

i swear this is the definitive reboot. and there is quite a bit of CP to save time instead of complete rewriting conversations. though it is changed as necessary. this will change as the MCs personality slowly changes the conversations and plots directions.

CraftingManiac · その他
7 Chs

Merry Forest Pt. 1

"Heavens, after this little fellow was revived by your blood, it actually went as far as to come back to suck out my life energy…..I'm doomed, my body is doomed. I might even be unable to recover even after sleeping another 1000 years." Empress Fei Wen Li began to tremble, her face pale and wan, as if she had just given birth. She was beyond exhausted, and beads of sweat had slowly formed on her forehead. She practically didn't even have the strength to stand anymore.

Yue Yang noticed that her serpent tail had begun to blur, and gradually becoming like fog. However, her six jade-like arms still refused to let go of the baby loli serpent demon. She continued to tightly hug it towards her, as if she were carrying her own darling baby.

Seeing that her entire serpent's tail had become a white mist, and was gradually being sucked in by the black hole, Yue Yang could not help but ask, "Are you ok? Your body seems to be disappearing..."

"This little fellow is sucking away all of my spiritual power and life energy. I can't even maintain my body right now. You should hurry up and prepare yourself, otherwise I won't even have the energy to transport you out later. Heavens, I need to sleep immediately, or else the part of my body that I had managed painstakingly recovered will be completely destroyed. Please carry her, I can't take it much longer." Empress Fei Wen Li summoned a large, sparkling and translucent grimoire. It looked like a crystal, and it constantly flashed with a bright glow, dazzling Yue Yang's eyes. Under his gaze, that 3 meter long and 2 meter wide grimoire had actually transformed into a mysterious, see-through crystal coffin.

Empress Fei Wen Li's expression looked beyond exhausted. It looked as if the smallest movement would completely drain all of her physical strength.

She took back the baby serpent demon loli into her arms, and lightly kissed it.

Then she once again passed it over to Yue Yang, gesturing for him to take it back.

The baby serpent demon loli was a bit hesitant, and appeared to be reluctant to leave. However, after seeing Yue Yang's stretched out arms, its six small arms shifted to tightly pull itself closer to his body.

Empress Fei Wen Li's body swayed slightly; her physical strength had seemed to reach its limit, barely able to keep her from falling onto the ground. She breathed heavily as her chest quivered."You should quickly leave, my life energy is almost gone. I must immediately go to sleep…"

As she spoke, Empress Fei Wen Li's six jade arms suddenly flashed brightly, blazing like the sun itself. An enormous shadow that was ten meters tall appeared behind her. Her six arms moved in unison, forming an unusual seal. Then she suddenly shattered into pieces with a bang, bursting into streams of stars.

Yue Yang felt a strong force push against him, pushing him back and giving the illusion that he was flying across countless mountains and rivers.

"Bring her outside. If she maintains her battle memories, anything that you encounter and don't understand, you can ask her about it."

Empress Fei Wen Li's last thread of consciousness resounded in Yue Yang's head.

When Yue Yang opened his eyes, he discovered that he had actually already returned to the real world.

A rainbow light flashed. The small loli serpent demon that had disappeared from his arms reappeared in that moment clinging onto him cutely.

"Alright get down for a moment I need to put on clothes." Yue Yang said as he rubbed her head with a wry smile. He was constantly chanting in his heart the mantra of 'Yes Lolita! No Touch!'

The baby serpent demon loli did as he said, and let go of him. Its large eyes looked around the room, as if it was amazed by everything it saw.

Yue Yang quickly put on a set of clothes gazed at the cutely exploring loli. He moved to pick her up and pinched her little cheek.

"Little darling from now on your name is Xiao Wen Li." As Yue Yang released her cheek he felt like she understood him, but couldn't see if she liked her name or not.

"San-er, are you still meditating? It's dinner time. I have called for you many times earlier." The beautiful woman's voice rang out from the other side of the door.

"Ok, I'll be out soon." Yue Yang shouted as he turned to walk out the door. However before he made it halfway the door flew open as Shuang'er raced into the room.

"What a nice smell" The little girl Yue Shuang sniffed around randomly. She thought Yue Yang had been hiding something delicious in his room.

"Silly girl you can't just rush into your brothers room." Hua Xian had begun to scold the little girl when she saw Xiao Wen Li in Yue Yang's arms.

"San-er that is?" Hua Xian asked curiously as Shuang'er was staring at the loli in her brothers arms with a jealous look.

Seeing the jealous loli Yue Yang quickly picked her up before answering Hua Xian.

"I went through my old things mother and father left me. Apparently this old jade is a space equipment, a beast egg was one of the few things in it. I contracted with it and this girl was what was born." Yue Yang technically didn't tell a single lie in that sentence, he merely skirted the truth.

Hearing his explanation Hua Xian showed a happy expression, "It must be something Elder Sister left for you that you could only get after completing your grimiore contract! Looking at her it seems that she will probably grow up to be a Holy Beast, this is a very good thing for you!"

The small family then went to have dinner, Shuang'er playing with Xiao Wen Li in Yue Yang's arms.

A couple days passed by in peace and eventually Yue Yang went back out at night, receiving 35 gold from Fa Lan and hearing the recent news.

"Young Master, there are still two precious ornaments that haven't been pawned off, the smaller items were changed for 35 gold coins, please check that it's all there. Xie Huo came yesterday, he was at the Assassin Guild to place a Vengeance Trail, but we do not know if you are the one he's looking for. Young Master, it's better for you to leave the White Stone City first, the Tie clan will also send people to take revenge for Tie Kuang, they're just sitting in the Tavern drinking, making inquiries and looking for news about the situation." Fa Lan said to him.

"Where is that Xie Huo?" Yue Yang was really looking forward to obtaining Ah Man and cutting off Ha Xin's arm.

Fa Lan hesitated for a moment before saying, "I heard he is at the Merry Forest."


When Yue Yang stood before the dazzling and majestic Merry Forest, his face unexpectedly showed a smile, "Merry Forest? Nice place, hm! Hey! Little Sister, you are here too? It really is one of life's coincidences. Come, come, big brother here invites you to come in and drink Flower Wine."

Yi Nan who was staring at an individual on a balcony in the Merry Forest suddenly felt an arm wrap around her shoulders. As she turned around she was met with the shameless smile of Yue Yang. What followed was a fist flying towards Yue Yang's face.

Yue Yang quickly caught her small fist and before she could start trying to struggle free, he laughed before saying quietly, "So you're after that a fellow here too? What a coincidence, my target is also here tonight!"

Yi Nan who had originally wanted to struggle free from his grip was stunned and found herself being guided towards the building. And before she could do so after regaining her senses was interupted by one of the Merry Forest guards.

"Please wait a moment you two, Merry Forest has a rule that if your attire is inappropriate, we will not admit you." A Level 2 Braveman guard courteously blocked Yue Yang and the bright-eyed thief.

"Idiot! How could they let a fool like you guard the door? Haven't you ever heard of role-playing? Damn bastard ruining the mood, how are we supposed to have fun with dogshit like you harassing us over little things like attire?" Yue Yang scolded the guard angrily, laughing inwardly at all the bullshit he was spouting.

Hearing the commotion the guard leader prepared to intervene before hearing a voice coming from a man above them on the balcony.

"I don't know who you are, however, this fledgling is someone who tried to assassinate me half a month ago."

After saying so the man jumped down and glared angrily at Yi Nan. He was of a tall and thin stature, and he wore a set of beautiful brocade robes with a golden eyed black hawk embroidered on the chest area. The pair of hands peeking out of the sleeves were as pale as ghosts and his nose was as sharp as an eagle's. His bright, glistening long eyes were narrow and perceptive, piercing through you like a needle.

The bright-eyed thief humphed as she secretly pushed Yue Yang away with her hands: "You go, I have a few things to take care of today."

Yue Yang cocked an eyebrow at her before rolling up his sleeves, "What man would back away from a fight? Besides my fourth mother would beat me senseless if she knew I left a lady to fend for herself!"

Seeing his warlike figure Yi Nan was slightly moved and even snorted in laughter at the last part of his speech. This fellow really was a shameless fool!

Seeing that something interesting was about to happen, the passing mercenaries all began to gather around. A crowd quickly formed, and even the guests within Merry Forest ran to their windows and balconies after hearing the news.

"Ahem, Mr. Wu Yi, perhaps there is some sort of misunderstanding. Would it be possible for you to set aside your desire for vengeance and allow us to get a better understanding of the current situation? All the guests within Merry Forest are esteemed customers and we really do not wish for the two parties to fight…" The Guard Leader tried to softly persuade the lanky man. He was hoping to confirm the two's identities before they started fighting.

"This fledgling killed my clan master's favoured prostitute. In his rage, my clan master commanded us to bring this fledgling to him, either dead or alive. So this matter is not something that involves Merry Forest. Furthermore, they still have not passed through the Merry Forest's main entrance, so how can you count these individuals as Merry Forest's honoured guests? I'll simply kill these two at the entrance. Afterwards, I will be sure to send a jar of wine as apology to the owner of this pavilion, Master Golden Blade." The lanky man rejected any possibilities of settling the matter in a peaceful way with no hesitation, giving the Guard Leader a 'secret gesture'.

After seeing this, the Guard Leader's face changed and he quickly stepped aside.

"This fellow is an advanced Hero he's really strong, if you don't want to leave the atleast stay back?" Yi Nan gave a warning to Yue Yang as she focused her attention onto the opposite party.

"No need to worry, just an advanced Hero and he wants to act arrogant? Let's see how arrogant he is after I step on his face." Yue Yang laughed as a truely warlike smile crossed his face. This fellow would barely count as an appetizer for Ha Xin.

"Weak little ant, just try and step on me…" The lanky man called Wu Yi laughed coldly. Taking out a black crystal rock, he muttered a few words, and a black light began to fill the air. A Rock Golem that was over 6 metres in height was summoned.

The surrounding mercenaries and adventurers gasped in suprise as the large golem was summoned, then looked towards Yue Yang with scorn after he rolled his eyes and said, "Just a big stupid puppet, and just level 4? You actually wasted your contract space on such a shitty creature?"

Yi Nan beside him wanted to laugh, the shameless fellow was right, the Rock Golem a creature with no future at all, useful only for weaklings trying to act strong. A wave of golden light burst into view from between Yi Nan's fingers, immediately forming a pale orange dome that covered both Yue Yang and her bodies.

"You're actually a Grimoire Summoner?" The lanky Wu Yi's eyes began to twitch, and his face's complexion became even uglier.

"Wah, a Grimoire Summoner, heavens, this thief is unexpectedly a Grimoire Summoner, and it's even a Silver Grimoire… … Red, Orange, Yellow, Light Green, Green, Blue, Purple. The Halo is Orange, and there's a flashing gold star, this thief is a Level 4 Champion! No way, the White Stone City has a Level 4 Champion?" The crowds watching from afar exclaimed in surprise. One should know that Grimoire Summoners were rarer than diamonds. All of them were either genius warriors that surpassed ordinary people or they were children of major clans with outstanding bloodlines.

Hearing the onlookers mumblings Yue Yang could only think that the people of the soaring dragon continent were truely idiots, well most of them atleast. These people seem to not even consider getting caught in the cross hairs of the battle, rather choosing to stand on the sidelines and try and sound smarter than they were.

"Summon: Bewildering Butterfly." Yi Nan's lily-white hands flipped the Silver Grimmoire open to a specific page and pressed her palm lightly on it.

Golden light brightly shone out of the pages through her fingers, dazzling all those who were watching.

When Wu Yi saw that the bright-eyed thief had summoned a rainbow coloured butterfly as big as her palm, his expressions turned worried.

If the Rock Golem had any weaknesses, that would be their zero intelligence!

"Summon: Battle Eagle." Wu Yi was anxious, he knew that if he did not quickly get rid of the opponent's Bewildering Butterfly, then his own Rock Golem would be wasted.

Wu Yi took out a bright yellow crystal rock. Muttering a few words, he immediately summoned a golden-coloured Battle Eagle with a wingspan of over 2 metres.

Facing a completely defenseless Bewildering Butterfly, all it would take was a few seconds to tear it into pieces, for a Level 3 Battle Eagle had claws that could even slash apart tigers and leopards… However, when Wu Yi summoned the Battle Eagle, the bright-eyed thief coldly snorted and in response, "Summon: Spider Witch!"

The Silver Grimoire's pages automatically flipped to a page and a burst of green light shone through the bright-eyed thief's fingers, filling the air.

A beast, who had the appearance of an ordinary human girl on its upper body but a spider on its lower half, appeared on the battlegrounds in an instant.

Yue Yang looked at the Spider Witch curiously, this could be considered a beast Yi Nan's family had prepared for her that had a high chance to become a Holy Beast. However Yue Yang realized its Rank and Level were too low for it to evolve within even a thousand years. He'd have to think up ways to help it evolve.

A stream of white spider silk was shot out from the Spider Witch's mouth. As the wind blows, it spread wide open into a white spider net, enveloping the Battle Eagle in it.

As the Battle Eagle got caught, it lost its ability to fly and fell to the ground heavily.

The Spider Witch pounced on the Battle Eagle nimbly, and in the Battle Eagle's struggles, the Spider Witched attacked it rapidly and ruthlessly. Two terrifying spider fangs pierced into the Battle Eagle's body, injecting dark green spider poison into the Battle Eagle's body. In two seconds, the struggling Battle Eagle began to stiffen and became a living corpse, like a stuffed animal.

Yue Yang caught hold of the bright-eyed thief's small hands, surreptitiously taking advantage of her, but pretended to be extremely moved on the surface as he shouted: "You're really awesome, we've won!"

Instead, the bright-eyed thief shook her head: "No, saying that we've won now is still too early. Our opponent is a Level 3 Hero; that Battle Eagle couldn't be his strongest beast. I reckon he's still holding back, he should still be able to summon a powerful beast…"

"Xie Huo, come down and help me stall for time!" Wu Yi suddenly shouted, fishing out a fist-sized red crystal rock, beginning to summon for a third time.

"If you give this fledgling's first night to me, then there's no problem at all! Isn't it just a Bewildering Butterfly and a Spider Witch? To me, Xie Huo, this level of beasts don't even count as mediocre!" At Merry Forest's entranceway, a person's shadow appeared like he was an illusion. With a hideous looking triangular-shaped eyes like a poisonous snake's, he looked at the bright-eyed thief's body lewdly as he laughed evilly.

Yue Yang felt like it wouldn't be enough if he didn't kill that fellow a hundred times, however he unfortunately didn't have any resurrection crystals to waste.

"Summon: Phantom Panther." The bright eyed thief quickly placed her palm on the Silver Grimoire, preparing to summon her third Beast.

"Too late." The triangular-eyed man who had just flashed out from the gate said in an extremely pleased voice.

Without a single summoning movement, a small creature enshrouded in black flames appeared behind him. A Fire Essence Beast followed by a Devil Bee.

Yi Nan quickly tried to recall her Bewildering Butterfly, but it was too late as the Fire Essence Beast threw a fireball directly towards it as the Devil Bee charged towards her Spider Witch.

However an incident that made every surprised happened.

"Summon: The World." Yue Yang said simply as he extended his hand and summoned his secondary grimiore with his Guardian Beast surrounding it. He sent a simple mental image to his beast and the tragedy that was about to befall Yi Nan's beasts were instantly reversed.

Without delay a red runic circle of Heaven Runes flew from The World and into Yue Yang's outstretched hand. With a simple motion the fireball that the Fire Essence Beast threw towards the Bewildering Butterfly swerved sharply and crashed into the charging Devil Bee. The flames ignited the Devil Bee's wings, causing it to drop to the ground.

Yi Nan stared blankly at the Beginner Bronze Grimiore floating infront of Yue Yang and the shimmering rainbow like beast with gorgeous patterns floating freely through it. Was this fellow actually strong? Then why would he bother with petty tricks to kill people?

"Ugly bastard, your name is Xie Huo right? I've been hired to kill you, so your opponent is me." As Yue Yang said that he made a gesture with his hand and watched as his shadow extended out and ten Phantom Shadow's crawled out of it.

Yi Nan focused back on Wu Yi and was about to order her Phantom Panther to attack after her Bewildering Butterfly distracted the Rock Golem again.

"You Bastard!" Under Yue Yang's counterfeit skill he had made his beasts Rank indiscernable, only recognizing it as a normal ranked beast Xie Huo cut his hand and quickly invoked a death duel.

Seeing this Yue Yang felt like face palming, although he wanted the bastard to stay and summon Ha Xin, how could his self preservation instincts be so bad?

"You should be honored that you are going to die for me, hahaha." Xie Huo pressed his bloody hand onto the Fire Essence Beast's head. It exploded with a bang, sending blood and flesh flying in all directions.

"Good job, keke, I can finally summon it. It is finally time….for you to die." Wu Yi began to bleed from all openings on his face. It looked extremely horrifying. His spirit power began to overflow, and the extremely powerful summon made his body deteriorate rapidly. The strange part was that the blood coming out of his body turned into rays of light that flowed into the red crystal that was in his palm. Finally, after the red crystal had absorbed enough blood and spirit power, it began to emit a demonic red light. The glow spread throughout the air, dyeing it a blood red.

The nearby mercenaries all began to feel a strange fear and the more cowardly mercenaries' jaws had begun to tremble uncontrollably.

The mercenaries shivered as if they were in a world of ice and snow.

The powerful Beast summoned with Wu Yi's blood finally appeared successfully after 3 minutes.


A terrifying howl made the Devil Bee that was previously hovering above everyone's heads so scared that it fell to the ground. Trembling, it began to squirm and crawl around, seemingly unable to fly back into the air. 

Seeing the Barbarian Cow that he had been waiting for Yue Yang laughed as he swung his hand down and controled his Phantom Shadows to split into two teams. The Shadows merged into two Giant Shadows, one charging forward and punching through the chest of the Rock Golem and the other activated its [Possession] skill after punching the Barbarian Cows head twice rendering it unconscious in an instant.

Seeing this happen within a few seconds Yi Nan was surprised, but before she could order her Phantom Panther to attack the fainted Wu Yi was distracted by the mad laughter from Xie Huo.

"If I'm going to die all of you must join me!"

current class ideas;

Fatty Hai: Brawler, Mystic Brawler

Ye Kong: Warrior, Monk, Pugilist

Li KeGe: Soldier, Guardsmen

Xue Tan Lang: Ice Mage, Ice Sorcerer

Tian Luo Prince: Fire Mage, Earth Mage

Qian Qian: Princess Knight, Heavy Swordsman

Wu Hen: Crystal Guardian, Crystal Mage

Wu Xia: Ice Mage, Lightning Mage

Luo Hua: Light Mage, Beast Master

Yue Yu: Water Mage, White Mage

Yue Bing: Druid, Wood Mage

CraftingManiaccreators' thoughts