So, I met ROB and was reborn into MHA? Well, let's see how things go.
"Hey…. Hey… man, move aside…. Quickkkkkkk… quick… jump!"
"Huh?" These were the last words I uttered as Truck-sama slammed its mighty body on me sending me to eternal sleep. Before I realized what happened, I was already proclaimed dead.
"Man… so that's how I died, huh?" muttered the soul of a young man as he finished watching the video of his death.
"Pretty much." Said ROB as he took a sip of green tea.
"Hmm… well… this sucks… But I guess, there's no crying over spilt milk…" muttered the young man with a helpless expression, and asked ROB, "So, old man… what comes next? Does death mean the end of my existence and I will be erased, or will I be sent to one of those two realms, hell or heaven?"
ROB replied, "Normally you would be erased… there is no such thing as hell or heaven…"
The soul of the young man was taken aback, "What? There is no such thing as hell or heaven?"
ROB nodded, "Yes, and before you ask any other question about hell or heaven, let's just change the topic, I am not interested in discussing that since I will have to explain to you the entire concept of life, death, God and so many other things which you'll probably not understand…"
"Uhhh… okay." The young soul had to suppress his curiosity, then asked, "Since there is no hell or heaven, does that mean I am going to be erased?"
"As I mentioned earlier, normally that happens when someone dies, however, I am thinking of doing something else this time…" answered ROB.
"Something else?" muttered the young soul, and asked, "As in?"
ROB replied, "I think you are familiar with the concept of reincarnating into other worlds from those light novels and fanfictions that you used to read in your past life, right?"
"Mm-hmm…" nodded the young soul, and thought, 'Is this going where I think it is!' He couldn't help but get excited at the thought of reincarnating into some other world and looked at ROB with burning eyes.
And ROB didn't disappoint the young boy as he nodded, "You are thinking correctly, I am thinking of giving such an opportunity to you."
The young man couldn't help but laugh out loud in excitement, "Yes! Finally…!" After a while he calmed himself, and asked, "But, may I ask why am I getting such an opportunity?"
"This is an experiment." Answered ROB, and added, "I am afraid, I can't give you exact details of the experiment… and there is no special reason you are getting this chance… there is only one simple reason and that is… you just happened to be the person who died after I made up my mind to conduct this experiment."
"I see." Muttered the young man. He doesn't know if ROB is telling truth or not, but he has no other option but to believe him.
With this in mind, the young man nodded, "All right." And asked, "So… in which would will I be going? Can I make a choice of my own? And Will I be getting any special cheat?"
"For the choice of the world…" said ROB and flicked his finger as a giant spinning wheel appeared. Pointing at the giant spinning wheel, he said, "You will spin this… and you will be going to the world that you get after the spin."
The young man nodded and looked at the spinning wheel. Hundreds of names were written on it. Worlds like 'One Piece', 'Naruto', 'Attack on Titan, 'Full Metal Alchemist', and 'High School DxD' were written on it. The names of several worlds excited the young man while the name of several worlds scared the young man.
He didn't want to go to a world like Berserk, that would be too dangerous.
Looking at the young man's expression, ROB created a lever beside him, and said, "Push that lever… this will spin the wheel… rest depends on your luck."
The young man nodded and did as he was asked, "Here goes nothing!"
As the lever was pushed, the wheel started to spin.
After several minutes of spinning, it finally stopped, and the world that was chosen for the young man is, "My Hero Academia? Well, not bad."
It's a world of light and darkness where heroes are considered light and villains are considered to be darkness. This world of Heroes and Villains is not a bad choice for the young man to live his second life in, and he was satisfied.
"Well, now that the world is selected… do I get any special cheat?" asked the young man, looking at ROB.
ROB nodded, "Since this world has a power system of Quirks… so you will get a Quirk."
"Can I choose my Quirk?" asked the young man. He had a great Quirk in his mind, and he hoped he can get that Quirk.
However, ROB's response disappointed the young man, "As I mentioned, this is an experiment… so you can not make a choice here… you will get your Quirk from another spinning wheel."
"Okay." Nodded the young man. Although he was disappointed, he had no say in the matter. Just being able to get a Quirk is more than what he can ask for, trying to be wilful here won't help. So, he nodded and waited for ROB to change the wheel.
With a flick of ROB's finger, the wheel again changed, and similar to the last time, the young man pushed the lever.
After a few minutes of spinning, the wheel stopped and the pointer pointed at 'Vampire'.
"My Quirk is Vampire?" muttered the young man in surprise.
The young man is no stranger to the term Vampire… they are creatures of myths. Crimson eyes, pale skin, and bloodsuckers. They have various powers that can be considered Quirks on their own, so getting a Vampire as a Quirk is actually a very good thing. Although it is not as good as what the young man originally wanted, it is still one of the best Quirks anyone can have.
ROB looked at the young man, and explained, "Your Quirk will be Vampire… the abilities that you gain will be that of a Vampire… Since this is a very powerful Quirk, you will also attain the weaknesses of a Vampire." Then he took out a user manual from seemingly nowhere, and gave it to the young man, "The basic powers and weaknesses of Vampires are listed here… once see them and you will understand."
The young man took the manual from ROB and quickly read it. Everything was listed there. One thing the young man is a little upset about is that for the strength he will be reliant on blood. It's not that he won't be able to consume human food, he will be able to, however, that won't give him strength, for the strength he is completely dependent on blood.
"Well, I guess is natural since I will be a true Vampire." Muttered the young man as he accepted his fate.
ROB nodded in appreciation, and said, "Now that the matter of the world and your power is dealt with, let's talk about how you will be reincarnated… like what family background you want and other things…"
The young man thought a little and said, "Please make it so that my parents in that world are deceased. Let the cause of death be an accident. Having parents can be a little problematic with the Quirk that I have… I don't want to deal with that…
Also, make me filthy rich… this will be a plus point and very useful."
"Okay… this can be done." ROB nodded, and asked, "Any other request?"
"Yes, there is one more request." Nodded young man and said, "If possible, I want an assistant… someone who is completely loyal to me, preferably female because I don't wish to feed on a male's blood. She would be the person who will take care of me after the death of my parents."
"Very well." Nodded ROB, and said, "This will be done too."
The young man smiled gratefully, and said, "Thank you… that'll be all."
ROB nodded, and spoke, "Since all the formalities have been taken care of, now it's time for you to go."
The young man said, "Thank you for everything."
ROB smiled lightly, "I wish you the best of luck on this new adventure." Then flicked his finger and the young man disappeared.
Quick Question: Who should I make the female assisstant/guardian? I have someone in my mind, still suggestions would be appreciated.