare interrupt."

Roswaal's cold voice surprised the two while Ram stood there unmoving with a complicated look on her face, she didn't know what Roswaal was planning but her lord told her to not interrupt his fight with Chris.

"I-Is this about how I reacted to you beating Julius!?"

"The world doesn't revolve around you Emilia, it isn't about that."

Chris didn't bother looking at Emilia as he was more focused on fighting the clown before him, he was confident he could take care of Roswaal but he had never seen or heard how powerful Roswaal actually is so Chris was cautious.

'His code is all jumbled and messed up, must be the constant body switching.'

Chris couldn't read Roswaal's code as it was not only filled with Errors but words he couldn't even understand, but he didn't bother focusing on that as he tried stabbing Roswaal with a sword he had formed.

Seeing this Roswaal leap back Before silently casting Dona, causing multiple walls of Earth to rise up from the ground reducing the force and speed of Chris's attacking allowing Roswaal to catch the blade with his palm.

'Son of a-'

Chris was hit directly in the chest by Roswaal's fist causing him to vomit a huge amount of blood, making Rem try to rush towards him only to be stopped by Ram who used Euma at Rem's path.


"I'm sorry Rem but I can't allow you to interrupt with their battle."

"Then I will, Puck!"

Emilia passed by Rem clutching her Amulet causing Puck to appear out of thin air still sleepy confused about his surroundings.

"Eh, Lia what's happening?"

"Puck I need you to help me stop Roswaal and Chris from fighting!"

Yet despite her words Puck didn't do anything but look at the two individuals informt of him, he instead took a seat on Beatrice's head causing the spirit to swoon.

"Sorry Lia I can't do anything about these two even if I wanted too ehe~"

Puck rubbing the back of his head couldn't help but giggle, meanwhile Chris and Roswaal and already started to fight once more as Chris kicked Roswaal away with a side kick to his liver launching the body snatcher away to the Manor's fence.


Once I'm done writing the half of the Fate arc I'll start another vote for the next world, but for now I hope y'all enjoy this chapter and remember to leave a review.


Roswaal placed a hand on the side of his head and felt it became wet, specifically thanks to his blood. Normally if this was any other person about to kill him and he couldn't do anything he would run away, but this time it was different since thanks to HER gift to him a message appeared on his gospel a long with the words The End.

"Fight and Die to Chris, and we will finally meet again."

And thus he didn't care if he were to die as long as he would see her once more, but he couldn't thinkg about it any further as he began channeling Mana on his hands before slamming them down on the ground as Chris was rapidly approaching him.

The ground Infront of him started to rise, but that was only the step as soon enough heat started to apply before the earth melted and launched towards Chris who could only raise his eyebrows in curiosity.

This spell was a mixture of two elemental properties, specifically Dona and Goa. Seeing the approaching lava Chris didn't stop but instead increased his speed before making his broken Overwrite button appear once more.


A purple aura covered him before he passed through the lava like it was nothing, before coming face to face with Roswaal who was fast enough to react and cast Dona to use it to perform and uppercut on Chris using the very earth beneath.

'Note to self, after obtaining the full overwrite never visit annoying powerful Avatar variants. I'm not even fighting a bender and I'm already annoyed.'

Twisting his body in the air Chris kicked Roswaal on the face before grabbing the man by his long hair and slamming him to the ground, he almost couldn't resist calling him a monkey due to the fact he sounded like someone who had voiced a literal monkey and metaphorical monkey.

'Time to end thi- hmm?'

Chris raised his left hand catching an Ice Spike that was aimed for him, he turned to Emilia looking at him and Roswaal he also saw both Oni sisters fighting specifically Rem holding Ram back.

"Please Chris stop!"


Despite humming he turned his eyes to Roswaal who still had his whole head caved in on the ground, but despite that he was smiling with happiness before he moved his head slightly as if he was modding.

"Alright I'll let him go..."

The hand that was still on Roswaal's head started to glow before a deafening sound was heard all across the mansion, and the supposed strongest mage of the world was there headless with his arms open as if he had accepted his fate.

Chris who had an eye on Roswaal could only pity him as his soul was destroyed, he didn't know what his gospel told him but it was definitely a lie as those killed by him couldn't be brought back without resetting or using a full overwrite.

"Now one last person left."

He started moving towards Emilia who frozen in fear, for her she had just watched the second strongest person she die so easily. Tears started to run down her face as liquid started to leak through her skirt, she may physically look mature but she had the mentality of a 12 year old.


Dodging another ice spike this time from Puck who was now just a few steps on his left, Chris could only lazy look everyone present. Ram and Rem stopped fighting and were looking at him with fear yet despite that they had their weapon/magic ready to attack. Beatrice only looked at Roswaal for a second before all Pity she had disappeared clearly seeing how that man died happily, meanwhile Puck started to radiate a powerful aura which he couldn't help scoff at.

'If it was me before I would have been scared, but now? Definitely not.'

With a simple flick of wrist towards Emilia he began walking back to Beatrice passing by Puck, who sighed thinking it was over as he. began floating towards his 'daughter'.

"Well Lia I guess we have to clean this up-"

But Puck stopped his sentence as blood started to leak from a like on Emilia's neck, she was still looking at the directiong Chris was previously at. Puck despite realizing what happened didn't want to accept it, he slightly touched Emilia's shoulder and to his horror her head fell from her neck and her body fell to the ground limp.

"It's done, we can go now Beatrice."

"A-Aren't you going to bring them back-"

Beatrice stopped her words as Chris turned to her with red glowing eyes as his sclera had turned pitch black, she was now shaking fear as aura Chris was radiating physical showed itself as he was covered in black aura as if it clinging to him trying to get his attention. Yet it didn't as Chris started to walk away looking at the screen Infront of him.


Level: 20


(A Human?)

Puck who was still floating on top of Emilia's corpse started to morph as his eyes were filled with rage, The area around him started to freeze rapidly as he morphed into his true form. Beatrice who saw this was in fear as she knew a battle would begin but Chris simply ignored her expression before placing his hand on her head.


And with that Chris took only one last glance at before he pressed the Reset button, his surroundings began to change from the manor to the same carriage Beatrice and Him took earlier to get to the manor.


Beatrice who was simply sitting silently clutched her head in pain as she fell to her knees, she turned to Chris with widened eyes she had realize what this meant.

"So we can finally meet mother!"

Yet despite her enthusiasm Chris only took one glance at her before sighing.


He needed to complete his side of the contract before he could start finding a way on how to travel worlds, leveling up to twenty made the code he saw more condensed and ordered so instead of jumbled code he could actually just scroll through a person or objects very being. It was basically a very advance status window he could edit freely.

'Thankfully this world is an AU or I wouldn't be able to edit things permanently.'

He pressed the now fully form overwrite button before both him and Beatrice were in an open green field, with a woman sitting in a chair looked at them confused and shock.

"H-How are you here?"

This was the witch of Greed Echidna, and she was confused on how both Beatrice and Chis were able to appear in their physical bodies in a place for the dead, yet despite that Chris didn't answer her as he approached Echidna with his ever present poker face while Beatrice stood there frozen.



Feels rushed but realistic as a level 19 from any Undertale AU is already crazy strong, only thing Roswaal had going for him was his experience.

Only a few more chapters till we move on to the Fate arc, and yes it will be an AU that still follows the plot and no there will be no significant changes like extra masters or servants I pulled out from no where. The only thing I can say is that he will be replacing someone.