
Chapter 106

Back in the former heavenly capital, unrest could easily be felt in the air as various 'hive' members hurried about, the ones that appeared to be simple civilians were evacuated from the city in an orderly fashion by what looked to be members of the army.

They led the people to board various flying vessels that then left the capital skies leaving only those capable of fighting behind. On top of the heavenly palace, two figures could be seen standing side by side while staring at the distance.

Rolus who had removed his usual butler outfit and now bore a red warrior's armor with a floating scythe behind his back spoke to Krano.

"My lord they will be closing in soon." He said with a small bow.

Letting out a deep sigh, Krano's gaze seemed distant as he answered.

"What are the odds? I really thought we still had time, but to think they'd make their move so soon." He said as if speaking to himself.
