
Chapter 2: Luck and Death!

He gasped for the air as his lungs were filled with nothing but his own urge to scream.

The scenery, the setting and even the place where the sun shined itself were same.

"Hey, kid, ya buying something or not?" Again this green haired man asked the very first thing Makoto heard when they first met.

He wasn't sure what was going on but looking at his stomach being completely fine he remembered some past events. His face paled on realization of what happened to him as without even a notice to the fruit seller he sprinted towards the bar where he saw a strange woman.

His thoughts were various and all of them in fact varied from one another.

The room was too dark so he wasn't able to recognize his attacker but one thing was sure, it was a woman, a woman with a swift and calm voice with shining violet eyes, at least that's what he seemed to remember.

His face was pale in the thought of her daggers entering his body while she herself tasting his blood, but what was even more strange was the fact that his wounds were now okay.

In the rush of things he was just blindly running, and running and running until he wouldn't reach his destination.

And at long last he at least managed to get here.

The very same bar with the very same wooden door and the booze smell.

Makoto Naegi was anything but a courageous person but even he, when his friends were in need, didn't fall so low as to not help them.

*Knock Knock*

He vigorously knocked onto the door anticipating an answer.

"Who is it!?"

A sudden grumpy voice of an elder entered his ears as he was sure that he was talking to someone more than his own age.

"I am looking for Felt, I heard she has the insignia with herself and I can find her here."


There seemed to be no answer at first but than the luckster heard the door unlock before him as he was met by the giant old man with tanned skin and white eyebrows.

His eyes were narrowed and just by looking at them Makoto was sure that he was looking at a man who knows his deal, frankly at pro of some sorts.

"So, what business you came here for?"

Although the old man's tone was suspicious, one glance at the said Luckster made him to lower his guard as just by look it was sure that Makoto was pretty much of a harmless person.

They boy himself was also taken aback by the Old-man's appearance as he never saw someone this huge before, he was at least 2 meters long!

Entering the bar they both sat on their respective places as the man narrowed his eyes again.

"The negotiations would happen here so all we have to do is wait for Felt, but despite this, what can someone like you give to Felt as a payment for the insignia she stole?"

Makoto seriously had no idea as just shrugged his hands.

"A-Actually…I don't know." He said with a sweat roll down his forehead.

The giant gave Makoto no answer as just calmly gulped his booze.

"Your suit fits your attitude, rich brat."

Again with that, Makoto just sighed at people confusing him for some kind of aristocrat because of these clothes he was wearing at the moment if all he was just a simple guy.

"I am not rich...Even so I wanna be rich I am not!" Makoto winced in pain as a sudden thought hit his head. "Wait a minute...I think I might have something worthy of a bargain!"

He laughed at how stupid he was for not remembering about the thing in his pocket earlier.

"What do you say about this thing?"

Putting his cellphone onto the table Makoto was sure that something like this will surely be of a high value.

"What is this thing?" Rom asked raising one of his eyebrows up.

Makoto chuckled.

"With this thing you can be able to take pictures, communicate and even send messages to another place."

Rom's eyes opened wide.

"Don't tell me this thing is...Metia!?"

Makoto wasn't sure what to say but regardless nodded, after all maybe Metia is something similar to the cell phone, he wondered.

But guessing from the giant man's reaction he was sure that those Metias were something valuable.

"I guess with this thing you will be able to bargain for the thing Felt stole but still why-"

A sudden knock took both his and Makoto's reaction quite immediately.

Rom slowly got near towards the door as started to ask the knocker for the password which was very childish, Makoto noted, seriously he was making this kinds of passwords since his childhood so he knew his deal.

Opening the door their stood the very same blonde who left the Luckster to those hooligans.

"Hey, we met again." Makoto waved his hands towards the girl only for her to look towards him with a confusion on her eyes.

"Who the hell are you?"

An arrow hit his heart. On top of just leaving him she is now claiming that she doesn't even knows nor recognizes him which actually hurt his pride by a lot.

"He came here saying that he wants to buy the stuff you stole."

At this Felt's attitude changed.

"Hey, kid." She pointed her finger towards Makoto. "Such a rich brat should not leave some claims without back up."

"B-Brat? But I am older than you…" He winced.

"Huh!? How old are you??"


At this Felt just laughed.

"And I am fifteen so it doesn't really matters." She smiled victorious.

Makoto sighed feeling that arguing over this would be just tad too useless.

"So...umm..back to the matters. Why do you want me to sell the thing I stole and how much are you willing to pay?"

Makoto gulped as showed his phone towards the Blonde haired girl.

"This Metia is very valuable and rare, how about we exchange it with the insignia?" 

Felt was vary of this situation as glanced towards Rom who shook his head indicating that the boy was telling the truth.

"And how much do you think it is worth?"

That, Makoto actually didn't knew, which was noticed by old man.

"I would say this Metia is worth...15...No...it might cost be more than 20 holy coins."

Makoto wasn't sure how much it was in Yen currency but guessing from Felt's expression it was a big sum.

"If things are settled than give me insignia and I will be off-"

"Wait" Felt placed her hand on Makoto's shoulder. "You still didn't answered me of why do you want to get this insignia, could it be that you are hiding something?"

Seeing girl narrow her eyes towards him Makoto was trying his best not to lose his composure.

"Uhh, that's just some personal thing a-and…"

"Quite gutsy of you to lie, you are bad at it so y'know."

Makoto just sighed at this point, he was always known for being too easy to fool and read.

"W-Well this insignia…" He crashed his fingers onto each other. "It belongs to my friend and I want to return it to her!"



Felt and Rom said nothing to this.

But a snickering from their direction made sure to say that it was absurdly funny thing to say.

"Didn't knew you were a clown." Felt wiped the tear from her laughing face.

Makoto's face was getting redder by each minute, seems people laughing at him became too usual for him to see in this world.

"While I don't know why you want to return it I can't sell it to you yet."

"H-Huh? But why? This Metia is worth 20 holy coins, no?"

The girl herself actually wanted to sell it to the boy as he seemed much more trustworthy but the greed took over her.

"Let's wait for the client than we can bargain."

Makoto actually saw this coming and simply hoped that she would give in but seems it was futile thoughts and expectations.

They all set with Rom pouring a glass of milk to both Makoto and Felt.

"Th-Thanks, Mister Rom."

Makoto bowed only for the old man to look away patting his own head.

"Don't mention it…"

Felt seeing this scene wanted to laugh at old man Rom.

"What the deal of ya actin' like a maiden in love, old man?"

"You got a sharp tongue girly, just am relieved to see a kid who looks pure nowadays that's all."

Felt gasped.

"Hey! Do you mean to tell that such a beautiful girl like me is not pure looking!?"

"Huh??? You? Beautiful?"

Old man and young girl glared at each other greeting their teeth.

"This boy over here took my interest, what else?"

"Aha! So you do admit that you are acting like a rip off grandpa towards this guy!"

Makoto seeing the scene unfold had his lips get up. Seeing how Rom and Felt interacted he felt relieved. They looked like a dad and daughter.




Not so long after they heard the knock to the warehouse.

"Client finally arrived, huh?"

Felt said giving a glance towards Rom who simply nodded at her.

It was a sign for Rom to check whether the person had an ill intentions on coming here and if they do the man will knock 'em down immediately.

Makoto tensed as he felt uneasiness dwell in his heart.

The door was opened and a woman in dark and revealing outfit was revealed to everyone.

Makoto wasn't feeling well seeing her, he felt a strange feeling and his instincts told him to run as far as he can.

"What might be going on in here~?"

The woman asked with her eyes piercing Makoto.

Luckster himself looked away because of how opened was her dress.

"Think of this guy as your rival."

"Oh? So does that mean that I am not the only one who is after this insignia?" The woman mused.

She seemed way too unbothered by the situation at all as her attention was fully focused on Makoto rather than an insignia on the table.

"Aren't you a cutie-pie, dear~"

She leaned closer towards Makoto whose face was a shade of dark and red feeling both embarrassment and fear looking at the woman.

"H-How about we start the bargain…"

"So serious~" She leaned even closer to Makoto with her hot breath caressing his ear. "Don't be scared of me little Lamb...I am not going to devour you."

She was definitely dangerous and Makoto just knew it.

His body wanted to run while his principles wanted to stay.

Thankfully for him the woman sited herself already.

"So back on the matter, since both of you want this insignia, I won't hold you from bargaining the right fee and so you know, I don't care much who will emerge victorious."

The dark haired woman smiled at that.

"Fine by me~"

"I also agree with this."

And so the insignia was laid on the table.

"Starting with you, big breasted woman, how much do you give for this?"

The woman in question smiled with her gaze still not falling off Makoto.

"My client gave me 20 Holy Coins to buy the Insignia so that's all I can give, I suppose."

Felt nodded as looked towards Makoto.

"What about you?"

Makoto took out his cell phone as placed it on table.

"I don't have money but from what I heard this Metia over here cost more than 20 Holy Coins."

Felt nodded at that and glanced towards Rom.

The man sighed as cleared his throat.

"So you know I am not sympathizing or anything like that but I would say that this boy is the victor in here."

Elsa looked towards the Old man confusedly.

"And why is that?"

"Think about it yourself, girl, you are offering 20 holy coins while the boy over here gives something which can be bought for more than 20 maybe even for 30."

Even Felt herself became relieved that it was Makoto who won, though she wouldn't admit it!

"Than it means…" Makoto looked at both Felt and Rom as they smiled at him.

"The insignia is yours, dork."

Makoto smiled as wanted to jump from his sit but he soon refrained as looked towards the woman.

"I am sorry that you were not able to get this Insignia."

He bowed in a bit of guilt for this.

The woman was silent as laughed it off.

"Absolutely no problems with this one, dear. It was my client's fault for being greedy and not giving me more." She said as placed her hands on her hips. "But I must recommend you to not take a pity on your opponents."


The atmosphere changed quite abruptly in an instant as Makoto's heart dwell in anxiety.

"Especially when you look so tasty as prey."

With a swift movement the woman in black sent a dagger towards Makoto who slipped on his way dodging the hit by a sheer miraculous luck.

"Wh-What!?" He exclaimed seeing the dagger stuck in the wall.

"Oh my I missed? That's strange." She commented getting out another dagger.

Felt and Rom were quick to adapt to situation as old man grabbed Makoto away while Felt threw some glass shards at the smug woman.

"You witch, at last you are showing your true colors, huh!?"

The dagger holder smiled innocently as placed her hand on her heart.

"Allow me to introduce myself than, the name is Elsa and I might say that my initial plan was simply killing all of you off in here but…" Elsa pouted. "This cutie didn't allowed me to do so~! How bad of a boy he is, no?"

Felt clenched her own weapon.

"You are damn insane!"

With that the blonde girl dashed towards Elsa as their weapons clashed.

"You got some blessing? That is surely talented for your age, young lady."

"Spare me your bullshit, bitch."





The arks of white and violet were illuminating from their sides while Makoto and Rom stood there awaiting for a moment to strike, well, Rom was waiting for that moment as Makoto was quite literally useless in combat.

"Why is she doing this?" The boy asked a million dollar question only for Rom to shrug.

"I dunno but I can assure that this bitch is quite crazy...you should run while you can."

As long as Makoto wanted he wouldn't dare to leave people behind.

"I am sorry but I won't leave you both here."

"Tch, you are a stubborn brat."

With that Rom jumped up with his big club meeting Elsa's daggers.

"I never had opponents of your size dear Mister Giant."

"Likewise, I never fought crazy bitches like you."

"How rude~"

With a rain of attacks Elsa was making sure to aim at every vulnerable organ of the old veteran, it was quite easy with a person of his size.

As she was ready to deliver a blow onto his abdomen, Makoto threw one of the bottles towards the crazy woman.


It broke against her head making her to bleed.

"That kinda hurt." She exclaimed pushing Rom off as headed towards the Luckster who regretted his actions earlier.


She delivered a quick blow but Makoto tripped dodging that.

"Quite a lucky fella aren't you?"

The blows would have continued if not for Rom regaining his composure.

"Now you are done for!" He screamed holding his club up the air.

But little did both Makoto and Rom knew that the woman was waiting just for that to happen.

"I think it is quite opposite~"

With the swift move she cut the man's arm off as grabbed the broken bottle piercing Rom's neck.

"Ghk!!!" The old man screamed in agony as fell. His last glance fall on Makoto, he was glad that he saved the lad.

With that, he was dead.

"Mr. Rom!" Makoto screamed trying to ran towards him only for Felt to grab him and pull him towards her side.

"Don't act stupid, dork!"

"B-But Mister Rom, h-he-!?"

Makoto stopped on his tracks as saw Felt's twisted face which was even angrier than his.

Rom was her father figure, someone who always protected her in these filthy slums.

"He gave his life protecting you so at least stay alive!" She screamed as dashed towards Elsa. "Run away while you can!"

With that Felt clashed with Elsa leaving Makoto with his eyes wide.

How did this happened...he just wanted to return the insignia that's all, why things led to this outcome?

As his face was driven with despair he watched how bravely Felt was fighting.

He was scared.

He wanted to run.

But he remembered Rom's face, even the old man died protecting his pathetic life.

He clenched his fists as shrugged the piling despair off himself.

"Ah! Damn it all!"

He grabbed the bottle as dashed towards the scary woman himself.

She noticing him, jumped up dodging the stab with a little smile on her face.

"An impact without killing intent? Are you sure you want to kill me?" Elsa mocked the boy.

Makoto hesitated. He wasn't the type of person who would take out lives immediately despite how he view them.

His hands trembled as the matter was no joke, he might actually lose his life in here and that's what concerned him.

His left hand started to tremble but a light pat made him stop on his tracks as he saw Felt smiling at him.

"It's alright...it is not your fight so you can leave."

Makoto's heart sunk. Was he that pathetic to leave a girl behind like that?

His legs were trembling, his fingers were numb but the thought of this girl dying made him to sober up.

He shook his head.

"I am weak…"

He clenched the bottle he was holding.


A memory of Satella's dying face fleshed in his eyes.


Rom's dying face extended itself to the luckster.

His eyes focused on Felt as he gulped.

"I won't let you die." He said with a serious expression with fear still on his voice.

Felt was taken aback by his words as looking at his determined face made her to have a feint tint of red color form on her cheeks.

"Wh-What are you saying all of a sudden?"

Makoto just smiled as looked towards her.

"Please run."


"I got a plan but I need you to run as far as you can and ask for help."

Felt looked at him in bewilderment.

"What kind of nonsense you are saying? You think I will run away after this bitch killed Old Man Rom!? I will murder her myself and-"


It was something uncommon for Makoto to raise his voice and it seemed effective.

"I got a solid plan, just please...Believe me."

Felt was lost, she didn't wanted to run away but something in Makoto's eyes told her to believe him.

"Are you sure about this?"

"I am."

"Tch...Ahhh fine! If you wanna die that badly than okay!"

She stood up turning towards the opposite direction.

"Say, are you really sure about this?"

"I am 100% sure so please leave it to me."

Felt looked upward. This guy was strange and at this point she stopped trying to understand his reasoning.

"Just...try your best to stay alive." She said hiding her blush as jumped away from the warehouse she prayed, for the first time in her life she prayed for someone to be alive.




Makoto and Elsa were now left alone.

"You can run if you like, you know?" Elsa suggested giving him the way to escape.

"I doubt that you will let me off so easily."

"Fufu, how smart of you. But really it is a waste to kill such a cute boy." She had a thoughtful gaze for a moment. "Oh I know! How about after I finish off that girl I will take you with myself, after all it will be good to have a pet~"

Makoto backed down a bit.

"I w-would rather pass on opportunity of becoming a pet…'

"Right now maybe not but in future?" She licked the dagger she was holding as dashed towards Makoto.

Luckster sweating bullets threw the bottle towards Elsa distracting her for a moment.

With that he started his run.

Elsa mused seeing him struggle.

'It is so interesting to see what he will come up with~'

Mused and astonished with his powerless attempts Elsa was breaking the alcohol bottles thrown at her with ease.

'Just a little more…' Makoto thought as finally dashed towards her with a glass bottle on his hands.

"As I said...you are not fit to kill people, dear."

Getting her dagger out she pierced his left arm.

"Gaaaah!!!" He screamed in agony feeling the sharp weapon bury into his arms.

"All this running for nothing little lamb~" She leaned closer towards him. "Why don't you give up? Why don't you just ignore everything, m~?"

Makoto was huffing from pain.

"M-Maybe I seem weak…"

He groaned.

"Maybe...I should give up…"

He slowly raised his head.

"But don't look down on me when I have someone to protect!"

With those words being said he poured the alcohol all over Elsa blinding the woman.

"Ghk!" She cringed from pain rubbing her eyes. She felt that the wine bottle was poured all over her body. But why was the reason, he did that?

Makoto started to chuckle.

"You know...a-alcohol can really kill people...especially when you are drenched in it and than you are thrown into a fire!"

Realization hit Elsa as upon opening her eyes Makoto threw the candle near the table towards her.


In a moment her body was covered in fire. The intense fire all over her body she started to scream in agony running everywhere.

"Gaaaaaaaaah!!!" She was screaming and screaming. Her screams made Makoto to shrunk looking at her.

But despite that she still continued to move towards him.

"HAHAHAHA!!! So th...this was your plan!? Ahahahaha! How interesting! How cute!"

Despite her body being on fire she still dashed towards him while screaming.

A previously beautiful woman was no more as her hair, eyes and everything was burnt away.

"I finally feel so warm!!! Hahahaha you are my destiny aren't you, lad!? Haahahah!"

Makoto felt a fear take over him as the woman hugged him.

"I am so warm and you are so warm as well!"

His body was also hugged with flames as he held onto Elsa even harder, so that's how he was supposed to die? He didn't mind that...at least he was able to save Felt from this horrible fate.

"I-I do-don't know why you are killing people, Elsa-san…"

"Huh?" She looked at him through her burning eyes.

"But I am kind of glad that you won't hurt anyone else!"

Holding her even tighter than before he held onto the dagger on her waist as stabbed her from back with dagger piercing himself as well.


A feeling of burning and feeling of dagger in his stomach...he died in embrace of a crazy killer.

Makoto Naegi died yet again.


Holy Shit, that was some intense chapter.

Reading through comments I saw a lot of people say that Makoto should be a lot luckier and I actually agree with all of you on this but the explanation on why he is dying will be revealed in the near future and I must say that it is a part of his good luck that he dies because it leads to a much more pleasant outcome for him. 

With that please leave a like, sub, vote and especially your beautiful comments~!
