Life but it's before The Break of Dawn?

Have you ever heard of the legend of Daedalus? As the story goes, it was his son, Icarus, who sought the skies but died. For such was the price a mortal had to pay to touch the heavens. Those who fly too high will fall. The wings of mortal men can only reach so high before they melt. In this world where the strongest ridicule all beings beneath them; those beings are called gods. These "gods" made the weak play for them in a game called life.

It is said that people were punished by getting trapped into endless suffering known as reincarnation. People who lived their life before tried to hide in despair but it was all fruitless. They were all trapped in the hands of "gods."

And not everyone agreed with this.

Eons ago, people here on earth waged war against the "gods". Humans, being a proud species, built a tower, hoping to climb the skies, screaming curses at the gods who mocked them from above. It was this tower, this Babel, which sent the Gods in such a rage that they sent plague after plague to cull the people of the world.

Celestial beings watched as the ants they stomped on got massacred, one city at a time. At the end of the war, when the people lost all hope, and the "gods" lost their will to fight, they agreed upon one thing.

The gods draw power from the belief and support of those who worship them. Their very existence is dependent on the people who believe and love them. In turn, the people depend on the gods for the graces and blessings they bestow upon their favored champions.

Realizing that they would die along with the beings they viewed as less than dirt if all those who worshipped them were to perish, they reluctantly called a stalemate and decided to rebuild all societies from zero.

One thing was certain, these so-called "gods" were not immortal. They die too. Because the lower beings knew this, a second war was waged against them. With the hopes to overthrow the hierarchy the lower beings tried to contact Hades, known as the God of Death.

Hades was not like the other gods. He was tired of managing the millions of lost souls that entered his realm. He also wanted the freedom that the other gods had. He was trapped underground, tasked to manage hell for all eternity.

And the Dark One wanted to get revenge. He knew that his brothers and sisters looked down on the humans, and would never suspect that they might plot to kill their benefactors.

Since Hades also hated how the rulers treated him, he agreed. As the lower beings were busy dividing and distracting the gods, Hades killed them off one by one. Rumor says that a single sweep from Hades' scythe can send you back and forth to hell a hundred times, and/or give you a taste of a hundred different deaths. By the time the last remaining gods realized what their brother was doing, it was too late. The mighty gods had fallen to the god they considered to be beneath them. But the deaths didn't stop there.

Hades had fixed his sights on every living being, whether God or not. After the last god was dead, Hades was betrayed by those he dealt with. He was killed by a weapon he gave to his champion. The Death's Touch.

The Death's Touch. The same blade Kronos used to cut down his father. A legendary blade, stained by the blood of the sky itself, was the legendary weapon Kronos used when the Gods warred amongst themselves. When Kronos was decapitated in the same fashion his father was before him, the scythe went to his son, Hades, who in turn used it to murder his fellow brethren.

This famous scythe, forged by the hands of the Elder Cyclopes, was known to have enormous power. But every weapon forged by those cursed creatures has its flaws. In exchange for power, a part of your soul will be consumed with every soul the scythe claims. Hence, its usage was rare; seldom did a brave soul come along who wanted to undergo the trials it puts its wielder in.

In Hades' final moments, he spread a curse among the lower beings.

The line he said goes, "You who do not fear the wrath of a god shall be damned." He yelled, like the humans he trusted plunged Celestial Gold into his still heart. "Your souls shall never find rest for the rest of your lives. Those of you down here shall be hunted. Famine. Death. Plagues. All the blessings that the gods have bestowed upon you will be taken from you. Curse you ungrateful creatures. All of you shall wander the land endlessly; waiting for satisfaction! Curse you, ungrateful creatures, for you will suffer and suffer, an undying endless pain-"

And it was at this moment the great heroes cut off his head. However, the celebrations of the humans were short-lived, as monsters of different kinds emerged from the pits of Tartarus, and from Hell itself to hunt them down. The fruits of the field rotted and wilted. The longer they sought shelter and refuge, the more painful life became.

Then one day, a Goddess appeared from the ground, calling out to the last remaining humans. A gentle rain poured on the land and for a moment people felt peace. She opened the heavens for the people once again and ended their pain.

"These children have suffered enough, are you happy now Hades?" She spoke in a motherly tone. "I am the True God, who has been with you as you suffered here. Gaia, God of the Earth, the True and Only God of Eternal Life. For as long as I watch over you, you shall find solace in Me."

She withdrew the curses from Hades and brought back the blessings of the land, the sea, and the sky. She gave all people the blessing to fight off beasts that haunt them. She gave them Magic, Mana, the Essence of the Gods who faded away. And she sealed away the Scythe, ensuring that bloodshed of the caliber unleashed by the Dark One would never be wrought about again.

And she fell into a deep slumber, and the humans went to explore the world they were given.

And such, the world I came to know was born again from square 1, no, from 0.
