
Re:Zero, Power Driven Madness (Finished)

A guy dies and is reincarnated into re zero. Simple enough right? But what if he wasn’t crazy and instead was a normal human being who wanted to avoid dying? What if he wanted at least some form of power to avoid being chained by a certain crazy witch and her army of obsessed simps!!! ——————- I do not own Re:Zero, all works and achievements go towards Tappei Nagatsuki

Havengi · アニメ·コミックス
64 Chs

Elsa vs Reinhard

"Who may you be?" Elsa says before smiling. "You smell pretty strong."

"I'm just a simple guard on patrol." Reinhard replies. "The real question is, who are you?"

"That's Elsa Granhiert." I quickly but in. "The monster known as the bowel hunter."

"Ohhh?" Elsa says with a smile on her face. "Did I perhaps gut someone you love? That's the only way you would know me after all."

"Like I want to be one of your victims." I scoff m. "Also what is the bowel hunter even doing here."

"That won't really matter will it?" She questions with her smile growing larger. "It's not like you will be walking out alive will you?"

"Please the person you want to fight is the guy next to me, not me." I say while sighing. "The bowel hunter loves the intestines of the strong correct?"

Elsa's smile then softens and she looks at me interest clearly present in her eyes. "Why does it feel like you already know me?" Her hand then blurs and a flash of light rushes towards me.

Running on only instincts I dodge it with only a slight graze being present on my cheek. She really just went ahead and did it!

"Oh your blood look very interesting also." She says as a glint goes through her eyes. "I'm interested in the color you will show me next, maybe a healthy pink, a strong red? Oh so...so...so EXCITING!!!"

"Reinhard I'm a bit weak can you help please?" I say to weakly to him before realizing he didn't even help. Like bro your the sword saint, be a bit more attentive with the lives around you please!

"Sure, I recommend you stand near the half elf though suburu." He responds.

Reinhard then takes a long hard look at Elsa before asking. "Your a monster correct?"

"Yes I am." Elsa replies before smiling with a crazy glint present in her eyes. "A crazy monster who loves the color of another's intestines and taste of blood."

Reinhard then puts his hand on his sword and tugs. "Seems you aren't worthy of my blade."

"I see." Elsa replies. "Then I guess I must prove that sword wrong."

Elsas figure then blurs as she rushes towards Reinhard to which Reinhard just casually kicked her away.

"Hey half-elf." I call out. "Can you get him a sword please?"

Emilia then turns to me still confused at everything that has been happening and just nods dumbly.

Emilia then proceeds to call out a spell and a ice sword forms slowly in front of Reinhard. "This should do Sword Saint."

"Ohhhh sword saint?" Elsa says as her eyes grew excited. "I wonder what the strongest mans organs would look like."

Flashes of light are then thrown towards Reinhard which just went around him completely before hitting a wall.

"Blessing of arrow avoidance hmmmm?" Elsa exclaims. "Truly the man loved by all of the world."

"Stop talking." Reinhard says. "I'm in a rush."

"Then please excuse me." Elsa says before taking off her coat revealing a voluptuous body. "The Bowel hunter, Elsa Granhiert."

"Reinhard Van Astrea of the master swordsman line." Reinhard says as the sword in his hand grows bigger and it starts to shine. "I advise you be careful bowel hunter, this move may very well kill you."

Remembering what is about to happen. I quickly close my eyes to avoid going blind and wait. Soon, I can hear the sound of wood breaking and knew it was time to open to them. All I can see is Reinhard facing the now visible moon with the bowel hunter being no where in sight.

Remembering her troublesome ability I decide to inform Reinhard.

"Hey Reinhard." I then call out. "I'd check to see if she's actually dead. Elsa may be a vampire with her whole blood obsession."

Then the sound of wood is broken apart as I see Elsa closing in on me rapidly. "You truly do know me don't you?" I hear her say as she swings .

"But I guess you did do good and get me killed huh?" She then says before looking down at me with a smile. "If only we got to know each other better suburu."

"SUBURU!!!" I hear Reinhard yell as a flash of light is sent out decapitating Elsa.

Reinhard then quickly turns to Emilia.

"Half-elf do you have any magic capable of healing him?" Reinhard asks.

"Yes but I need you to get as far away as possible." She replies. "Just making that sword of ice was difficult enough."

Reinhard quickly understood as I see him nod and then just blur out if existence. If your that fast, why am I laying down almost dead!

You know what! I'm fed up with this world. If I ever wake up, I swear to you I will get enough power to curb stomp another Elsa if I see one. But first let me sleep. I'm feeling.... pretty tired.... no..w...

Then a blanket of darkness envelops me.
