
Re:Life in a fictional world

William born in a poor family was suffering from illness for years.Despite the financial struggle his family has supported him with their all.Not wanting his family to suffer anymore William finally plan to end his pathetic life. But fate seems to have other plans for him for he was chosen by a mighty figure to be reincarnated.Follow William in his journey towards greatness.

Silentfairy · アニメ·コミックス
16 Chs


In the vast infinity of nothingness William finally gain back his awareness as he was startled to notice his surrounding.

"So I died...." Said William as it finally settled in his mind.otherwise he really couldn't describe what he was seeing or so he thought was seeing.Because what he saw was can only be described as nothing.

"Didn't those fanfics always states that void was supposed to be dark?"

Thought William as Suddenly a voice echoed within his mind.

"So the experiment really was successful".

"Who's talking in my mind!?"exclaimed William as he totally freaked out.

"I suppose you can consider me a higher life form".

"You mean something like God?"asked William as he felt exited at the prospect of meeting a god.He thought "maybe I will be reincarnated with wishes like in those Isekai or fanfics.

"No I suppose not.it will only confuse you if I were to explain my existence,tho know that I'm an existent above all universal law's and restrictions."

"Uh... So you're one of those op characters above all.By the way what were you saying about some experiment?"asked William.

"It's surprising how calm you are and about the experiment how do explain about how you are processing our conversation without your brain in ethereal form of your will.

"Did you mess with soul!!?"

"Yes I did.will or soul as you mentioned are special existence that even with my capability is impossible to create.although it is possible to grant processing capabilities soul with various methods but my experiment has granted your soul it as an innate trait."

"What were the chance of its success? And in case of failure what were the consequences??"

"Chances of success were minimal and you're the fruit of eon's of tests and failure so you can be considered an unique individual since I have all the information I requred so there won't be someone like you and as for consequences your soul would have vanished and just so you know even if I did nothing you would have dissipated anyways."

"Sigh~ .... So what will happen to me now?" Asked William as he fully understood that whatever that existence did to him he can't even do anything so he just let it go though he did not liked it at all.

"Let's just go with your idea of reincarnation and you can ask me for 3 wishes too since you helped me in my research let us end this karma."

"Um... I want to be like you without any law or restrictions binding me"Said William with fear in his heart but more than fear he felt unwilling to ever be Live like his previous life.he wanted to do everything he didn't do in his previous world he felt unwilling to be restricted by anything anymore.

"If you want to be an existent like me I can only guide you to the path whether you can become someone like me will entirely depend on you.every living being has the potential for growth but those on my level are far few.

If you want to go long way I advise you to use your wished wisely and rather than power focus more on potential."

"I understand then for my 1st wish I wish for a system that will assist me in my growth and grow with me.my 2nd wish is that I have all element affinity, manifestation and control my 3rd wish is an ability to gain information on all things and can I choose my body and can I go to anime worlds?"

"Very well I shall send you to your desired destination."the mighty figure replied.

"I want to go to 'that time I got reincarnated as a slime' world as rimuru."said William exited.

"Very well with these our karma shall end here"said the mighty figure as William felt his conscious fade away.

This is my first try at writing something so I started with fanfic for practice.i would appreciate it if you don't badmouth my work and provide some useful tips.

Silentfairycreators' thoughts