
Daily Life

Time passed by granted Rene was the only humanoid person that can described as "not killing someone immediately" in a pretense as he indulged in creating and making his craft based on his previous equipment back in the past and comparing them to some of the newer tech known in this <Cycle>.

After making worthless attempts in making portions of the ship based on the blueprints' instructions given. Rene realized he needed proper ship building equipment or a substandard and faulty ship will be created that will give him a much lower chances of getting out this planet's atmosphere much less surviving alone in space. He then decided to interrupt his 56 days of indulging in experimenting and crafting his heart's desire for two purposes, 1) To find proper ship building equipment and 2) Find more materials since his stock of <Perium Ore> and <Star Ore> will soon run out since he spent most of it in crafting versatile batteries that can store almost most known energies at 65% efficiency and some cased with <Furtak Ore> and reinforced with both <P-Alloy Ingot> and <Orion Steel Bit> to create heatsinks for an upgrade to his rifles.

<Orion Steel Bit>

* Tier : C

* Grade : 5

* Description : A common exotic used to reinforce in the making of existing alloys to achieve better results

<Tek Energon Heat Blaster MK6>

* Tier : C

* Grade : 5

* Effects : +90 E.ATT (Fire) +10 Precision +10 Accuracy -20 Recoil

* Description : With a base of an older model, this rifle has been modified comparable of those in the current generation with an inbuilt reactor to deliver a better punch and weapon system to both make that punch faster and easier to deliver. Currently equipped with holoscopic sights, recoil stock, inbuilt reactor and heatsink

* Description : Shoots out 5 consecutive bolts of heat every 2 seconds, has 4 charges and recharges 1 every 4 seconds. Frequent firing can make the barrel overheat and melt, and when fired blow into smithereens

"Done quite a deal with these rifles, should give a better punch to them bastards out there. Now better end this current lifestyle of mine to not waste anymore already scarce materials and start scavenging materials out in the scraps mounds but first I need a part of this ship to a trash compactor, a smelter and an alloy processing belt. At the same time create some equipment to deliver this trash to the compactor." As Rene said to himself as he started converting the latter end of the ship he now calls "home" to a Trash Regulation Factory since it is one the places near to the current [Photon Nuclide Reactor] and create some exoskeletons and frames to make his work easier in transporting and some defenses while he doing it. After a gruesome work days spanning over 26 days of hardwork he then finaly completed the factory with its automatic prowess to convert and separate any useful materials from the slag produced in the smelting process, he also completed a 2 meter tall exoskeleton frame to haul large blocks of scrap into the compactor and 4 360* turrets to protect and possibly distract incoming predators before he then kill it personally.

<K12 "Heavy" ExoFrame>

* Tier : B

* Grade : 8

* Effects : +150 END +150 STR +100 CON -80 AGI

* Description : An exoframe built from a schematic of a past civilization ended by the <Cycle> this frame is famed for its prowess in construction and efficiency to do it effectively

* Description : Built with a standard energy reactor with drawing extra power from side batteries and quad-module heatsinks to dissipate internal heat, frame built from hydraulic suspensions and pressure joints making this frame handle 8 tons of weight while standing at 1.5 tons on its feet. A true marvel from an ended civilization recovered and improved by an inspiring artisan by adding 4 omnidirectional <T5 Ballista> turrets that can injure wild beasts with efficiency.

<T5 Ballista>

* Tier : B

* Grade : 8

* Effects : +200 P.ATT

* Description : A somewhat simplistic technology yet achieving a terrifying efficiency compared those similar in its craft. This railgun piercer even with simple design can take down most Low-Tier beasts in a single shot but with a cycle turret formation, this can take down and possibly kill a Mid-Tier beast all on its own granted it wasn't damaged in the process

"Now shall we venture out there and create a miracle all on its own?" Rene said ad he suited and equipped most of his gear and mounted the exoframe and left his base in search of mounds with worth and mixed exotics.
