
Li Fantong's Courtship (2)

"Hiiii—!! Control your damn dog!" Eunuch Zhang cried out. 

The crown prince couldn't believe his ears. This old man's mockery and contempt was so naked that even a man of his status was higher than the prince himself. What gave him the confidence that the elder didn't even introduce himself in the first place and acted like he was a deity of the utmost superiority?

Shameless old geezer.

"Watch your mouth, commoner of Northern Li," The southern prince gritted out. Who was he to ridicule one of his best guards like that? Bai Lun could snap his neck easily if he ever gave the order.

"C—Commoner…!" Offended, the elderly rose from his seat and slammed his palms against the table, rattling the teapot and cups. "Do I look like a commoner to you?! I'm Eunuch Zhang Yi, one of the oldest eunuchs serving under His Royal Highness of Northern Li!"

The old eunuch yelled, infuriated by Wu Jiangfeng's remarks.

"I don't care who you are nor am I interested in knowing, it doesn't change the fact that you are vulgar and swallow," The prince sent a cold glare towards Eunuch Zhang before continuing. "If this is really how the people of Li Continent view the Southern Wu, then I will have no choice and will insist on breaking off the engagement."

The Southern Prince knew he shouldn't be making hasty decisions like this, but this old and pretentious eunuch was really getting to his never-ending nerves. 

His words seemed unacceptable to Eunuch Zhang as he thundured. "How dare you look down–!" 

Wu Jiangfeng gave a sinister smile and cut him off before he could spit out another insult. "Then I guess it was useless to discuss any further with you. Also, please relay this to your beloved emperor that  I, as the Crown Prince of Southern Wu, the successor of the throne, the Vermillion Bird of the South, will break off all agreements between the Southern Wu and Northern Li. From this moment onwards to the day one of our Kingdom collapsed." 

After saying that, the Southern prince rose from his seat and without casting a single glance at the eldery, he said to Bai Lun, who was fuming, "Let's go."

"Stop!" Eunuch Zhang reprimanded. "How dare you turn your back on me! Do you have any idea who I am?!"

A tick appeared on the Southern Prince's forehead, Wu Jiangfeng felt like scorching him to death, drowning him in infinite inferno. "As I have said before, it doesn't matter to me who you are nor am I interested in knowing your identity. Besides," Wu Jiangfeng flicked a cold, sideway glance at him. "Are you truly foolish or are you just being ignorant of what is going on in your own country?" 

Had he not realized how severe the situation in his own country would be? While the prince would only miss the perfect taste of lotus roots, the Northern Li relied on Southern Wu for infrastructures, spiritual stones, spells, businesses, and a lot more. 

Their military powers were way below the South, as well as the intellectuals of their scholars. Wu Jiangfeng doubted their womanizer of an emperor even knew how to hunt his own meals, if he were asked to. 

Wu Jiangfeng spewed out the hurtful truths, only to see Eunuch Zhang's face contorted uglily, he looked ready to hurl absolute abuse. The Southern prince blatantly gave a sneer. How long had this eunuch been living in the well for not knowing these matters? Or was he just too blinded by the respect he held for his Emperor? How amiable. 

"Y—You…! That's bullshit!" Eunuch Zhang shierked in horror, preparing ammunition to defend his beloved emperor, but Wu Jiangfeng cut him off before he could say anything. 

"It seems the generosity of my kingdom is taken for granted," The redhead prince said in a flinty tone. At this moment, he was trying very hard to subdue his anger. "If only you weren't sent as a messenger to your emperor, I would have broken both of your lanky legs." 

"You…!!!" The old eunuch looked at Wu Jiangfeng, unable to believe his words. He appeared ready to burst from high blood pressure. 

Eunuch Zhang slammed his palm heavily against the table, bouncing a teacup upwards. He then gave the teacup a push, sending it flying squarely towards the Southern Prince. 

Alarmed, Bai Lun appeared instantly beside the prince, rapidly deflecting the teacup, sending it flying to the wall. The teacup hit the wall with a loud smash and shattered into pieces, creating a mess on the ground.

Seeing this, Wu Jiangfeng growled warningly, ditching the eunuch's title on purpose. "Zhang Yi, commoner of Northern Li, are you courting death?" 

The prince's warnings were expertly ignored as the elder shouted. "How dare you block it, you lowly—!"

Wu Jiangfeng was immensely fed up with his disrespectfulness. He wasn't even worthy of dying by the pure and raw power of one of the auspicious beasts; he didn't deserve that privilege at all. Furious, the prince whipped something out of the waist of his robes and shot it at Eunuch Zhang with swift movement. 

A thud and a thin line appearing on the wrinkled cheek finally rendered the insolent eunuch speechless. The dagger had created a thin but deep wound that blood seeped out through the opening of the skin. 

Only then did the eunuch look like he was about to piss himself after all the big talking he did.

"You have gone too far," The Southern Prince said chilly, anger had surged inside him and he could barely keep from losing temper. 

With a swiff flick, another dagger appeared in his hand, ready to strike the eunuch. The prince had thought of ways to torture the eunuch that would leave more pschological damages than physical. Cutting off a tongue was too generous for a shameless bastard like him. 

"P—Please, please hold on a second! Spare this servant!!"

A feminine but high pitch voice cried out. 
